Ada Beatrix James

Ada James

Curly 9 1/2 Inch Unyielding Poplar Wand with Essence of Belladonna Core,
Ada Beatrix James​

<COLOR color="mediumblue">Name - Ada Beatrix James
Etymology - Ada means noble, nobility. Her middle name Beatrix means, she who brings happiness. The last name James is a old, common last name that means heel.
Birthdate - Ada was born on the eleventh of April, 2026. She was born in the presence of her mother, and grandparents, at home.
Age - Currently Ada is eleven years old.
Zodiac Sign - Aries, common traits within Aries are: determination, loyalty, and ambition.
Gemstone - Ada was born in April, April's gemstone is the diamond.
Hometown - Ada was born in Capetown, South Africa. She lives with her mother, and grandmother, in a large two story house. She has lived there her whole life and is very comfortable in her living situation.
Heritage - Ada's mother is French, and South African. Her father is a surrogate, as a result, she knows nothing about him and his heritage.
Likes - Ada likes being outside, the fresh air makes her feel more at peace, she is more herself. Knitting, Ada is a natural knitter, she is almost always wearing a knit creation that she made herself. Rugby, Ada played on her school's rugby team. She was captain, and enjoyed the leadership aspects of being a team leader.
Dislikes - Ada dislikes baking, the cent is much too sweet for her, and eating too many cookies causes her to get extreme stomach aches. Another major dislike is watching happy families, it makes her realize how broken and unusual her own is.
Blood Status - Ada is a half-blood. Her mother is magical, her father is unknown.
Blood Type - Ada has O+ blood, this is the most common blood types among Caucasian citizens.
Hogwarts House - Ravenclaw
Sorting Post - " Ada James had been waiting for this day, ever since her mother told her she was of magical blood all Ada could think of was Hogwarts. She stood in the middle of the action, all the other first years in a chaotic flurry around her. Cautiously waiting, not wanting to get into other students way, she stood as still as a statue. Ada still couldn't believe that she was at Hogwarts, and that her new life was finally starting. She couldn't help but to reminisce in that moment, thinking back to all the stories her mum had told her. Ada was at last where she had always wanted to be. She wondered how Bruno, her cat, was doing; if he was okay with all of her bags. he could hear laughter and the excited chatter of the students in the Great Hall, suddenly becoming over anxious to join them. Ada's attention shifted over when she saw that the painting on the walls moved, and talked. It was the most beautiful, yet absurd thing she has ever seen in her life. She couldn't take her eyes off these strange, lively paintings. Ada must have spaced out because before she knew it, Professor Davershire (as she would later introduce herself) came to take them into the hall.

The first thing Ada noticed was the smell, it was to blissful, and how much it made her mouth water. It smelled exactly like Christmas, potentially even better. Next, came the students, the population was sup rising. All these students were magical just like she was, and yet, she had never heard of magic until she was eight years old. Following the clump of first years, Ada couldn't contain her squeals of glee. It wasn't like her to do such a thing, but, she felt it wasn't an inappropriate decision. She waited in line as they went down the list: alphabetical, by last name. 'James isn't to far down' she thought to herself. Hearing the hat call out the different house names made her nervous, yet excited all at once.

"James, Ada"

