🌹 Rose Giving A Yellow Rose for Eugene

Augustus Westwick

Flourish & Blotts Asst. | Staring Eyes | Shy
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Straight 11 Inch Whippy Ebony Wand with Demiguise Hair Core
9/2038 (23)
Augustus had decided to help Ryan deliver the roses he'd found, but he kind of regretted it. He was shy, which was kind of a hindrance. He didn't recognize the first name on his list and ended up having to ask a few younger people. He figured out that the boy was a Hufflepuff, so he finally ended up at the Hufflepuff Common Room, asking another person to get Eugene for him. He waited quietly for the boy to appear.

@Eugene Nestor
Eugene had been summoned, he had thought his day of roses was over and had gone to get ready for the dance, but someone had come saying there was someone outside the common room asking for him. He darted out of the dorm room excitedly rushing out the door and glancing around. The person with the roses had to be the right person. "Are you looking for Eugene?" he asked excitedly.
Augustus nodded as the boy asked him if he was looking for Eugene. "Uh, yeah. I am." He said. "You're him, right?" He asked, wanting to make sure. He grabbed the rose and held it out to the young boy.

Thanks for being such a fun friend date to the yule ball! Also I'll totally convince my dad to let you come look at the mooncalves if you want.


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