A Visit To France

Amanda Pike

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Fir Wand 14 1/8" Essence of Sphinx Remains
Amanda smiled as she walked up to the door of her brother's place. The same smile had been stuck on her face the whole car ride. The car ride was pretty boring, but the thought that she would get to see her brother again kept the smile on her face. She had missed her brother so much.

She took a deep breath. She knocked twice on the door, ready to give him a huge hug as soon as he opened the door.
Isaac Pike had for most of the winter holidays been preparing for this day. Since his parents had moved to New Zealand this had been planned. And yet Isaac was in no way prepared. He knew she would be arriving at around midday, but he had so much to do he'd been up since the early hours. He had hovered, made all the beds, gotten rid of the smell (which had been a mixture of sweat and cigarettes), emptied out the bins, and cleaned the kitchen. He was preparing for the arrival of his little sister. He had not seen her since summer, and she had nevr been to France. Not to this apartment anyway. It was because of her arrival that he was in such a panic. He wanted things to be perfect so she would forget about him not BEing there for the holidays. He had thrown his friends out for at least the first day and new sheets were on his bed. Isaac would sleep on the couch. Not a huge deal for him, he did it often when girls came round to thenhouse. But this was different. His sister was jot a teenage girl crashing for the night. For his sister Isaac wanted nothing besides perfect. He had asks his friends to behave while she was there, and not utter a word about life at Beauxbatons apart from the fact it is the best. Isaac as he got dressed was very aware of His new tattoo. The words staring up at him. He knew that His sister would notice it straight away. So to attempt to avoid this he put on a long sleeved jumper which was a little too big for him and cover his wrist, where the tatto was, perfectly. He could hide it for a while longer.

With a glance in the mirror of the common bathroom Isaac stared at his reflection. His hair was messy but poker straight. The sides of his squar glasses covered by his bangs. The hair was behind and in front of the glasses. The smallest of strands getting into his light brown eyes. He smiled happily at his reflection. Today would be a perfect day. He would take Amanda to the beach, or to the shops and they would eat pizza and catch up. It would be like old distant times. One thing Isaac really wanted to know was if his little sister was set on going to hogwarts instead of Beauxbatons. He was sure he could pitch it to her. Possibly change her mind. But when she was confident, Isaac also realised she would be stubborn. A knock at the door made Isaac jump. He took a step back and brush down his jumper. He made sure his tattoo was hidden and that it would stay that way. He dashed to all the rooms making final little checks to see if they were tidy before going to the door. He stood with his hand on the cold silver handle for a small second before opening thendoor wide and smiling down a the little girl in front of him. Without the slightest thought Isaac embraced his sister in a tight hug. He'd really missed her. "Mandy! It's good to see you." Isaac said quickly as he pulled out the hug. "Come in little sis, take a seat, can I get you anything?" Isaac stepped back to let Mandy into the apartment before closing the door behind her once she was in. He was extremely pleased to see her. He had missed her a lot . But he refrained from doing any tickling just yet. He wanted to find out all about New Zealand. "Hows New Zealand?"
Amanda's smile grew bigger, even though she didn't think it was possible. She hugged her brother and was glad she had come to visit. "Bonjour," she said when she was out of the hug. "And uh, that's all I know in French. It's nice to see you again, Isaac!" She walked through the door and took a seat as she was told to.

Amanda shook her head when she was asked if she needed anything. "Nope, I'm fine," she said. She wondered where to begin in talking about New Zealand. "Well, I've made a few friends there. I haven't met any bullies yet, so I'm happy about that. I just wish I could see you more often." She sighed. "How are things at Beauxbatons?" she asked.
Isaac had Been about to head into the kitchen when Mandy had said she did not want anything. He looked round and smiled at his little sister before going into the kitchen to make himself a coffee. Before France Isaac had bitterly hated the tastenof coffee. But he drunk a lot of it nowadays. At least three cups a day. It kept him awake and alert even after a long night. Or a hard night. In Beauxbatons he drank at least twice as more. Him and his friends were a coffee drink bunch. Isaac walked back into the Living room as the coffee was being made. He looked somewhat nervous about everything he did. As if he felt like he was stepping on thin ice. It was an odd thing to feel like. This was only family. But being with family always brought out a calmer side in Isaac. A forced calm. There would be no snap decisions that were very dangerous. He had to act like the studious, Beauxbatons boy, who was independent and well behaved. Such a hard thing to act, when only parts of it were true. He nodded as Amanda spoke. No bullies was always a good sign. Isaac had always felt like his lack of being there had also been part of the reasons his sister had been bullied. It was odd for him to blame himself for the fact his sister was bullied, but it was this way. It did not help that some of his friends were bullies. He continued to nod even though she had pose a question to him. He heard a tiny ring, and walked back to the kitchen as he began tontalk about beauxbatons. Leaving out the most parts where it wasn't for young ears.

