Accidental Glittering

Sapphire Michaels

Clever- Mischievous- Snarky- Photographer
OOC First Name
Jess S
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
It's Complicated
Sexual Orientation
Who Cares?
Pear Wood, Unicorn hair core, 14 inches
12/23/2033 (27)
Sapphire lay in wait outside the Gryffindor common room. she knew Alkander would be by this way any minute now. He had started this war, and she intended to finish it. Normally her pranks were a bit more random, but she had found a fast friend in the dark haired boy and couldn't help but find herself strangely fascinated with him. She hadn't had a friend her age before.

So, here she stood, hidden away out of sight with a string in her hands and a bucket of dark green glitter. She waited impatiently for him to wonder by. He almost always took this route, and unless he found a new passage since yesterday he wouldn't have any reason not to be by. Sapph bit her lower lip, wondering if maybe her placement was off. She was so worried she didn't hear the single pair of footsteps until they had almost come upon her.

Not having time to look, she released the string and jumped out, yelling. "You really are a salamander now, you-!" She froze in place. It wasn't Alkander under that bucket. It was a tall, much older girl. Normally, this is where Sapphire would run, but she was frozen in shock and slight fear. She hadn't ever accidentally gotten someone before. Her pranks were well thought out and played out meticulously.

Saph stood there, eyes wide. "Uh, um, you... you aren't... Alkander..." She managed weakly.
Merrill yawned as she exited her potions class. She had been up late the night before trying to finish up all the homework she had left to the last minute. They really weren't holding back this year. It's not my fault. We have quidditch practise almost every night. Merrill told herself as she stuffed this weeks homework into the bottom of her backpack. She would do it later. Right now all she wanted to do was lounge in front of the common room fire for a quick cat nap before dinner.

Merrill was just coming up on her common room When all of a sudden someone was yelling about a salamander, and all she could see was a green glittery haze. The teenager tried to shout, but instead her mouth also got filled with the glitter. Merrill managed to cough it out, and get the glitter out of her eyes so she could figure out what was going on. In front of her was a younger girl, probably a first year. Merrill was about to get mad when she saw just how terrified the first year looked. She chuckled, and shook her head. "It's alright, kid." Merrill told her, "It would have been a really good prank on the right target." The girl pulled out her wand, and cast Scourgify to clean herself off. Seeing an opportunity she changed her wand direction at the last moment, and sprayed the first year with bubbles. "Haha got you back!" She called out.
Sapphire physically relaxed a bit when the girl complimented her. Saph rubbed her head. "Yeah, sorry, I-" It was at that moment that Sapphire was assaulted with bubbles. She scrunched up her face until the bubbles stopped and the girl yelled a triumphant "got you back!"

Saph wiped her face, smiling brilliantly. She'd smiled more here at Hogwarts than she ever had at home. She looked up at the girl with admiration. "You have GOT to teach me that trick,"

Saph reached into the pocket of her robe and pulled out a sucker. She held it out to the older girl. "I'm Sapphire Michaels. First year Slytherin. I do apologize for the glitter, it was meant for someone else."
Merrill was happy to see the younger girl relax a little. Hogwarts could be really intimidating for the first couple of months. At least she seemed to be enjoying herself. "Well it's a second year spell so it might be a little advanced, but there's no harm in trying." Merrill explained. Some people just had natural talent when it came to charms so you can never know what people are capable of. Satisfied that she had her payback Merrill cast the spell again to actually clean herself off this time. Of course with glitter it was never a one, and done. She would no doubt be finding glitter in her hair for weeks. Merrill happily took the sucker the girl offered, and popped it into her mouth. While she had calmed down on the candy since coming to school she still loved it, and probably ate more than she should. "Merrill Piper, Gryffindor 5th year. It's no problem. If you were really brave enough to prank an older student you didn't know you would no doubt be in Gryffindor." Merrill teased.

Sapphire considered what Merrill said a moment, before shrugging her shoulders. "Perhaps, but pranks are more of a weapon. Normally I use them to get payback on bullies and idiots, though this time I was just after a friend who started a war he can't win." Sapph grinned. "Besides, if I was in Gryffindor how would I be able to listen in on all the angsty familial drama that resides in the Slytherin dorms?"

Sapph couldn't help but poke a little fun at her house. Sometimes she wondered if the real quality you needed to be in Slytherin was flair and being overdramatic. She did wonder briefly what that said about her.
Merrill burst into laughter when Sapphire mentioned angsty drama from the Slytherins. This kid was definitely going places. She of course had her share of family drama, but Slytherin house just seemed to ooze the stuff. "Well if you ever need someone to cast a few advanced spells you can come to me. It sounds like fun." She told the girl in response to her prank war. It was the kind of thing she had always wanted to take part in when she pictured school as a kid, but never managed to take part in.
Sapph smiled brightly at the older girl. "I really appreciate that. You're super nice for someone who got pranked."

Looking back on it, what came out of her mouth next was probably something she should've kept to herself, but if Sapphire Michaels stopped to think before she talked then she just wouldn't be herself. She stuck her hands in her coat pockets. "I always figured families were a hassle anyway, but I bet you would make a great sister or something." She was, of course, referring to herself, but Sapph wouldn't admit that. She'd always wanted a sister and Merrill seemed like a good fit.

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