Absolutely Everybody

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Izaak Finch

Well-Known Member
so hey guys, here's a basic plot page for all of my *counts on fingers* ... four characters! it would be
most amazing if you thought your charries would work well with mine, either or all of them is entirely
up to you. i do ask that you are able to post at least two decent paragraphs though because i need
longer posts to keep mine completely up to scratch. but other than that, i’m open to really anything

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brody elijah flynn,
brody here is as new as they come for me. he's essentially a blank canvas at the moment, i haven’t
really begun to develop him but so far i’ve got a few things down. he's an aspiring photographer in
amongst the bustle of new york city and has recently managed to squeeze some of his work into a
contemporary photography exhibition in one of the city’s famed galleries. as a muggle, he’s fast into
the ‘indie’ scene and with his two best friends behind him, it’s almost as if he has the entire world at
his feet, were it not for the tight pocket he’s living on. to sum it up brody’s a fun-loving, song-writing,
photographing guy who i’m sure will take a real shine to the women and them to him. i’m looking for
anything and everything for brody! that is friends, flings, finals, whatever you feel like throwing at me


indianna grace lee,
indi is my beauxbatons girl, hopeful transfer for next year, and is my only active student character.
she comes from a dysfunctional family of which her parents are now divorced and it was her father
and his abusive personality that left her so timid and fearful, especially around males. she's rather
anti-social and her lack of fluency in the french language has only made things worse. thought that
aside, she’s a free spirit who enjoys exercising her creativity in sketching and playing her guitar. ok,
now indi is all set for romance, though a boy taking an interest in her and her awkward rejection of
him would make for a cute one-off. otherwise friends would be great and i wouldn’t mind having her
a mentor or an “older sister” of sorts. even bullies or popular girls that would like to take a snap at
her would be fun. but as of course, i am open for suggestions so go ahead and post what you will.


izaak jay finch,
so i’m fairly sure that everybody knows izaak’s dealio now, yeah? if not, just a brief description. well
he’s twentyone, he works as a lifeguard on bondi beach in sydney, australia and lives out a muggle
lifestyle in a house not far from the beach with his currently pregnant fiancée, alexis marie richarde.
all in all he’s a fairly cool guy, he can make friends with just about anybody and although he used to
have quite a reputation as a womanizer, he’s a complete sweetheart. romance is off the market, but
i’m open to friends, any sex and within a reasonable age, and enemies if you can think of a reason
for someone to hate him. if you’ve got any awesome ideas for my baby, feel free to shout them out.


leah samantha finch,
and lastly we have poor leah here who i’ve pretty much neglected apart from necessary plots. It’s a
pity cause she’s a pretty great character. but anyway she’s izaak’s older sister, mentor, role model
and all that jazz, as well as his fiancée’s best friend so they’re all pretty tight knit. she was the very
person who started izaak on the whole idea of doing things the muggle way and so of course, she
too is quite anti-magic, save for the fact that her fiancé coaches a quidditch team. leah is a strong
young woman who has juggled the burden of being a single mother to her seven year old jay, and
then recently a second son gabriel, for many years before she met fletcher, plus she owns and runs
her own floristry business in bondi. she pretty much runs on a parallel with izaak’s personality, the
very same social, ever-happy kind. so she also is up for anything but romance, i’ve got that sorted.

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template & graphics by me
Noemi here could be a fling for Brody?
She is flirty and spontaneous. She does whatever she feels like and is fun loving. At the moment she likes someone but their relationship is complicated (She just got invited to his wedding) so she doesn't let her feelings for him stop her living her life. She is a bit of a get around so they wouldn't be exclusive.
I can offer Riley for both Izaak and Leah as a friend.

Riley is a nice guy who loves to be around people. He is good at talking and making conversations with people he doesnt and with people he knows. He likes to have nights out and have a laughed with friends. He is a shopkeeper and Professor also as he has his dads money after he died he is quite wealthy but would not boast about it in anyway. He likes people to like him for who he is and not what he has. Riley makes friends easily and likes to keep them close.

