Closed Abandoned Menagerie

Doroteya Melnik

you can't control me
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Straight 10 Inch Swishy Elm Wand with Thestral Tail Hair Core
15 (06/2043)
Doroteya was a girl of few talents, and one of those, she had just discovered, was doing an uncanny impression of a pigeon. At first she had been testing the echo in the empty classroom, making a variety of noises for her own entertainment. Then she must have slipped into avian territory, because Boris had meowed loudly at her feet. Ten minutes later she was sitting on the floor having an involved conversation that went along the lines of: Coo, coo. Meow! Coo! Meow? Coo coo? Meeooow. "You are a stupid cat," she told him. "I love you, but you are stupid. And ugly. You are allowed to wash - if you did, maybe you would get a girlfriend." She rubbed him behind the ears. "Do you understand me?" He answered by nuzzling her hand with his face. Apparently not. She made more cooing noises. He meowed back. Well, at least there was one language they both understood.
There were very few spots in the castle that weren't occupied by another person, it seemed. Avie had wanted to get some quiet time to himself, a few minutes to simply think, and write. He eventually came across a room, wherein it sounded as if a cat and a bird were having a conversation. It was the best he could do, and he figured he could shoo them out if he really needed to. He entered and closed the door firmly shut behind him, but when he turned around, he was confronted with the cat he had been hearing, and what was most definitely not a bird. In fact, there didn't appear to be any birds in the room at all. "Oh." He murmured. "It didn't sound as if there were any...people in here." He apologised, getting the sense he had been interrupting something.​

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