Closed A Very Slytherin Morning

Kanako Kurosawa

Determined | Fair-weather | Composed
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Kanako yawned lightly, covering her mouth with her hand. It was a rather delicate yawn, with a little bit of a sing-song behind it, sounding more like the imitation of a yawn than a yawn itself. She took a seat at the Slytherin table, thinking that she could honestly get used to waking up and there immediately being food avaliable. Admittedly, Kanako did find the western-style breakfast less enticing than the traditional Japanese she had at home but she made do, fetching some toast and some butter from nearby. She was considering marmalade or jam when she noticed Winnie, one of the girls from her dorm, sitting near her. Well, it was sensible to be friendly and try and make some kind of friend, so Kanako greeted her politely. "Good morning," she said with a nod. "Are you enjoying Hogwarts so far?" Kanako asked, deciding to go for the marmalade. Something a little bitter with her breakfast suited her fine.

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