"Beauxbatons is Beauxbatons. I managed to finish all the work I had before you got here. The professors are really piling on the work. I barely have space to breath." Isaac called from the kitchen as he poured his coffee. He picked up the cup in both hands. It warmed his hands and blood instantly. The smell of coffee was strong and filled his nostrils with a familiar scent. Something to calm the nerves. He took a small sip. Before walking back into the living room. He took a seat opposite his sited and placed his coffee on the table in front of them both. He was now very hot and his jumper wasn't helping. Thinking that his sister counted freak out that much. Isaac slowly pulled off his jumper. His t-shirt was pulled up with it, and part of his scar showed for a brief second. He took off the jumper and put it against the back of the chair he was sat in. Isaac made sure to not look directly at the tattoo on his wrist as he picked up his coffee and took another sip. "I really wish you would consider coming to beauxbatons. Everyone knows it's the better school. You'd fit in so well. But Hogwarts. I guess it is closer. How are mom and dad? Last time I spoke to them they wouldn't say too much."
Amanda watched her brother get himself something.. coffee? She shrugged it off and put it out of her mind. She leaned back in the chair she was sitting in, happily. She knew that her brother most likely wanted her to go to Beauxbatons. She wanted to know what house she would be in, though, at Hogwarts, plus be with all her already made friends. But she would be able to be with her brother at Beauxbatons. She sighed, not able to choose one side she wanted more than the other. Just as she was thinking about this, Isaac spoke from the kitchen.

Amanda nodded. "That stinks," she called back. When her brother came back in to the room and took off his jumper, she immediately noticed the tattoo. "Well, I'm not really sure where I want to go. I mean, I want to go to Hogwarts, but I want to go to Beauxbatons at the same time. Mom and dad are doing alright. They like New Zealand, but I'm still missing Boston." She sighed, then decided to mention the tattoo. "When did you get that tattoo?" she asked, pointing at Isaac's wrist.

Isaac felt very self coniouscuous as he took a sip of the hot coffee. He could feel the tattoo burn against his skin. Live Fast Die Young were all he could think. He had no idea what his sister would think of it. Isaac liked it. He more than liked it he loved it. The words would not hold as much importance if he didn't die young, but they would always remind him of the days he spent with his friends. Living fast and doing this others would not. Ruling the school. But bothering with the kindness to others. Within the group there were expections but outside it didn't matter as long as they were not allowed to join. Isaac had noticed Mandy glance at it. He wanted to know badly about what she thought of it and if she was going to tell someone. It would be the end of most things if she went to there parents. He wasn't sure if Mandy knew what to tell and not to tell there parents. He knew she was close to their mom, but would she say.

"I don't remember much of Boston. It's been so long since I really saw it properly. New Zealand should be Awesome though. It's a cool country. I would never leave France. Leaving Boston was easy." Isaac said placing his cup down on the table again. He kept his light brown eyes on Mandy as he spoke. Only once or twice glancing down in to his wrist. Once he had stopped he rubbed his wrist, as if trying to rub it off. Isaac continued to smile. He was still happy to see his little sister. But Isaac couldn't help but be nervous about what his sister thought. "I got it during the holidays. All of us did. What do you think of it? I really like it, and it's not a fake. It's real. Hurt like hell." Isaac held out his wrist to her. It was not huge or horrible looking. It looked nice. For once. He was one of the ones in his group who had gotten the biggest tattoo. "the only problem is I can't become fat or it'll be completely weird. I have to stay at this exact weight. "
Amanda wondered what it would be like at Beauxbatons if she went there. She had always assumed that some of the people there were snobs. But her brother would protect her if she needed it. Maybe she would be transferred there. Maybe not. She wasn't sure if she wanted to yet, and wasn't sure if her parents wanted her to go to that school at all. You'll see what Hogwarts is like when you're there for your first year, she thought. If you like it, then stay. If you don't, then transfer to Beauxbatons to be with Isaac. Easy. Ish.

Amanda nodded. "Boston wasn't really special or anything," she said. "I mean, I just miss the friends I made there. But France is really beautiful." She listened to the story of the tattoo. "Well, I think it's cool," she said, staring at the tattoo. "Wow. I wouldn't have the guts to get a tattoo. You know how I'm afraid of needles." She shuddered, remembering the most recent visit to the doctor, where she had gotten a vaccine. "You mean, you can't gain any weight?" she asked. Was that even possible? To not gain any weight but stay healthy? She wasn't quite sure.

