Abigail Knightley

OOC First Name
Full Name:
Abigail Jemima Knightley

Place, Date of Birth:
London, February 26th 2026

Current Age:
10 y.o.

Basic Appearance:
Long jet black hair with ringlets, obsidian orbs, fair complexion with a hint of rose in her cheeks. She physically is the mini-version of her own mother who is originally from Korea. By 2036, she’s only 4.7 ft tall.

Abigail is quite bubbly despite her timid-looking face. She talks a lot and tells numbers of stories to those who are close enough to her. Even so, she cannot adapt with new circumstances straight away that she basically needs to observe first before really jumps into it. She is actually not that smart, but she can quickly learn something and always tries her best to be able to comprehend all subjects she learns at school.

Greggory Knightley – father, Muggle
Jin Ri Knightley – mother, Muggle
Alessia Knightley – older sister, Muggle
(family background will be edited soon)

A lop rabbit named after her favorite Disney’s Fairy, Periwinkle.

Area of Residence:
London, UK

Blood Status:

50% British (her father is an Englishman) and 50% Korean from her mother family root.

Special Abilities:

Interests or Hobbies:
[ul][li]It may sound so old-fashioned but she likes to collect postards. As a matter of fact, her Uncle is a professional photographer who often travels across country and he always sends some postcards for Abigail, because he knows that his nephew loves to see beautiful places.</LI>
[li]Reading novels, especially fairytales or anything contains princess and whimsical world of fairies and dwarfs.
[li]Every two weeks on Sunday, she has this special father-and-daughter time that either she or her father will keep each other company in doing things they like. But they usually go fishing and then buy loads of sweets to share.[/li][/ul]

Additional Skills:
Abigail has been learning ballet since her first year of school and by now she has done some performaces. She excels in dancing, indeed, and would love to practice more. She also comprehends daily conversation in Korean.

[ul][li]She’s pretty good at something related to arts
[li]Remembering things, places, even one’s full name
[li]Has a great courage to pursue her dreams or anything she wants to reach[/li][/ul]

[ul][li]She sucks at sports, except swimming
<LI>[li]Easily influenced by others which sometimes makes her looks rather inconsistent[/li][/ul]

Describe your character in three words:
Bubbly, courageous, imaginative

Favourite place to be:
Her and her older sister’s room where they share a story and play some games. Also, Abigail once went to Verona with her family on summer vacation and really hopes she can make it there again someday soon.


Hogwarts House:
Unsorted, and she’s a Muggleborn who knows nearly nothing about magic so she doesn’t expect too much on the House Selection, but Hufflepuff or Gryffindor will be nice.

Hogwarts Hopes and Ambitions:
Not any yet

Best school subjects:
History, Art Studies, Language

Worst school subjects:
Math and Sports, duh.

Extracurricular Activities:
Dance Club, for she loves dancing that much. She happened to join Karate but it only lasted for several weeks because dancing and practicing karate have the same level of difficulty, to her.

Not graduated yet

Current Job:
Fourth grade student of some Elementary School in London

Plans for your future:
will be added

Your Patronus:
will be added

Your Patronus memory:
will be added

Your Boggart:
will be added

Your Animagus:

Mirror of Erised:
will be added

A page from your diary:

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