A walk with someone special?

Maria Granger

Well-Known Member
Yew Wand 14" Essence of Fairy Dust
Maria was starting to get settled so she decided to take a walk beside the lake. She sat on a rock shaped like a loveseat. Since she was new, she didn't know many people but was eager to
From all of the hype with all of sorting, supplies and what not, Hamza wanted to take a small break and relax. He decided to head to the Lakefront, when all of a sudden he sees a girl sitting on a rock near the lake from a little distance. He starts to walk towards the girl keeping in mind to not surprise her and introduce himself in good manner. Hamza reaches the rock where the girl was sitting at and sat next to the her on a oddly shaped rock and introduces himself. "With all of the stress in getting things together for Hogwards, it is nice to take a small break isn't it? I mean, look at the lake, so fresh, so clean, the breeze is amazing." With that said, Hamza thought he had made a good impression on the girl but being an idiot, he still had not introduced himself. "I apologize for my rudeness, I did not introduce myself. My name is Hamza and what is your name?"
Maria was in a daze, when suddenly she felt someone sit beside her. She turned to look at a boy about her age. "Sorry I didnt realize you were there. My name is Maria." She stated with a friendly smile. He was cute but learning from her previous mistake she didnt want to make the first move. "Which house are you in?" She asked.
Hamza a little surprised when the girl said she didn't realize he was there, but he thought in his mind, 'No matter. Hamza responded quickly, "That's fine, it is a beautiful place to day dream and to relax. I am in Hufflepuff. I take it by the looks of of your under shirt color, you are in Gryffindor?" He looked at the girl with a blush and started to feel his heart beat going faster and faster. Hamza said with a quite whisper looking away from the girl, "What's going on? I've never felt this way before. I know the girl is very cute, but this is only the first meet." Hamza then looked back at the girl and smiled.
Maria thought the boy was charming. "You guessed right, i am in Gryffindor." She replied. Maria turned to look at the lake. "Isnt it enchanting?" She asked him.
Hamza got up and went off his rock to gather a few rocks. He started to throw some rocks into the water to see how far it goes and to see if he can flick the rocks on the water or not. Starting with his first wrong, he did about 8 flicks before the rock went into the water. Doing a second time, he did 12 flicks before the rock went into the water. Hamza turns back to Maria and says, "Yea, it is very enchanting. It's times like this that make you realize there is more to the world than just studying all the time. A Very beautiful sight indeed." Hamza looks back at the lake, throws another rock and looks back at Maria to say, "You want to throw rocks with me? Or maybe got for a little walk along the lake shore?" Hamza thought to himself in his mind, "Am I over doing it?"
Maria watched him throw the rocks into the lake. She wasnt really good at it, but she wanted to try. She got up and walked to Hamza, she picked up few rocks and threw then into the lake. It skipped three times. "That was horrible. "She said while looking at Hamza. There was something about him that was different, a good different. Maria thought back to the whole situation with Claude, and that made her a little hesitant to say anything to Hamza. This was their first meeting, but he didnt seem like a stranger. After some moment of thinking she realized she was still looking at him. She quickly turned back to the lake and threw another rock.
After throwing a few more rocks, Hamza looked at Maria and got the thought in his mind that there seemed to be something that was troubling this girl, he just couldn't pin point what it was. Hamza instantly got a thought in his mind that he hoped it wasn't him, but on the positive side, Hamza thought that Maria seemed to be enjoying the time they are spending together. Hamza said to Maria, "3 skips isn't bad, I know of a lot of people that can't even get past 1 or 2." Hamza laughed a little bit. Hamza had noticed that Maria was looking at him from time to time and staring at him for a while, which gave him the impression that he was putting a positive point of view on Maria. "Hey Maria, is there anything troubling you? Anything you would like to share with me? You can share anything with me if you want, I am good at keeping secrets and don't tell a soul."
Maria was surprised that he noticed that she was troubled by something, but she didnt want to mention her embarrassing moment with Claude. "No, nothing, Im just a little tired from everything going on. You know that shopping and moving in it takes alot out of a person." She thought she gave a good reason. "I cant tell him, I'm attracted to him, he ll probably think Im weird." She thought to herself. "So tell me a bit about yourself?" She asked, hoping to change the subject.
Hamza was really attracted to this girl, there were a lot of things he liked about this girl, but he would share his feelings with her when he feels comfortable. In the mean time, Hamza looked at her and said, "Yea, I'm sorry. I can read people's faces really easily and can tell what type of mood they are in, if anything is bothering them, or they have any need to share something important." Hamza was still a little shy to fully open up to Maria, because she had not done much talking, which gave Hamza the sign that he may be her problem or something. "About me, Hmmm, well, I don't really like to brag about myself, and I hope you don't take this as bragging or something, I'm just letting you know about my personality." Hamza looked away in embarrassment.