I can write quite a bit in RP's if needed and i can definitely write two paragraph or more
Nevermind just read your pm :p

But Alianne could definitely be friends with Leah since she is already friends with Izaak.
Okay soooooo I also have Katheryn Kingsley. She is currently dating Jacob Holland but he is not her final. She is a shy, sweet girl who trusts everyone. Kat refuses to think badly of anyone she cares for. When she graduates, she is moving to New York City to pursue a career on Broadway since that has always been her dream. She could be a friend, girlfriend or final for Brody. I'm completely open to ideas :p
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brody & noemi,
this could be pretty cool, a one off topic yes? just a little bit of fun? i will be a bit busy for the rest of
the week but perhaps if you’d like to start a topic up, i will post his reply as soon as i possibly can?

izaak & riley,
ok so for these two, i’m sure they’d be friends at first. but i’ve read a bit of riley’s stuff and i actually
think that izaak would be fairly critical of the whole getting around thing (especially since he knows
adele). he used to be sort of the same and it would be a little hypocritical of him but i don’t think he
would like riley at all for it. so that could be a good plot for them? unless you have any other ideas.

leah & alianne,
hehe, i like this kait. taking our plot into consideration too, i think they will have to meet some time
eventually. as mentioned, she’s pretty much exactly like izaak so i’m sure they’d get along famously.
perhaps they could meet after what happens, happens if you catch my drift XD i’m sure leah would
be extremely grateful for all that aly would have done. so that’s most definitely a future topic in mind.

brody & katheryn,
a broadway way actress i think would be right down his alley. perhaps we could rp them to see how
they work together. i don’t want him to settle down at the moment, but maybe they could date for a
little while or meet at a party one night and if everything seems cute and all that jazz i suppose they
could eventually end up as finals? i don’t know, we’ll see when she’s all singled up yeah?

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Yeah I agree. I don't want Kat settling down for awhile. Jake is going to leave her heartbroken. So she will be pretty upset for awhile with that break up. I think that they would probably make a cute final couple. Maybe they could meet when Katheryn lands her first broadway role? He could be doing a promotional photoshoot for her broadway show. (I'm thinking it will be the Little Mermaid ^_^ ) They could be friends first and then after she and Jake break up, Brody could be there for her and maybe ask her out on a date after a respectable amount of time?
Hehe our plot is great and Leah should just fit right into it. We will just have to put that on hold for now though she can be friends with Kiera if you want.
Well Riley is trying to be more loyal to Adele although he isnt doing a god job of it yet however it isnt usually the sort of thing that he boast's about to people he just meets. I do think that it is a good plot though.
Or as you said that Izaak used to be kind of the same maybe he could try and help him out, make him see that he should only be with on girl. Kind of like a mentor, as Riley has never really had anyone to look up to he hasnt had a role model so maybe Izaak could be like that
I have a seventh year Durmstrang, Sienna Rivoira who could be a mentor to Indi? She loves music as well, and plays guitar. :D Let me know if you need more info.
I'm up for a Ioan/Izaak rp if you are :r
They always have so much fun together ;) xD
Okay here I am lol j/k...

I have eric as my main character. Eric is a funny loving guy who loves to hang out with friends party and overall have a good time. I always warn those I rp with that eric is gay not that it plays a huge party other than the fact that he does not date women. Around the ladies eric is charming and flirtaous but that is his way of flattering his female firends, around the fellas he is a typical guy and can talk about everything from sports cars. In no way is he fluffy or flamboyant and so that should not be a problem.

I would be interested in a friendship with brody or Izaak as I am desperate for a few guy friends. For brody, Eric has lived in New york with his mom when he was not at school or with his grandpa, and since heused to model for elizabeth wang (who I also play) a famed fashion designer for both muggles and magical folks alike they could either have been friends growinng up or met on the job. As for Izaak I do not know how they would have been friends and so maybe they can become friends?
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indianna & vanessa,
okay so to be honest, with my school work load i don't know if i can dedicate to another brightstone
rp. we might get around to it, we’ll see. but i’m hoping that indianna will be at hogwarts in the next
IC semester. she will probably be a ‘puff or a ‘claw, so that would work out well for the both of them.

brody & katheryn,
eee, this sounds cute and it ties in really well too! so i'm definitely up for this when she does get to
broadway. re: leah & kiera as well, i’m sure they would have heard about each other through alexis
seeing as leah is her best friend so this is definitely a possibility, maybe she could tell her about the
baby or something? i don’t exactly know, just random ideas. but looking forward to aly & leah too :)

izaak & riley,
ooh, izaak could so be his mentor! but he'll still be really pissed at first i think if he finds out, which i
am sure will be fairly interesting. totally up for that. if you wanted to start an rp i will get around to it
sometime after i get on top of schoolwork and such.

