Adam Perry

Adam Perry

OOC First Name
The Basics
Character's Name: Adam Cole Perry
Character's Birthdate: November 13, 2020
Hometown: Salt Lake City, Utah, USA
Blood Status: Mixed blood
Wand: Soon to be acquired.
Hogwarts House: Gryffindor
Hair: Chopped short, black in color
Eyes: Ice blue, with deep blue highlights
Height: 5 feet
Style: Careless
Other Distinguishing Features: Adam has a scar running in the inside of his left forearm, which he received from surgery fixing a broken arm.
A Little Deeper
Personality: Adam is carefree. He tries to stay out of trouble but, it usually finds him with his sharp tongue. He also tends to run into people.
History: Adam's parents are both magical. His biological mother left when Adam was around the age of two, because she learned that his father was in another relationship with Adams soon to be step-mother. Adam does not care much about his biological mother because he has his step-mother that has been there.
Adam enjoys playing his red worn electric guitar, Cherry. He plays popular songs, as well as sings along to them. He also draws, he enjoys copying from pictures rather than creating them.
Adam was born in the Midwest United States. When he was nine years old, his father was offered a job in New Zealand. The family relocated to the country. Adam attended muggle schooling leading until his first year at Hogwarts. His best friends are his two dachshund dogs, T-Bone and Porkchop.

Actor Used For Character: Dylan Minnette

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