Open A Trivial Discovery

Ryan Fisk

Odd Duck | Silver Snake Assitant |
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Not Looking)
03/2039 (23)
The Hard to Find Bookshop had been disappointingly easy to track down. Ryan supposed he was kind of cheating since his dad had taken him here before, but he'd hoped maybe the magical bookship might have moved or something since his previous visit. It had taken Ryan walking past it several times on the street before his eyes finally stopped slipping past it, but Ryan still didn't count that as much of a success. Maybe if it had had a secret password or something like he'd heard Diagon Ally in the UK had, it would have been cooler.

Stepping into the shop, Ryan immediately took in the distinct smell of many old books, noting the large number of shelves crammed about the place as well as what appeared to the be the shop proprietor asleep in his chair at a desk near the back. Enjoying the chance to poke around unobserved, Ryan tried to walk quietly, scanning the shelves for any interesting titles.
Lenore loved a good mystery and finding a secret bookshop sounded like a wonderful way to spend an afternoon. Her uncle had given her a rough location, but it was up to Lenore to actually locate the shop. The name of the shop had not been lying when it called itself hard to find and Lenore was just about to give up when she noticed the boy, who looked around her age and vaguely familiar, and decided that he might be interesting to keep an eye on. It wasn't stalking if it was in the name of bookshop investigation. She blinked as something shimmered in her vision and the boy entered a building that she somehow hadn't noticed. Once she collected herself, Lenore straightened her beret and followed him inside.

She quickly lost interest in the boy once she found herself inside the very shop she'd been looking for, and then lost herself within its shelves. She was silently flicking through a book on fortune telling when the others caught her attention. Holding the book to her chest, Lenore tiptoed up behind the boy and looked over his shoulder at the older man behind the desk. "Is he dead?" she whispered, hopefully. If he was, maybe Lenore would get to see a ghost pop out of his body and she'd get to experience being in a real haunted bookshop.
Ryan had just found a book about bone carving in ancient runes when he heard a voice. For a moment, he almost thought it might coming from one of the nearby books, maybe even a shop ghost like the ones lurking in Brightstone, but turning his head revealed it was just a girl. She did have pink hair, but was otherwise a disappointing discovery. Now that he knew who's spoke, Ryan spent a moment processing what she'd said, glancing over at the man in the chair. "I think he's breathing," He said, trying to confirm the steady rise and fall of the man's chest. "We should go check," He said, intrigued now. He'd heard stories about people dying at their boring jobs and just not noticing. Maybe if the man was dead, there would still be ghost lurking around the shop after all. Stepping closer, Ryan winced as one of the floorboards let out a loud creak, though the man didn't seem to stir. Ryan supposed if he was actually dead, he shouldn't need to worry about waking him up.

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