A summer never forgotten

Rhianne Cade

green eyes💋gryff💋ttb owner💋lincoln's mom
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Straight 14 Inch Unyielding Mahogany Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
Rhianne smiled as she glanced at the ring on her ring finger one sunny morning..It was given to her by her boyfriend,Lucas Sturridge last summer..And now,they are back to owl communication..She was on her way to the owlery to sne dher post through Peakes..

Kissing the letter goodbye,she gave it to her owl with instructions,”Durmstrang Institute,Lucas Sturridge..”,she said with a smile and watch it flew towards the school of her love..

Thank you so much for the wonderful summer we spent together in UK..It was beautiful..The ring you gave me..I really don’t know what that meant but still it was so thoughtful of you to give me one since it was not my birthday that time..(laughs)

My friends eyed the ring with envy and pry me into sharing the details..I just keep my silence,I hope you don’t mind that do you??But still,they noticed my face blushed everytime I glanced at the ring and some would say I was like having the summer of my life!

Until then,Luke and missing you so much..You take care of yourself okay??

Sad that the summer was over, a dreary Lucas made his way to the owlery in hopes his mood might be lifted by the recieving of a letter. He surprised himself in wanting to venture to the owlery, the last time he had been there the young man recieved a letter from his father, informing him he would be looking after his kid sister for half of the summer. It was true that Lucas hadn't been happy about this, but had been pleasantly surprised by the fun he ended up having with Effy. She was a bubbly and excitable eleven year old now, and it wouldn't be long until she started Hogwarts herself. As Lucas arrived at the owlery he smiled, he had recieved a letter from Rhianne, and his mood had improved already.
Rhianne said:
I gave you the ring to show how much I love you, and so you can remember me while you are gone. The summer was amazing, I was so sad to see it end. Of course I don't mind if you want to keep it a secret, its yours to do whatever you want with it. I'm taking good care of myself! You don't need to worry so much about me. But of course I worry about you! You seem so far away, I miss you so much.

I wish I could have spent more time with you, unfortunately I had to look after my little sister. But maybe oneday I could come and visit you at Hogwarts? Only one year left at school and then I'll be free to visit you when you like! How have you been? I hope you haven't missed me too much!

Lucas xx
A few days have passed and Rhi had thought Luke had forgotten about her when she noticed her owl flying towards her with a letter..Felt her heart leaped and with a smile on her face,she stretched out her arm and let her owl perched on it..Reading the letter from her only love made her smile more that her friends began to tease again..She smiled secretly and waved them off,wanting to write back immediately..
Oh,how sweet of you!!If you must know by now,my friends are always on the watch for any letter for me..They even saw the photo you gave me awhile back..I miss you so much now and I can't hardly wait for the time you will visit me..

Don't worry about the time we spent together..I know you still have to take care of your pretty sister..May be she will go to school here??And you will have every reason to visit me..(laughs)

I missed you so much Luke and it's the second time I said this in this letter of mine now..

Until then,my love..

Rhi xoxo

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