indianna & sienna,
just wondering about her personality and history? cause for a mentor for her, i'd like someone who
knows all about boys, perhaps family troubles, loss and all that awful stuff XD cause they will all be
problems in her life that i’m sure she’ll need a stronger voice through.

brody & eric,
alright i can see brody having a gay friend, that would be rather cool. but i don't think he's exactly a
typical, macho man stereotype. he's not sensitive, i don’t think i’d go that far. but he’s kind of a free
spirit, a real artsy kind of guy. and i don’t know, would that work out?

izaak and ioan,
oh hell yes. haha, i love these two. i'm gonna send you a pm, cause i have an idea but it's all kinda
secrets. although i am definitely up for some cousinly love ;)

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Brody sounds perfect, so how do they know each other and Do you want me to start the thread?
Been meaning to post but I've been lacking an rp a lot =/ sorry if I'm spamming sort of anyways, I can offer up Maddiie again, for a friend for Izaak since she's been getting a big grip of life now. She seems more stable now, even if she doesn't know about Alex secret :o I will offer her up and of course Victor Crimson, maybe a big brother thing can happen? Not sure, forgive my muse-less >_<

I can offer you Isaac Pike, as a friend to Indianna.
He's a Beauxbatons 5th year. Who is from America.

His Personality:
I am a laid back kind of guy who likes
to be in the it the crowd. I'm really nice and friendly, and I give super great
hugs and I love being with my friends. I'm a hard worker, and I try my
very best in all my classes. I'm loyal, as I'll stand up for any of my friends
and I will fight for them and myself. I can be pretty daring, and will do
almost anything that I am dared to do. This is not exactly my best trait
since I have done, a number of things I'm not proud of. I follow my heart
and my emotions. I don't really think about things before I do them. I love
strongly, and act independently. I will at times, sometimes be forced into
doing things I don't like, but it's nothing major. I'm relaxed and easy going.
I don't pressurize people. I hate people who assume things. I like to give
everyone a chance. I am the type of person who thinks that everyone is
good and honest, even if they don't show it. I'm really easy to be friends
with, and am very open to most. My favourite colour is a light red, almost
pinkish colour. Which seems odd since I'm a guy, but I don't think colors define
who you are as a person. So really, I'm a fun loving easy going kind of guy.
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izaak & maddiie & victor,
izaak and maddiie definitely, they were great, we could set up an rp for them soon. and as for victor
what’s he like, or what his situation at the moment? though i’m sure that he and izaak will get along

indianna & isaac,
he sounds cute! but i think he's going to have to work hard at getting indi's friendship. her phobia of
guys has really only let up for two people in her life. though i do think the two of them could be pretty
great. i suppose she will be super awkward around isaac at first, but do you have any other ideas?

brody & eric,
maybe they could just meet? haha, idk. but if you could post one up, i'll get to it when i get the time.

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I have Claire Blaze, for Leah.

Claire is the kind of person who is nice to everyone, but can be shy at times. She can also be a little bit quick to anger, but that is rare.
I've been rushing a little an my rps, so I will be taking my time with Maddiie more. I was reading one of your rps btw, didn't get to finish it. Did something happen to Izaak baby? :) I'm guessing she was born? Just so I can see what's up with Izaak. :p

Victor Crimson

Well because I recently did a lot of changes in his profile this the basic I left and what everyone knows of him. Victor was born in raised L.A California, you can label him as prep but he still has that L.A kind of attitude, his parents would call him a well rounded young man. His friends typically thinks he's cool, but he well just be another type of guy. That's why Victor goes for those opposite from him, sometimes he could either side with a bully or be against them. Victor goes with the flow basically, but because his parents are politics he's in the spotlight in America in New Zealand he likes knowing he's unnoticed. I'm actually still looking for his finale (link under siggy) His future had been to be sponsored by a billabong, his parents want him in politics but his aunt thinks he will do greater in the wizaring world. Right now he's undecided, and may leave his 6th Year (something will happen in the muggel world that will cause his parents to take him out of school) So basically that's it. A big brother to look up to would be nice having no siblings and just a little cousin. There you go :p
Zach; do you mean for Indi, not Leah? XD

Maddz; Izaak's baby was born prematurely and passed away ( :cry: ) So Maddiie could be a great shoulder to lean on, seeing as she has her own daughter. As for Victor & Izaak, it seems really cute! Heehee, they seem a lot alike so I'm definitely up for it. Perhaps they could meet each other surfing or something in the holidays? I don't know, up to you.
Heeer. =))
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