Adelaide Desrosiers

Adelaide Desrosiers

New Member
Full Name:
- Adelaide Cherri Desrosiers

Date of Birth:
- March 3rd 2019

Current Age:
- 10

Basic Appearance:
- Thick, luscious, long blonde hair
- Deep brown, almond shaped eyes
- Booty Beauty Body Type
- Short: 4'5

- Adelaide is very artistic. She loves to paint, draw, and craft things. Adelaide is very creative.
Adelaide is an only child of an extremely wealthy family, and didn't have much contact with anyone outside her household, which has made her very shy.
Adelaide's parents kept her inside their Manor as soon as they found out she was magical. They were very ashamed of her and of the daughter they produced.

- Angelique [Labelle] Desrosiers: Mother
- Elliot Desrosiers: Father

- White Andalusian; Shimmer

Area of Residence:
- Saint-Cloud, Paris, France

Blood Status:
-Muggle Born

- French

Special Abilities:
- None known at the moment

Interests or Hobbies:
- Painting
- Drawing
- Arts and Crafts

Additional Skills:


- Socializing
- Writing

Describe your character in three words:
- Artsy. Quiet. Calm.

Favourite place to be:
- Lakeside.

Hogwarts House:

Hogwarts Hopes and Ambitions:

- 2037

Plans for your future:
- To become an Artist

Your Patronus:
- Rabbit - Shy and quiet. Bright and Alert. Good at reading people. Nurturing and kind.

Your Patronus memory:
- The first painting she was proud of.

Your Boggart:
- Loosing her fingers.

Your Animagus:
- Doe; Kind and lovable and open-minded.

Mirror of Erised:
- World Renown Artist
Hey Donna :)

I have a few questions for you:

1. Will her parents allow her to go to a wizarding school?
2. How does Adelaide feel about being magical?
3. How did her parents find out that she was magical?
4. What is her style like?
5. What is her favorite food?
6. What do her parents do for a living?
Hey Cyndi ^_^

1. Will her parents allow her to go to a wizarding school? Yes - They would be happy to get her out of the house for a good length of time. Adelaide won't be allowed home during the Christmas holidays - only during the summer.
2. How does Adelaide feel about being magical? Adelaide is confused about it. She likes that there is something unique about her, but hates that it makes her parents dislike her.
3. How did her parents find out that she was magical? They began to notice strange occurrences around her and investigated it. They had their suspicions, and they were confirmed when she received her Hogwarts Letter. They are sending her to New Zealand because it is very far from home.
4. What is her style like? Adelaide loves dresses, and flow-y things. She loves having curly hair/head bands ect. Very hippy-like.
5. What is her favorite food?Ice-cream
6. What do her parents do for a living?Her mother is a 'trophy-wife'. She stays home and looks after the Servants and Maids and goes shopping. Her father works in the House of Lords, where he, alongside other Lords, Makes Laws, Checks and Challenges the Government ect.

Thanks for the questions!

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