A wave of reassurance washed over Isaac. Knowing that at least the reaction of Mandy wasn't one that was a complete freak out. It was good to know. But her opinion meant little against that of their parents. Isaac knew that he couldn't do much more before his dad kicked him out the house completely. Long past were the days of fishing and males bonding. He'd grown up away from home. There was not much of a bond left. Isaac shrugged to his sister. He was not sure, but since he had gotten one around his wrist eventually if he did nothing he would get bigger and it would stretch the tattoo. Having paid good money for it, he wanted it to last. But he wasn't certain. "When you're older Mandy, you could also get one." Isaac said staring at his wrist. He slowly retracted it away from her and picked up his coffee once more. France in winter could get quite cold. But this did not stop Isaac from going out and sitting on the terrace of the restuarants below. As a whole Isaac knew they were perfectly placed. One bad thing about the apartment was that in summer it was too hot, and the didn't yet have air conditioning. One thing that was amusing Isaac, was that even though it was winter for him and summer for his sister. He was still darker. It was odd since it was the middle of Winter. But really Isaac no longer had the look of a pale American. His French friends all said henlooked more French by the day.

"Well, I can gain or lose some, but I have to stay pretty average. It's not hard. I just have to be careful. Thanfully there is only one American portion sized restaurant here. And since the queen and the other girls in the group are all sticks, we don't really need to worry about ruining the tattoos. You can't tell mom or dad." Isaac took a sip of his coffee. His eyes had been fixed up the cup. He put the cup back down and quickly also pulled his glasses off. He let them sit beside the coffee cup and he moved a few strands from in front of his eyes. Just a few as there were a lot more around his eyes. "Mom and dad would completely freak if they knew about it. They would try and force me to go back to New Zealand or they would kick me out. You can't say. Amanda I need you to promise me you won't say." Isaac wondered if he was actually asking too much of his little sister. It would be better for him to tell them, but he had no means to do so. He was on one side of the world. And they were on the other. It could be the one thing that would make them come to France. But Isaac really didn't want them here. There would be a lot more that would come out, not just a tattoo.
Amanda nodded. "Maybe I will." she said. "If I'm okay with needles by then and I can come up with something I actually want a tattoo of." She wasn't quite sure if she would get over her fear by then. Possibly. She put her arms on the armrests.

Amanda's eyes widened. "They don't know? I thought you at least told them in a letter," she said. "I won't tell anyone, cross my heart and hope to die, stick a needle in my eye. I promise." She wondered if her parents were ever going to find out. They had to at some point. But she wouldn't be the one to tell them. She stood up and went over to her brother. She hugged him again. "I promise," she repeated.

Knowing that at least his secret would be safe for a little while longer Isaac felt like he could just relax. There was still the problem of how to tell them. He couldn't not go to New Zealand when he was meant to. That would more than literally show the Beauxbatons boy had something to hide. He could always do it, as if he was telling them he was gay, or had gotten a girl pregnant. Or could just hide it. He could ask the girls how to hide it. They were knowledgable in that area. Isaac knew he shouldn't have had it done in the first place. Yes he was in love with it. And it was amazing, but it had been a bad decision. His parents would hate it. And it would always be on his wrist. One day they would find out. Hopefully far enough into the future that the past hardly mattered. But there was no way of telling. Isaac smiled as his sister gave him a hug. It was awkward since he was sitting down, but he still wrapped his arms around her and gave her a brotherly hug. In a way he was always glad he had a sister. Not because he had someone to annoy, well that and he always knew he could count on her. Even though he'd spent most of her growing up life half way around the world. It still held a great amount of importance to him that they a relationship. A close one. And that unlike his relationship with his dad it didn't break down. Not when someone did something bad. Isaac pulled away from the hug.

"You said you had made some friends? I want to know all about them. And houses, hogwarts has houses right? What one are you going to be in little sis'?" Isaac said smiling brightly hoping to get the subject off of him, and onto his sister. A girl that Isaac knew would grow up to be great.
((Sorry for not replying later. I've been having trouble replying to stuff lately.))

Amanda went back to where she was sitting before and sat down, a smile on her face. She wondered where to begin in answering the question asked by her brother. She wanted to let him know how it was, where she had been going, who she had met, but wasn't sure how to put it in to words. There was also another part of the question, which was simple. Sort of. She wanted to be in Ravenclaw, but wasn't sure if she would get sorted there.

"Well, so far I've met quite a few people," Amanda started. "I met a girl named Charlotte. If for some reason, the 99 people before her die, she would become Queen of England." She smiled, thinking of her friend. "I also met ____*. I haven't met up with them again, either of them. But I'm pretty sure they're going to go to Hogwarts." She thought of what she would say to answer the question about what house she would be in. "Well, I'll probably be in Ravenclaw or Hufflepuff, but I think I should have my own house. I'm that awesome." She nodded, jokingly, and laughed a little, trying to lighten the mood from the tattoo promise.

*I was too lazy to come up with stuff to explain for each of them, so just pretend that she said stuff about them and said all their names.

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