Closed A Thorough List of All the Classrooms

Savannah Walters

sda president; seeker; independent
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Curved 8 1/2 Inch Flexible Walnut Wand with Vampire Blood Core
02/2046 (17)
Savannah had never been in a place as big as this school. It was just...huge. She was doing her best to find her way around it ahead of the classes. It just...there was so much. As a ravenclaw, which felt odd for her to say, she had started with the areas she would go to. Like the common room, the towers, the great hall, the grounds and now it was on her to explore the other floors. Savannah liked learning her surroundings, knowing where to go would be useful when classes got started. Savannah was walking along the first floor, which seemed to have classrooms and offices, with not much more of interest. But she was noting down, in an old notebook what classes were on each floor. Savannah knew that she'd learn all this with time with the rest of her class, but she determined to do it on her own. Savannah hadn't made any friends yet, but between wanting to get a little ahead and feeling a little out of place in her old robes and clothes, she hadn't really been trying to.
Hogwarts was ridiculous! She'd gone on tours of some of the schools in Melbourne when she was younger, working out which would be best for her to attend. They'd all been grand and intimidating, but they were nothing on Hogwarts. The stairs moved! The paintings talked! There was so much going on and it was so easy to get lost.

She was slightly lost wandering the corridors but doing her best not to make it obvious when she spotted a girl about her age. Another first year, maybe? Her robes were a bit old, which was sad. Dahlia's were all new and starchy, almost gleaming. It wouldn't do to show up at a new school looking a mess when she already had to fight to prove herself for her non magical family. The other girl was writing things in a tatty looking notebook, and Dahlia tilted hee head, confused. "What are you doing?" She asked, unable to help herself.
Savannah glanced at the next classroom that she came across just as someone seemed to join her. Savannah glanced at the girl, unable to not notice the newness of the girl's robes. She felt her cheeks flush with some embarrassment over her robes not looking nearly as nice. The girl hadn't said anything yet, though she had to have noticed. Instead Savannah just tried to put the thought and the worries out of her head about it and instead just answer the question. "I'm exploring and learning where the classes are," she replied, not quite managing to keep her tone from being a little sharp and dismissive. "What are you doing?"
Dahlia had of course been sat down by her mother who had taken great pains to remind her that she was very fortunate to have the life she did. And that she ought to be grateful and not be rude to people who weren't so lucky. Dahlia was, of course, eleven years old and while she wasn't a mean spirited person, she could be a bit spoiled and snobbish. Combined with the name, she wouldn't have been out of place as a mildly antagonistic classmate in a 20th century novel for girls. Especially with the involuntary look of mild derision that crossed her face for a moment. "Oh, I see," she said, shrugging lightly. Dahlia noticed the pointed tone, and couldn't help but be a bit dismissive in turn. Probably her own fault, but she didn't think about that. "I was looking at the portraits, but I think I took a wrong turn."
Savannah knew that her sharper tone, seemed to set the other girl off into a more defensive one too. She glanced about at the different portraits that were on the walls of this corridor. "What were you looking for?" Savannah asked, she wasn't necessarily going to help but she was perhaps a little curious. Savannah didn't think portraits were of interest or much use. They were just there on the wall, doing nothing, being stuck. But she didn't say any of that to this girl, who perhaps enjoyed portraits and liked speaking with boring things. It wasn't for Savannah but she didn't care what other people did with their time.
Dahlia wasn't sure what she thought of this girl, but she was a bit wary. She wanted to at least have some good friends at the school, but she didn't need to make friends with everyone. She could afford to be choosy. "Oh, it's just kinda cool that they move, is all," Dahlia said, airily. Maybe the kids from magical families were used to it, but it wasn't something she'd seen before. "And talking. I haven't seen anything like it before." Despite her dismissiveness, there was clear enthusiasm in her tone. Everything was new and exciting, and while Dahlia liked acting she was nowhere near skilled enough to hide her astonishment at all the new and different things she was seeing.
Savannah was sure that this girl only found the portraits moving cool because she had never seen them before. "Pictures move too," she supplied, to add to what moved, unaware that muggles had moving pictures too. She wasn't too surprised that the girl was enthusiatic about it. Despite Savannah's demeanour, given that there would be all brand new, of course it would be cool. "Some paintings have passwords which let you explore secret passageways," it was something she'd heard but didn't entirely know how true it was. perhaps this would get the girl to go away or just lose interest in speaking to Savannah when there were far more interesting things to do.
"Well, obviously, but not without a projector or something," Dahlia said, a little stiffly, as though that made perfect sense and was completely obvious. She had decided that she didn't really like this girl's attitude, although she didn't really have a good reason. Something just rubbed her the wrong way. It was snobbish and judgemental of her but she didn't care, or lacked the self-awareness to realize how she was being. "Do you know any of the passwords?" She asked, a little incredulous.
Savannah frowned at her. ”No you don't,” she said. Savannah wasn't sure why there would need to be a projector, but perhaps she'd just seen something that Savannah hadn't. If anything, this made her a little more bitter towards Dahlia in case she was about to lord it over her. She was still walking looking at the rooms, half ignoring the other girl. ”Yeah, of course, but I can't tell you,” Savannah lied. She didn't know any passwords, but she wasn't about to admit that she didn't know any.

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