A Winter's Day

Lindsay Hall

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Birch 16'' with Essence of Pixie Feather
Lindsay Love walked along the streets of New Zealand. Her blonde hair whipped around her face in the strong wind that was blowing. Her beautiful green eyes were unfocused, looking at nothing in particular as she walked down the street. Her mind was swimming with thoughts. It felt like she was drowning. How could her parents have kept this secret from her? Didn't they think it was something she ought to have known from birth? What else had they possibly lied about? So she was part-Veela? Was there anything else she should know about her family history?

This explained much of her adolescent years. Boys had always been attracted to her, swarming around her like bees. She used to believe that it was her witty personality and charming sense of humor. Now, she knew it was really just the nature of what she was. Part-Veela. Would anyone ever be able to see through that and into who she really was? It was funny how one seemingly small fact could change a girl's life. Now her daughter, the only thing she had left from Paul, would be treated the same way she had been by the oppisite sex. Arabelle was luckier than Lindsay. She would only be one-fourth Veela. The effects of her nature would be much less affective.

Lindsay's mind flashed back to the day her daughter was born. It had been both happy and sad. She had wept when she held her perfect tiny daughter in her arms. Then she had wept again for Paul, wishing deeply that he could have been there with her to see the perfect child she held in her arms. Lindsay's parents had traveled from France to meet her in the hospital in New Zealand. They wanted to see their granddaughter and not leave her by herself. Lindsay frowned as she saw the look on their faces. What on earth was wrong with them? That's when they dropped the bomb on her.

Lindsay barely remembered the fight that followed the announcement. Her heart was crushed that her parents would leave out such a key factor of their history. She remembered her anger as her temper flared up. She was weak from childbirth and didn't have the strength to do anything. She was emotionally and physically drained. How much could she go through in only a month? Tears had streamed down her face.

Now, six weeks later, Lindsay strolled through the streets of the Harbour. It was the early hours of the morning and Arabelle had been left with a house elf Lindsay had hired to be the child's nanny. Still, she could not get past what she was. How would this affect her helpless daughter? More than anything, she wished for Paul once more. Lindsay sighed as she sat down on the bench outside the menagerie. It was almost time to go to work and pretend to be a normal well adjusted young mother. How hard could it be?

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