🌹 Rose Giving A Waterfront Rose

Lucy Montague

Music Maestro | Inquisitive | Naïve
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Curly 9 1/2 Inch Flexible Ivy Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core
Lucy had been looking everywhere for her next recipient, and had almost given up when she remembered that there were the whole Hogwarts grounds to explore in terms of finding students. She was excited especially about this one - it wasn't just a yellow rose this time but she also wanted it to be a surprise, so as Lucy approached Ethan she didn't touch the roses yet. "Hi!" she greeted the boy, as she made her way closer to the edge of the lake. "Beautiful weather, isn't it?" She smiled happily. "I just love days like this, it's perfect for a walk or a hike. Oh, and I've got a rose for you," she said, forgetting momentarily why she was there.

@Ethan Alexander
Ethan never gave much thought to Valentine's day. Roses were usually interesting to observe and he felt lucky if he managed to get one. But this year was different. After going to the ball with Marnie he had been thinking of little else. He had a good time over the holidays with his family but even the shock of how much Harlow had grown hadn't kept his mind from wandering. He hadn't known what to do next but he had sent her a rose and now all he had to do was wait. But being inside the castle was suffocating so he made his way out to the lake. He sat on a large rock by the edge of the water and was staring at the ripples in the surface when he heard someone greet him. He jumped when he saw a younger girl from his house but his stomach flipped when he noticed she was carrying roses. He blinked and processed her question. "Oh right." he said just noticing the bright sunny day around him. "Yeah nice weather." he agreed and waited eagerly for what rose he was about to get.
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((Sorry for the delay!))

Lucy gave another smile and pulled out a pink rose from her basket - the only pink rose she had to give out. She handed it over, along with the attached note, wondering what the boy's reaction was going to be. Would it be a welcome rose she wondered?

I was thinking maybe we could have a repeat of the Ball. Or maybe just hang out again later. I really liked holding your hand.
oxox Marnie
Ethan was sure his eyes grew as big as his head as she pulled out a pink rose. His first instinct was to grab the rose so he could get to the note as fast as he could. But he was able to restrain himself and take it gently. Besides he didn't want to rise it losing any of its petals. He took a deep breath and felt a wave of relief as read the note. "Yes!" he blurted out with a small raise of his fist. Marnie liked him and wanted to see him again. He resisted the urge to run a lap around the lake to celebrate instead he swallowed it down and looked at the younger girl. "Thanks."
Lucy jumped a little at the older student's outburst, but quickly recovered, a smile forming on her face. She could only imagine what the message had been, seeing as it was a pink rose after all and Ethan seemed very, very pleased from what she could tell. "No problem!" she said as he thanked her, giving a bright smile. This was the kind of thing she'd signed up for - seeing those moments, those genuine small tokens of happiness, unencumbered and undisguised. She felt very satisfied as she waved goodbye, leaving him to his devices.

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