Accidents Happen

Yiwen Marionetta

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Yiwen had recently decided sunlight improved her writing and processing skills, so rather than dragging herself to the towers to write her sister back, she took Zero's letter outside with her and responded while seated in the courtyard. Once the parchment was satisfactory, Yiwen made her way inside, quietly reading the letter back to herself. She had never understood why it was Zed was so intrigued by blood status. But the blonde read her letter describing the friends she had made. "No muggle born friends currently, I know you wouldn't want me bringing... them into the house." She made a mental note to correct it. "And yes Cyril is pureblood..." she continued to read slowly, every word double and triple checked as she walked. Had Yiwen looked up she would have seen the girl coming toward her and not smacked shoulders with her. Upon running into her though, Yiwen looked up, processing the best way to apologize. "A-sorry was reading." She spoke, hoping this student hadn't heard her letter. It wasn't private but it still wasn't information she wanted in the open - after all she wasn't fully a supremacist, she was only raised to be as such.

Daphne couldn't believe she was only in her third year. Her classmates had droned on continuously about their classes now that electives were in play, and the Gryffindor couldn't understand why they didn't give up them up if they hated them so much. Although Daphne didn't want to be at the castle, she'd promised her dad that she'd at least not get herself into trouble, and would try to get along with the magical aspects of a world she'd been born into. She'd never even wanted to come to this stupid school, and now that she'd spent three years away from her "friends", they ignored her correspondence and she missed the sleepovers she'd once enjoyed most weekends. She'd convinced herself she didn't need them. Or her family that had forced her to stay here. She was doing the bare minimum in class that she could get away with without causing a scene, and after a particularly boring Potions lesson, Daphne had emerged from the dungeons feeling sick, dirty and as though she'd just wasted an hour of her life. She marched crossly back towards her common room, but it wasn't long before she spotted another lone student, reading aloud and in her direction. It didn't take much to overhear her words, and Daphne scoffed loudly, not that it made any difference. She was so engrossed in dismissing blood status's, something that Daphne had noticed many students at the school with this trait, that the brunette purposely shoved into her arm as they crossed paths. She turned when she was spoken to, a sickly sweet smile on her face "Oh really? I had no idea," she replied, her tone dripping with sarcasm. Glad that she'd knock her concentration, maybe she could knock some sense into her too, not that anyone ever bothered to listen to her. "Wouldn't want to be interrupted by a dirty mudblood would you? Best wipe off my germs before you end up contaminated!" she shouted the last part of her sentence, angry that she'd been told that people didn't want to hear her opinions, and tired that she needed to stay back.
Yiwen was completely caught off guard when the girl sneered a sentence at her, referring to herself as a mudblood. Her crystalline eyes widened and she looked from her letter to the girl. "I didn't mean to... run into you or for you to hear my letter." She spoke, her voice gentle. "But my opinions on lesser blood and my letter is private." She whispered not making eye contact. This was the most outward she'd ever been with anyone, and her adrenaline raced. This girl had yelled at her, and it startled Yiwen. However she knew better than to back down. Her sister told her she'd be treated as garbage if that was the case - and Yiwen did not want that.
Daphne frowned, giving the girl a quizzical look as though whether or not she'd intended for her to hear was the real problem she was having. "Are you serious?" she asked, not waiting for answer before jumping into another argument, "You know what, nevermind. People like you never change. The only thing you think about when you look at people is whether they're "Pure", and the irony of it all is that you're probably the reason that even those who want to learn magic, are so afraid of stepping out of line in case you judge them, that they dilute it even more." Daphne hadn't realised quite how fuming she was, all the thoughts from the last few years expelling themselves from her mouth at the poor girl in front of her. The Gryffindor was so blinded by her own rage she didn't even register that the older student looked slightly remorseful, barely meeting her gaze, but taking that as a sign that Daphne wasn't deserving of her attention, it took her no time or thought at all to strip the letter from the students hands, crumpling it up between her own perfectly manicured fingers. "It's so, useless," she yelled, throwing the letter across the corridor with her ending syllable. She would have made an excellent Chaser if she cared for the sport, or any type of magic at all.
Yiwen was appalled and struggled not to give up the letter she had so carefully written. As someone who struggled with words things took time. Yiwen scrunched up her face at the girl. Yiwen watched the paper, fists clenched. Fine this girl wanted to stir her up? It worked. "Bi***." She muttered, shoving purposely past the girl to grab her letter. "This is why Purebloods don't like your kind." she remarked, unfurling the paper, hoping that she'd be able to transfer it to another sheet. Maybe she knew a spell? Yiwen grabbed st her bag for her wand, no longer paying attention to the girl in front of her.