"Well, there are a lot of interesting things about me that people find fascinating. One you already know of is that I can read people's faces and their words. Hmm, I take my studies very seriously and accept nothing lower than an E, which I don't know if you know stands for Exceeds Expectations. I like to play Quidditch, take long walks, a little bit of everything really to keep myself busy." Hamza knew he could tell a lot more but he didn't want to brag nor over whelm Maria. "So, do you mind telling me a bit about yourself?"
Maria laughed when Hamza was telling her he was not bragging. "Im sorry, I shouldnt have laughed. Its just that you dont seem like the person to brag in the first place." She informed him. Maria thought about what to tell Hamza "Well, I too like walks and am very serious about my education. Hmm I like to meet people and can get very talkative." Maria told Hamza. She definitely wanted to see him again.
Hamza was a little surprised when Maria laughed, but he didn't take it in offensive point of view though. He was actually glad that he could give a laugh to Maria, seeing as she had some sort of stress today. Hamza then looked at the lake, and looked back at Maria for a while. He just couldn't help not look at Maria, he was defiantly beginning to like her, a lot, but he got the thought that will he see her again after they leave the lake. Hamza considers himself a positive thinker so he thought they will see each other again. Hamza, looking at Maria said, "You said you can be very talkative, but you haven't talked much today. I know it's non of my business if someone else has a problem, but when someone else is in trouble or needs help, it starts to bug me until their problem get's resolved. You know what I mean?"
Maria decided to just come out and tell him what was bothering her. She walked back and took a seat on the rock. "Hamza, this is a little awkward for me to say, but Im starting to like you...alot actually, but when I did tell someone I did it became very embarrassing for me and I didnt want that to happen again, but I guess me telling you this puts me in that position again. Im sorry...." She finished. Maria didnt want to look at him because she wasnt ready for his reaction.
Hamza was glad Maria came out with the words he was hoping for and happy for her that she got some stress off of her head. "Why are you saying sorry? I don't see how this is embarrassing. My belief is that anyone has the right to express whatever they want, whether it is love, anger, hatred, or what it may be. I'm glad you told me this." Hamza looked at Maria, then looked away at the lake and started to say, "Well Maria, I feel the same way you do. We seem to have a connection here, and I also am starting to like you, a lot actually. It is natural for someone to feel embarrassed after saying something like this. Let me tell you one thing Maria. If there is anything bothering you, or if you need help, or anything, you let me know and I will be there for you, always!" Hamza was actually glad he got that out of him as well and now felt light headed. Now he had one thing troubling him, where do him and Maria go from here?
Maria looked at him in surprise. She was lost for words, but was glad he had felt the same way. "Im glad to hear you feel the same way." She told hamza. "There is definitely something there like you said." Maria had opened her heart to him and he had opened his, but what was next she didnt want to say, maybe Hamza would say something.
Hamza was also at lost of words, he didn't really know what to say next. Hamza got up and started to walk towards the water. He took off his shoes, took off his socks and pulled up his pants to step both of his feet inside the water. Hamza then looked back at Maria said, "Wow, this feels amazing. The water is very comfortable and soothing, you should come over here and give it a try. It will ease your mind a little more. Maybe I can show you how to throw rocks on the water better." Hamza was glad there was something between them two, and he was sure that it would be successful.
Maria walked over to Hamza and she too took off her shoes, and socks. She was wearing shorts so that was convenient. She stepped into the water and stood beside Hamza. Maria wanted to lighten up the atmosphere and lightly pushed Hamza which made him lose his balance. He fell into the water and Maria couldnt help but laugh at him. "Im sorry, but I couldnt help it." She laughed. Maria stuck out her hand "Need help?"
Hamza was very surprised at what he was seeing. He had not seen this side of Maria at all, so he was glad that she was having fun. As Maria pulled out her hand for help, Hamza said, "Sure, why not." He immediately pulled Maria into the water with him. When Hamza and Maria both came above water, Hamza started to laugh at Maria and splashed the water at her a few times. Hamza then said, "Haha, I got you. That's what you get for tricking me into water." Hamza was thinking this must be a dream or something, he could not believe how pretty Maria was.
Maria was dragged into the water, but gracefully swan to the surface. She splashed Hamza back. "Ok I give up you win." She said and laughed. Hamza was staring at her which made her wonder why, but she ignored it. "So now we're both wet, very good way to start a new friendship." She remarked. She enjoyed the water. It was warm and soothing, and for the first time in a while she was enjoying herself.
Hamza was very happy for Maria, now that she was having a good time. Hamza then said, "So what if we are both wet? We can dry ourselves easily. Friends can play jokes on each other can't they? Now for teaching you how to flick rocks on water. Its all in the wrist and how you angle it. Put your wrist at 180 degree and flick fast. Try it. Be sure to put some speed into it." Hamza demonstrated for Maria and did 7 flicks.
Maria reached and grabbed a stone. She flicked it and got 6 flicks. "Wow, did you see that?" She turned to Hamza with a bright smile. She was truly having fun, and enjoying his company. For some reason, he made everything else disappear, and nothing else seemed important at that point in time. "I think I' ll go to the shore and dry off." She told Hamza. Maria squeezed water out of her hair and her shirt. "I am soaking."
Hamza was surprised when he saw Maria do 6 flicks. Hamza then says, "Wow, your a natural. Good job." Hamza knew that Maria was enjoying his company and it made him feel much better, knowing that he was making a difference in someone's life. "Yea, go ahead a dry off, I will be there in a few minutes. I'm going to go for a dive and throw a few rocks." Hamza goes for a dive, then throws a few rocks afterwards and returns to shore with Maria. "Hey Maria, do you have plans for this semester?" Hamza then smiled at Maria.
Maria turned to look at Hamza. "What do you mean by plans? I will be attending classes, if thats what you mean." Maria was unsure of what Hamza was trying to ask her. She turned fully to look at him. She also smiled at him not knowing why.
Hamza looked at Maria and said, "By plans I mean like are you going to try out for Quidditch or join any clubs, or take part in anything special? What will you be doing on your vacations and what not." Hamza just hoped that Maria didn't get the wrong idea or something.
Maria wasnt sure what he meant at all so she wasnt surprised by his questions. "I havent thought about that at all, right now Im focusing on getting everything ready." She informed him. Maria went back to that oddly shaped rock and took a seat. The sun was about to set, and she loved watching sunsets.

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