A walk with someone special?

Hamza followed Maria to the rock and sat on the rock next to hers. Hamza began by saying, "That is very nice. Sunsets are one of the most beautiful things to watch. What do you think about sub sets?" Hamza was curiously looking at Maria whether or not he and her had same interested.
Maria knew that Hamza and her both had similar interests but didnt know they had this much in common. She turned to look at him. "No way! i absolutely love sunsets, especially when your along the beach." She smiled and looked towards the lake. He was turning out to be a perfect match.
Hamza was now confident that the friendship between Maria and him was going to be a success since they both shared the same interest. Hamza then looked behind him and wiped off some dust off his rock. He then proceeded to laying back on the rock with his hands under his head. "Now this is the way to watch a sun set. Nothing can beat watching a sun set, at all. I think sun sets are one of the world's wondrous things. You know, back where I came from, my family and I had a 3 story house. I had the top floor room so I use to come out of my room's window and climb on top of the house to watch the sun set. It was a sigh to see, always." Hamza turned to see what Maria was going to say.
Seeing Hamza try a new way to watch the sunset, she too laid back with her hands beneath her head. She felt relaxed. "Your house seems fabulous, bet you miss it." She said turning to look at him. Everything looked different under the light.
Looking at Maria, Hamza says, "Yea, I sure do miss it. The cool breeze, the right environment, I miss it all, but I don't miss it that much seeing as I'm enjoying as much here as I did at my house." Hamza was really enjoying the view and when he looked at Maria, he knew that she was enjoying more than he was, which made him very happy for her. Hamza back to the sunset and talking to Maria, "Did you do anything exciting back at your home place?"
((ooc: Im going to head out for a while, have to finish some assignments but i ll try to reply sometime tonight))

Maria looked at him."My house is in a wonderful location, its big and it faces the river. Very quite and serene and just beautiful." She replied smiling at him.
((OOC: Yea, I have to head out too for a little bit. I'll reply later tonight as well.))

Hamza looking at Maria being not surprised at all. Hamza then asked Maria, "So tell me, did you have a good time with me today?"
"I had a wonderful time today, thank you so much. There's one thing I want to ask you though, where do we go from here?" She asked him.
Trying to give it a little thought, Hamza was a little lost and he was surprised. He didn't really know what to say. "I really don't know. What did you have in mind? You can share with me, don't need to hide anything."
'it should be a mutual decision, but it's obvious there s something between us that clicks' Maria said carefully. She wanted to be with him but was too afraid to admit it.
Hamza looks down to the ground, he knows what he needs to say. "So you want to be with me? Be my close/girlfriend? Obviously we have a lot in common, we both like each other, and what not. What do you think? I can see it in your eyes." Hamza replied slowly.
The answer was simple but why was it so hard to say? It was unbelievable that he could know exactly how I feel. Maria turned to Hamza and said 'I would like that'. That was all she could manage to say
Hamza was feeling so happy on the inside, unbelievably happy, he could just get up and jump around for hours. Hamza knows exactly what he wants, but he doesn't understand why he can't just let it all out. Why does he have to let it out in parts. Hamza looks into Maria's eyes and says, "I guess we could now consider each other boyfriend and girlfriend. I'm glad we have a lot in common and I foresee out relationship developing and we will be together for a long time, even forever. Who knows, but I just hope for the best, the best for you and the best for me. What do you think?" Hamza moves closer to Maria onto her Heart shaped rock and slowly grabs her hand.
Maria was speechless and had nothing to say. She felt Hamza take hold of her hand. Everything about him seemed perfect. This moment felt perfect except that fact that they were both soaking wet.
Hamza looked at Maria and saw a very speechless face where she was amazed at what had been going on and was loving every moment of it. Hamza then said, "Maria, will you marry me?" After a few seconds, Hamza then said, "I'm joking hahaha." Hamza started to laugh so hard that he fell of the rock he was sitting on due to his pants being wet. After he stopped laughing, he got up and said, "Wait... In this relationship, I can joke around right? I know of some people who got together, but the girl's didn't like their guys joking around with them."
Maria hit Hamza s arm jokingly. ' You ruined a perfectly sweet moment' she teased. ' Of course you can joke I have nothing against it, and if you did I would leave.' Maria laughed. She was laughing so hard, so too slipped and fell on her bum. Now they both sat side by side laughing
Hamza looking at Maria, "Of course I have nothing against you joking around with me, just don't go casting a spell on me or something and turn me into a toad or something." Hamza then started to laugh. Hamza no closes his eyes and tries to go for a kiss and ends up hitting his face on the rock. "Ouch, that really hurt my nose, I shouldn't have tried that with me eyes closed."
Maria laughed at Hamza s clumsiness. She gently stroked his head which he had just bumped. She put her hand by her side and said 'Why close your eyes?'
Hamza was a little embarrassed pulling that stupid stunt, but he thought in his mind that this was all good fun. Hamza replies, "Well, I've seen people close their eyes when they are kissing their partner, so I thought I'd try the same, but I was way off. I was not even close to you."
Maria couldn't help but laugh ' your such a dork' she teased. She looked out to the lake it was breathtaking and being there with Hamza made it even better. She turned to him and said ' I had a lot of fun today.' She gave him a peck on the cheek.
Maria laughing made Hamza feel a bit embarrassed, but when she was laughing, Hamza was having fun at the same time seeing her happy. Hamza then says, "Yea, it was a lot of fun today. Who knew that we would come out here as strangers and leave by having a relationship. I'm glad to have met you and glad that we both worked it out and came together." Hamza then moves closer to Maria and puts his arm around Maria's shoulder as they both watch the sunset together.
Maria rested her head on his shoulder and closed her eyes. She felt the warmth against his skin and soaked it all in. She looked up at Hamza but didn't know what to say.
Having Maria rest her head on Hamza's shoulder gave Hamza an idea. All of a sudden, Hamza gave a kiss to Maria on her forehead. "I hope you are having a good time. Lake, Sunset, girlfriend, what more can you ask for?"
Hamza was truly amazing. After he kissed her on the forehead she said ' You didn't miss this time' she joked and smiled at him.
Hamza looked away with a little blush, still feeling amazed at what's happening. Hamza looks back at Maria and says, "So how are you liking this perfect moment?"

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