"My kind?!" Daphne shouted back at the girl, as though that was even worse than calling her a typical swear word. She'd heard it before but what she didn't appreciate, was her classifying her into a neat little package that she'd be able to discard with everyone else who wasn't worth her time. For all this girl knew, she could be a Pureblood herself, but just because she was defending her atrocious and discriminating behaviour that made her something else. Daphne's brown eyes followed the girl as she tried to leave the situation, clearly she'd learnt nothing in the last few moments of their interactions, and she didn't care that she had such a distorted view of the world. People like her were never going to accept anyone else for who they were, and would spend their lives rejecting anyone that didn't fit their idea of what was right. Daphne marched over to the girl, fully intending on leaving her to her unsatisfactory and most likely boring life, but not before she threw her weight into her small but strong arms, shoving the older girl so hard that she even shocked herself.
When Yiwen wasn't given time to think she often said things she didn't understand, or spoke too quickly to explain. She preferred writing for that reason. Yiwen wanted away from this shrieking, screaming woman but she couldn't fast enough. Whilst her head was still down the girl gave her a rough shove, and Yiwen tumbled backwards caught off guard. Her bag landed behind her, and Yiwen on top of it. Beneath her was the crack of an inkwell, and something sturdier. For a moment the blonde laid on her back with eyes closed, convinced the other crack was a bone. However she was in no pain, and rolled to her side to stand. The ink had soaked her back and come trough into her uniform. Her school books were tarnished, and Yiwen dumped everything out in hopes of salvaging it. The last item though to bounce onto the ground was a piece of wood, half of the intricate wand she'd bought before starting. "My wand..." She muttered, tears flossing over her eyes. "This is as what I was talking about. You... bullies. Your kind!" She shouted. She hadn't meant a muggleborn or mixed blood, bullies. She did not like bullies, neither did her sister or her friends that were pure. You did not treat someone poorly simply on a will.
Jon was making his way from the school grounds, to his office, reaching the home stretch of the first floor corridor when the sound of a student shouting caused him to pause his steps. Shouting in the halls was not something he heard often so he found it alarming and quickly turned in the direction the noise was coming from so he could walk towards it. As he rounded a nearby corner he saw two girls, an ink puddle on the stone floor and what could only be one half of a wand next to it. Shocked at the sight, Jon could not help but take a moment to let it all sink in. When he regained some sense of what he was supposed to do he looked from the floor and between the two girls, squaring his shoulders as he spoke, attempting to get an explanation for the sight in front of him and the shouting he overheard that lead him to the scene in the first place. "Tell me what's going on, now." He said sternly, hoping that the girls would tell him the truth of what happened. There was only so much he could assume from the sight before him.
Daphne froze on the spot as the older girl fell to the ground, the dull crack of something quickly caused Daphne to feel as though all the blood was fleeing from her face. She hadn't meant to break any bones, and the third year sighed in relief to see a dark liquid that was definitely not blood, appear on the girls bag. Her hands flew up to her face when her wand fell out her bag in two pieces, but not out of shock. Beginning to laugh, she thought it was a perfect metaphor for someone like her, who thought magic was the most important thing in the world. Perhaps now she'd get to experience being normal for a change. Daphne's laughing quickly subsided though when a Professor came round the corner. She knew how this looked, and there was no way she was going to get away with it, not that she cared or particularly wanted to. So many students in the school was silenced by people like her, and someone had to do something. "If there is any respect in this school for anyone who isn't a pureblood, it needs to be made much clearer." The anger returned to the Gryffindor, looking between the older girl and the Professor. Maybe this was her way out and she'd finally be expelled anyway. "I pushed you, and you fell over. It's not my fault about your stupid wand." she said directed at the girl covered in ink. "You deserve it to be broken," Daphne spat, not caring what anyone passing by was thinking of her.
Yiwen sat in the puddle of ink on the floor and glanced around for the second piece of her wand. It had rolled away and when she found it she felt her heart break. It was official that it was gone, how could she ever use it again without it turning to disaster. Puddles of tears streamed down her face, and she listened to the girl who proclaimed that she deserved to have her wand broken. "I didn't do anything to you!" She insisted. "You overheard a private letter that's not my fault." She whispered, her voice so quiet that if someone wasn't intentionally listening they wouldn't know she was talking to them. Yiwen sobbed, trying to separate papers from each other, hoping the ink didn't ruin everything. Her bag and her skirt were most likely beyond repair, her wand as well. She looked at the professor. "I should have called her a b***h. I know saying she started it isn't an excuse." She remarked, looking at the floor.
The girls continued to bicker and Jon continued to look between them, keeping his stern expression realizing that getting a reasonable and honest explanation was not going to be easy. Jon again looked back to the floor where the girl's broken wand lay. He sighed before speaking again, not knowing how else to deal with the situation other than bring each girl to their respective heads of house. Dealing with a fight was one thing, but dealing with a student's broken wand was on an entirely different level so it only seemed appropriate to bring the girl to someone that would be able to deal with the situation properly. "That's enough. I'm bringing both of you to your heads of houses. Follow me." He practically demanded, making sure both girls were following him before heading towards professor Weasley's office.

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