Actually Know You

Vader Hume

class of 2053; nervous; professional photographer
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Curved 14" Flexible Spruce Wand with Vampire Blood Core
10/2034 (27)
Vader knew the next name on his list, he knew Zoe. Well, he knew of her. She was the editor of Accio and the final say on if he would be joining the team when the girl who'd picked him left. He had asked a few people where he might find her and had eventually been pointed into the student lounge, where Vader spotted her easily. He approached her, "Zoe?" he asked her, a hint of nervousness in his voice. He didn't want to embarrass himself in front of this girl, "You got a moment?"
Zoe looked forward to the dance ahead, knowing that she would be sharing it with her girlfriend. She was reading a book, relaxing a bit before working on her pages that she needed to do. She heard her name and glanced up to see the intern. She smiled toward Vader. "Hey Vader! What's up?" He seemed nervous, so she wondered what was going on.
Vader smiled at the girl a little but near visibly cringed at the sound of his own name. He glanced about a bit hoping no one else had heard it before he looked back at the girl, "I have a rose for you," the boy was already from within his bucket of roses producing the one that was for her, with the note also in his hand, looking somewhat awkward as he held both out to her.

The best editor in chief award goes to you! Thanks for always putting up with my questions, I'm so happy to work on accio with you and the rest of the team!

Nixon xoxo
Zoe reached up and took the rose and note, and opened it to see that it was from Nixon. That was sweet. She should do something for the Accio! group, when she could. "Thank you. Hope you have been enjoying the school so far."

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