Aaron Could Use a Few

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Aaron Parker

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
This is Aaron Parker, Drake Parker's younger brother. Aaron recently started attending Durmstrang after being homeschooled. He hated being homeschooled and after begging his father for month's, he was granted permission to attend Durmstrang. Now, seeing as how he is new to Durmy, I'm looking for some friend's for him. They can either be from Durmy, Beaubaxton, Hogwarts (Can't really RP with school being in session now), or anywhere else for that matter. I'm looking to get Aaron out there.

A bit About Aaron;

Aaron is a shy individual at first when he meets someone. Him being Part-Veela makes it a little worse for him because he has to deal with unwanted attention, which pushes him inside his bubble whenever he tries to get out. Once he comes out of that bubble, he's a very outgoing individual, very flirty (with girls), and enjoy's being the center of attention. He thinks of himself as a badass boy and enjoy's every moment of it.

What I'm Looking For Him;

Friends (As Many)
Girl's to flirt with (As Many)
A Girl to crush on him (1 or 2 Girl's)
An Older Girl, Preferably 5th Year or Older to give him a hard time, making fun of him and what not (Must be a Durmy Student)
Best Friend (A guy or girl, makes no different to me)

Anything else in mind? Let me know. ^_^
Hey Hamza, I have my new charrie Danika here :lol:

She is Outgoing and a little bit of a bad girl, kinda like Aaron I guess. I think she could make a good friend for him. Or she could crush on him, except I don't really want her crushing on guys yet :shifty: . I'm in the process of developing her alittle more, so I haven;t written her a bio yet. <_< But she is kinda crazy and finds fun in most situations. So yeah just let me know ^_^
I have Seimei... :r as.... I dont know.. as whatever xD (I need to RP with her xD )
Teigan - Friends seems good. Maybe they can cause a little trouble together? Would be kind of fun. Would you like to start a topic or should I? ^_^

Sally :hug: - Lol, what do you have in mind for Seimei and Aaron? As what? Elaborate a little. :r
Danika Lesley said:
I'll start, but do you want them to already know each other, or just meet?
They can already have met before. :)
Right then, I'll post the link here when I'm done :D
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