Hearing her name being called, Ada almost forgot how to walk. She staggered forward, fixing her tie and straightening her blouse all of a sudden being the center of attention. Ada did not mind this, but, it was more than individual attention from multiple people than she had ever had before. Pulling herself together, she confidently walked the last stretch and lowered herself gently onto the stool. Closing her eyes, she said nothing, and thought
nothing. "You'll do well in Ravenclaw!"
Boggart - Ada's boggart is her mother telling her she doesn't love her, that she is unlovable. Her father never tried to make contact with Ada which causes her to think she wasn't important enough for love, attention, and a male role model in her life. Loosing her mother's love would be too much to handle, and cause her to confirm her suspicions about her father.
Wand- Curly9 1/2 Inch Unyielding Poplar Wand with Essence of Belladonna Core
Length: On the shorter side of things, this wand offers excellent control and aim - easily an extension of one's own arm.
Style: Great care was taken in crafting this wand's wood to spiral to its point, giving it a beautiful aesthetic quality.
Wood: 'If you seek integrity, search first among the poplars' - this saying reveals much of the character of this wandwood and the magical folk that it chooses.
Core: As a wand core, essence of belladonna is useful in Potions and Herbology work. The poisonous nature of this substance makes the wand more suspicious than most wands are of the wand caster. For this reason, wands with this core take a long time to bond with the wand caster.
Flexibility: Unyielding: A wand which takes a special skill and determination to master; but once mastered its spells leave an unforgettable impression.
Patronus - Ada's patronus is a sea otter, though she does not know this yet.
Playby - Lauren Mayberry
Hair - Ada's natural hair is in a feathery bob cut. It is a medium brown in color, and is thin, but dense. Ada usually keeps it under a hand knit beanie of some sorts.
Eyes - Ada's eyes are her favorite feature. They are a dark cinnamon drown colour, and reflect golden streaks when the sun hits them properly. Hey eyes are also very large, and round.
Smile - Ada has a cute little smile, is usually appears at a witty/lame joke, or when somebody complements her without warning.
Personal Thoughts - Ada thinks that she is pretty, but not gorgeous. She thinks she generally looks like a pixie, being short (4ft10in) with a slim build.
Style - Ada wears alot of grey and red. Those are her two favorite colors together, and they suit her complexion and hair/eye colors very nicely. She is a leggings and a sweater kind of gal, with a chunky knit scarf and knitted toque as well.
<B>Pt. 2

Personality: Ada is outgoing, humorous, and gentle. She loves the arts, and history. Ada has always been able to identify with other people really easily, and she uses that to her advantage. Ada is desperate for love and attention, being a only child, and a mother that is eager to please has made Ada a tad spoiled. She loves cats and historical fiction, her true passion is knitting, she loves to be able to accomplish things. She is extremely ambitious.
Special Talents/Abilities: Ada is extremely crafty. She loves to do things with her hands, and creating tings with purpose.
History: Ada was born to Valerie James, in Capetown, South Africa. She is an only child, and has no connection to her father, or any of his family. She has lived in the same house her whole life, and grew up happily with her mother and grandparents. Her grandparents always spoiled her, and made her feel like the luckiest girl in the world. Ada's favorite person in the world was her grandfather.

Ada grew up happily, and was always a cheerful child. She always did what she was told and did it politely. All through her childhood Ada has struggled with feeling loved. Her father (surrogate) never tried to make contact with her, and Valerie never spoke about him, a part of Ada feels abandoned by this man she doesn't know, and she is afraid her mother will do the same.

Her whole life, Ada has always been a bit on the quiet side, she enjoys doing activities by herself the most, and her cat Bruno is her best friend. She likes water painting, knitting, and playing rugby. She is not a very rough soul, so rugby lets her be someone she isn't. Her mother is extremely competitive, and has always pushed Ada to do team sports. Overall, this has made Ada even less competitive.

Ada was so excited when her letter to Hogwarts came, she is finally able to have friends of her choice, and do the activities she wants. Nobody will know who she is, heck, she could be a loud, prankster is she wanted. All these opportunities are a little overwhelming, though, and she worries about fitting in, and having friends.

Grandmother: Edith James (Holmes)
- Muggle
- Painter
- Spoils Ada and her daughter, loves nature and painting. Willowy white hair, and bright blue eyes. 5ft3in.
Grandfather: Ewen James
- Author
- Deceased
Mother: Valerie James
- Muggleborn
- Primary teacher
- Valerie is eager to please, strict, and has high standards. She has blonde curly hair and large dark brown eyes. She is 5ft5in, and 134 lbs. She is Ada's only parent.

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