</SIZE><SIZE size="50">There were little parts of the school year which still puzzled the Slytherin teen. It wasn't like everything that happened in the world had been explained to him, but, there were some things that had nothing really written about them and guessing was the reality. Such a day was happening their and then. Halloween. All Hallow's eve. He had no idea what the holiday meant other than everybody dressed up as something. People went out and bought the most exquiste outfits, that looked like they had cost hundreds, and others had spent hours getting ready, and others had just been a little lazy about it. However, no matter how hard the Slytherin teen tried, he never had enough money to buy a costume, or enough clothes to make a costume. Stefan Archer in fact didn't mind that he couldn't dress up, because Halloween scared him. It was always a darker day, the air always made him feel sick as the stench of sweet things hung heavily in the air. And The costumes confused him. It had been a new holiday for him since coming to Hogwarts, like most others, but this was the only one that he was openly afraid of. But, since he was a third year, and had a desire to just fit in, there was a part of the Slytherin teen that told him that attending the feast was a necessity. However, he had nothing to wear, and he had no idea how he was going to make it through the entire feast without bringing up the food that was in his stomach. Despite it now being October, Stefan was only now getting truly back on track with eating. He could stomach two or sometimes three meals in a day. But, he was still pretty wary of anything that had a strong smell, and he still ate much smaller portions. Most of the cuts had healed, the cut which had been on his hand, was now healing well, and Stefan no longer had the hand in a bandage. The gashes and other cuts around his body were also fading, slowly but surely. His chest no longer looked like a patchwork of terrible bruises, sure they were not completely gone, but all were well on their way to being gone. He could take deep breaths without feeling any form of pain. October was a good time of the year. It was far enough away from the start of the term, and the end of the term. It was not a good time for classes, but that he could live with. He could put up with the classes, since it was now easier to do everything in general. There were much fewer problems now than there had been at the start of the term, like there would be at the start of the next term.
The Slytherin Teen was pretty much still tired all the time. Despite no being able to lie down without a deep and awakening pain in any part of his body, he could in theory, go to sleep pretty easily, however, this did not cause his nightmares to fade. They did not come every night, but they were often enough that Stefan Archer was still not sleep as much as he should. Although this was much worse considering Stefan's thin and small stature. Sure he was taller than he'd been before the previos holidays, but if anything it made Stefan look thinner. While most would begin to even out between the age of thirteen and nineteen, Stefan knew he would not. He'd always been thin, and until his father was out of the picture all together there was little hope of him ever gaining weight, and then even after that, there was no telling on if he would ever be at a normal weight. But, this was halloween, and Stefan was stood in front of his mirror trying to figure out what he could be for halloween. Since all that he owned could fit into one backpack, it wasn't like he had an abundance of choices, and the fact the boy was colourblind made it difficult for him to even be able to know if his costume was right. If he had gotten the colours for a bee right. It wasn't like he knew what they really were. Instead Stefan was going to opt for the safer oftion, of going as a muggle. It was simple, and he literally had to do nothing. He could wear his normal everyday clothes and no one could really say anything apart from how lazy he was. It had crossed his mind to go as a car crash victum, but he was sure that it would be weird. Having all his skin exposed in such a way. Instead, he was a lot more comfortable in his jeans, old converse trainers, black tank top, and jumper. However, as he stared at his reflection he decided to at least roll up the sleeves of his jumper. Which he then proceed to do. feeling a little stupid, and out of place, Stefan realised that this was probably a normal feeling for someone like him, attending such an event as the one he was about to attend. He didn't really know, Stefan had always tried to stay away from this event. Yet this year he was diving straight into it.
Leaving the dorm room, the third year Slytherin walked his way threw the dungeons and to the Great Hall. This was a walk that the Slytherin could do in his sleep. Which was almost how he had to do it, due to a lack of light, and his coloublindness making it difficult to see. One thing he was thankful about was the bruise that had looked fairly bad, that had surrounded his eye had pretty much disappeared. There was only a small bruise, that would be gone within a few more days. Stepping into the Great Hall, despite everything, Stefan was actually feeling pretty happy. He was feeling pretty content with things. The first thing about the Great Hall, which hit him, was the heat of the room, Since there were people everywhere, walking around, running. The amount of food, and the fact it was spring. He could barely tell the difference between most people. In his eyes, everyone kind of looked a like. Well, it was harder for him to make out the blondes, and red heads. Things of that sort things that made it easier to spot his friends. But, Stefan really only had one person in mind when he looked around. Kate Moon. It was as Stefan walked that the dark blue eyes noticed someone he knew. Stefan walked over to her. Tara, she looked good. Stefan pushed his jumper sleeves up further with ease. So only the scars, and fading bruises were showing. The bruise below his elbow on his right arm, was the only one that was still pretty bad, but even at that, now it was a lot better. It still looked somewhat like a hand, but it coould pass. Stefan didn't really mind. He just wanted someone to talk to. And since Tara was his friend, and he wanted to be her friend, he couldn't see a problem with it. "Tara" Stefan said, walking up to his friend, and standing slightly to the side of her. One thing he had to admit, was that Tara was very pretty. Where Stefan's heart lay with Kate, he had to admit that Tara had really grown up. "You look amazing, Tara. Who have you come as?" Stefan's voice was deeper than before, he was smiling at her. A real smile, but his question was real, he had no idea who she had come as. He had never really watched any movies, or read many books, so characters from things he didn't generally know. Standing in her prescence Stefan was feeling a little self-concious, he knew his thin frame, and dark circles under his eyes would make him look weird. And his thin frame was too thin for any thirteen year old. But it was Stefan and Stefan did not want those thoughts within his brain, so quickly shaking his mind, Stefan took a deep breath, ignoring the strong smell of sweets, and met Tara's eyes. Maybe this won't be so bad. he thought to himself, as he continued to smile at Tara