Open A Walk To Remember

Thomas Jusantrea

♪'56 Grad ♪Healer ♪composer ♪singer
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Straight 15 Inch Whippy Black Walnut Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core
(10/06/2038) 25
After lesson, Thomas decided to go to the fourth floor, where Hufflepuff's common room was located to talk to Jenna. Of course, he couldn't help but pay less attention to his sister in recent months. The studies, the duties of the prefect and his girlfriend took up all his time. So he wanted to spend some time with Jenna to spend some time with him. He stood near the wall against which he had pressed his back and waited to notice Jenna coming down the hall or coming out of the common room. All that was left was to wait.

@Jenna Jusantrea
Jenna walked out from the Hufflepuff and she needed go the library becouse soon was exam. She was surprised seen the brother face. "Are you lost? If you need your blond chick you need go to Gryffindor. Where is seven floor". She somtimes hated Thomas becouse he somtimes was a jerk not her brother becouse he always make feel bad when he talk that she was foult her mother death. That was realy selfish from him and Jenna felt mad again to him and she somtimes lost her nice feeling.
Thomas stood leaning against the wall and crossed his arms to his chest, his gaze fixed on the ceiling for a moment, sinking into thought as he remembered the days when their family was happy and no one felt envy. A voice was heard here that made the memories fade. ''No, I'm not lost. I came to you, but I see you are not too in the mood for a conversation.'' He sighed, then at first he didn't want to talk about Allison, but the sister mentioned it. ''Why is it talking about her, if you don't even know me. I did not say anything that you would meet Daintree and now you suffer from being divorced. I see that you are not ready to talk, so I'll go. Hopefully want to talk to me later, then announce.'' He said, then straightened up and lowered his arms to the side. Jenna had just hurt her with her words that Thomas felt very hurt. All that was left was to leave, unless Jenna stopped.
"Oh, finaly remember you have sister to?" She was more angry that he was and she felt angry more becouse he was thinking that she is her fault becouse her mother was death. "If you liked when i was with Daintree. You have no emotion. You do same thing like now i was. Let's think i always feel around you when it's my fault our mothers death and i'm tired and get more hurt. Somtimes i wished you saved her not me. It will be easy for you. If i'm that bad." Poor Thomas got hard and she was more tired with him all the time when he was all the time sit coomom room why she was try more be good sister but he never say thanky.
''Always remember about you.'' He was one was left angry and tone of voice had changed. Because she started playing on those heart notes that couldn't be touched and it broke off the rails. ''I have no emotions? You generally understand what you are talking about. I have never blamed my mother's death because you do not know what happened that day. She made me save you and myself, but she stayed in the car herself. Never dare to say such a thing to me again that I blame you.'' However, it failed because too angry he was the sister attacks.
"That why you always never say to me thanky? When i was try be with you when you was so depretion and i try get you more out. You never say thanky about that. I can be mad to and feel more alone here and i'm the third vawe in your live. And I'm so done." She wanted leave and she was so sure that he hated her most. Jenna was so done for today and she just started walk back to her coomon room. She was just tired try be a good sister. She needed some peace and alone time.

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