Across the Tasman

Emmeline Casey

Active Member
A pretty cool one that hopefully works well.
Emma paced her room, waiting for the phone to ring. "C'mon, call already." she moaned, flopping face-forward onto her bed. Dad had tried to make her room in New Zealand as much like the one back home, but it wasn't the same. The colours were too dim and the view was different. Back home in Australia, Emma's view had been the sand and the ocean, here it was a road. The blonde girl was bored out of her mind, and there was nothing she could do about it. The conversation from not so long ago with her parents replayed over and over in Emma's mind

"Honey, your father and I talked about this, and we both think it's better if you go to New Zealand." Emma looked at her mother in shock. "No! Mom, I wanna stay with you!" Emma cried. "No, Em. You have to continue your education, I can't teach you magic." Her mother had smiled at that. Emma had started screaming and yelling then. "I don't wanna be a witch, I wanna stay here!" Emma yelled, running from the room.

Emma rolled over to her back and stared at a spot on the ceiling. "Huh, no splatter of paint." she muttered. "No Alexis either." Emma frowned, standing up. "And, Kimberly is gone too. Perfect." she said, walking over to the load of cardboard boxes that contained her stuff. Emma hadn't unpacked, she didn't want to face the facts: this was her home now. Her muggle sister, Kimberly, was a right pain in the neck, but Emma was starting to miss the ten-year-old. She missed her best friend, Alexis more. Alexis was the same age as Emma, twelve, and was also a witch.

"Emz, Don't worry, I'll email you every day, promise!" Alexis had said. "Lex, I dunno. Cassie said that too." Cassie had been Emma's other best friend, before she moved away. Cassie had emailed Emma and Alexis for a few weeks, the emails got shorter and shorter, than stopped altogether. "Yes, well. Cassie was never good with technology." Alexis had never liked Cassie, she was jealous of Emma having two best friends.

The phone began to ring, and dived onto her bed. She reached for her cellphone, and grinned. "Emma here." she said into the phone. "E, hey! It's Lexi." Alexis said. "Oh... Hey Lex." Emma said, trying to hide her dissapointment. "What's up?" Emma had thought her mother was going to call soon, apparently not. "Oh my gosh, you'll never guess!" Alexis squealed on the other end of the line. "Hmm, everyone in the whole city turned into a pumpkin?" Emma smirked. "Ha-ha, hilarious. No, Cassie's back!" Alexis said joyfully.

Emma felt her heart sinking, with her gone and Cassie back, Alexis would lose touch with her. Emma didn't want to be alone in a new country. "E? You still there?" Alexis asked. "Mm-hm, I'm here. Wow. Cassie... That's great Lex!" Emma said with false cheerfullness, but Alexis didn't notice. "I know, right? Uh, I have to go... My parents want me off the phone." Alexis lied unconvincingly. Emma wasn't in the mood to argue, she could hear someone saying 'Who you talkin' to, Lexis?' in the background, and Alexis answering 'It's nobody, Cass'.

Something was banging in the hallway. "Angus! Stop it!" Emma shouted, throwing her phone down on the pillows. She got up and opened her door. "Keep the noise down!" she hissed at her older brother. Angus was one year her elder, and looked a lot like her. Same blonde hair and blue eyes, same slight build. "Mind you own." Angus smirked. "Ugh!" Emma groaned, slamming the door and whirling around. Emma sat on her bed, thinking. "I have to get out of here.." she stated, standing up.

It was February, and it was Summertime. To Emma, this was not Summer, this was Autumn or Winter. It was certainly cold enough. All her clothes were for very warm days, not this pathetic excuse for Summer. Emma looked at her clothes: a white spaghetti strap top and blue denim jeans. She threw on a light blue jacket that was lying under her bed, and went over to the boxes.

Emma rummaged through one of the boxes, and found a pad of paper and a pen. She jumped onto her bed, and scrawled a note. 'Going to Brightstone, don't worry. I'll be back before dinner. xxx, E' the note said, and Emma left it on her bed. The house in New Zealand was more of an apartment, or a loft. Emma's room had a fire escape, and stairs leading to the bottom of the building. Emma, her dad and her brother lived on the third floor of the building, so it wasn't hard for Emma to open the window and climb down to the bottom. Literally climb, she didn't like using stairs. Instead Emma pulled herself along using the handrails.

Emma headed for Brightstone, about a mile away from her house. She had only been here once before, and her dad had taken her there with side-along apperation. Emma preffered walking. Emma reached Brightstone, and sat on a bench, just thinking. "Mom's dumped me, Lex ditched me for Cassie, and I'm stuck at home for half a year with my dad and evil brother then being sent off to boarding school." she said to herself. "Can my life get any worse?" she muttered sarcasticly.

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