A strange letter

Alice Hills

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Kate v.1 [Main]
Lignum Vitae Wand 16" Essence of Dragon's Whisker
Topic starter for James and Nicole. :D
James was pacing. He hadn't done much for the day and was feeling annoyed. His grandmother had suggested things for him to do, but he didn't want to do any of them. He just wanted to escape. His owl, Alex, was squawking in his cage and being a nuisance. Sighing, he opened the cage and watched with annoyance as the bird flew around the cramped room before landing on a half-opened box. The room was a mess. He hadn't bothered to tidy it up in ages for fear of being kicked out and then after all, he was going back to school soon. Sighing, he clambered over another box and sat back down on his bed. As he sat down, his owl came over and dropped a scrap of paper in his lap. Not recognising it, he picked it up and turned it over, seeing a family photo of his parents when they had both been together and his dad had been alive. They were with another family that James only vaguely recognised. Sighing as he felt the familiar feeling of sadness come over him at the sight of his dad, he turned it over and stared at his owl, wondering what he was asking James to do. As the picture turned again, he saw a pretty girl standing down the front, and remembered her as a year younger than him. He had promised that he would write, but his parents problems had stopped that and he had forgotten. Sighing, he picked up some paper and began to write.

Letter 1 said:

Sorry i haven't written yet, there have been problems going on. Sorry if you thought i had forgotten about you - i hadn't, honest.

Anyway, how are you? How is life at Hogwarts? I haven't seen you in ages, it must be about 2 years now. What is going on with you?

Please reply,


James sighed, it was truly a rubbish note, and she probably would glance at it and ignore it, but he had to try. No one could blame him if he tried at least. Turning over on his bed, he wondered if she had a boyfriend or not. He didn't think of her like that yet, but he was still curious. Tying the letter up, he gave it to the owl and smiled. "Nicole Crysin in Hogwarts New Zealand." He stated, smiling at the bird as if asking it to be quick. He would be heading back to school soon, but had been given time off after the tragic accident that had happened in his family. Wondering how his friends were doing, he made a mental note to write them a letter, but another time.
A certain girl sat at the window seat of the second year dorm at the Hufflepuff common room. Lonely and bored as Nicole looked outside at the view of the pretty garden, students swarm as the little Hufflepuff was at the top of the tower. She sigh as she went off from the seat and out of the Hufflepuff common room and into the great hall where students eat, study and talk to their friends in other house. Nicole on the other hand went to the Hufflepuff table without greeting anyone, she does not even know some of them but tried to blend with them. Owl service just came when she sat at her seat at the end of the Hufflepuff table, one unnoticeable owl landed on her shoulder and dropped off a letter on her lap, it was from James Green who she met along time ago. A smile formed at lips and opened the letter to read it, once she had read the whole story, she went at the library and asked for some parchment and went to sit at her special table and started to wrote back to James.
A letter for a good friend said:
Dear, James

About time you send me a letter but of course I understand your place in your family. And as for me, I am definitely very fine here at school still adjusting of having no normal friends, yet. I don't know what to say no more, you wrote and that is fine with me.</COLOR>
<COLOR color="darkgoldenrod">Once she finished her letter, Nicole went outside of the lawn and tied the letter to the owl's feet, "Make it there safety." Nicole smiled and let the owl flew. She watched the owl as it flew away until it was a little dot, Nicole had missed her friend dearly and hope she can see her someday.
James was still moping around in his room, pondering on how unfair life had been to him so far. Not only had it killed his dad, but it had also stolen his mum away from him and this time for another guy. He felt horrible, like he wasn't loved any more by anyone. Of course, he knew that his grandmother loved him, but it wasn't the same as having someone else like a parent. He sighed and kicked an old football around the room. His grandmother had told him to pack up his stuff for Durmstrang, but to be honest he had no idea where to start - the whole room was such a tip. It was also so small, which limited his walking space and it took too much effort to climb over things to retrieve books and quills. His wand stayed in his pocket the whole time and he wished that his grandmother would help him. It would only take seconds with a swish of a wand. He sighed and suddenly heard a tapping. Spinning around, he noticed Alex sitting on the windowsill, waiting for the window to be opened. At first, as he opened the window, he didn't see the letter so decided sadly that Nicole had decided to ignore him. But, he probably deserved it. Shutting the window behind the owl, he walked over to the bed and sat down. He couldn't even talk to anyone now if Nicole wouldn't talk to him. He sighed and lay back. But, Alex the owl had other ideas. Pushing his way over, he sat on top of James' stomach and waved a leg in the idea. James' heart missed a beat as he saw a letter, and he sat up quickly, knocking the owl over. Untying the letter, he let Alex go to go and comfort himself. Smiling at the bird's loyalty even though James knew that he wasn't the best owner, he opened the letter. Scanning it quickly, he sighed. He wasn't really sure what to make of it, and felt that he deserved her comments about the long time with the letter. He frowned about the part with no normal friends, unsure why such a lovely girl such as her didn't have other friends. He smiled and tucked it into a special box, one that went everywhere with him, full of pictures of his parents and him together. Scrambling over a few boxes, he grabbed a quill and began to write again.
Letter 2 said:

Dear Nicole,

Thank you for replying, i feared that you had decided to punish me by not replying. It means a lot to have a friend at the moment and i am glad that you can take the time to write. I know that you are probably busy. Anyway, i guess that your parents have told you the basics of my situation, but i want you to hear it from me. So after my dad died, my mum has run off with another guy, Peter. He is horrible but is rich and apparently 'handsome'. They are living together in America, along with his 2 kids, Julie and Jake. Peter refused to take me with them, so i have been dumped at my grandmothers after my mother refused to stand up for me. I hate that woman and i no longer see her as my mother. She is just as evil person who obviously cares about no one except herself. Grandma made her write to me, and it sounds like she is just spoiling his kids to make them like her. I suppose they will in time, for she is nice when she wants to be. But can you believe it, she didn't even bother to get a proper piece of parchment, she had only scribbled a 2 paragraph letter on the back of a label off her new clothes. Grandma was furious but there is nothing that either of us can do.

I am going back to Durmstrang in a week, but i promise i will still write. I hope that your friend situation sorts itself out soon, if not they will have to answer to me. I am glad that we are still friends. When is the next time that you can leave the castle to go to Brightstone Village? Grandma promised me that i can come over to New Zealand again if i wanted, and i said yes, so i will wait for a confirmed date and then we can meet up???

Thank you for your time,


James frowned down at his letter, it was very messy and it would be hard for someone to read, but he hoped that Nicole would have patience with him as he promised to improve his writing the next time he wrote. He liked to write, but he preferred to meet up with people. Praying that she would get the letter on a good day and that she would accept his offer to meet up, he tied the letter to his owl's leg and smiled at him, knowing that no instructions would be needed for the owl would know where to go. Hearing his grandma coming up the stairs, he quickly opened the window and turned around to finally talk to her.
Nicole normally was always inside, but today she tried to go outside for a change because she knows someday she will go outside. As she carefully walked at the green grass in the lawn and looking up in the sky, she noticed a dot that becomes bigger and bigger. Nicole on the other hand was not bothered by it, she waited until the flying creature when down and landed gracefully at her shoulder. She smiled at it as she saw a letter from James again. Nicole opened the said letter and read it, the letter consist of a long story but well enough to understand, James is her closest friend in the world and always will be. After reading the letter from James, Nicole summon her back pack from the Hufflepuff tower, a minute or so, her bag came whooshing towards her and she caught it on time. Once seated under the big oak tree in the lawn, she get out her writing things including her muggle pen that comes always in handy. She started to write on her lap with a book underneath her paper.
Reply said:
James, glad to hear from you again and I have read the whole story in your letter and I am sorry for that. I am always here for you if you needed someone to lean on, I have two shoulders, so, you can use both of them. hahaha. But really I am always here for you. And as for meeting up, we can meet this Saturday, I am free on the afternoon if you want to meet on a sunny afternoon. Anyways, meet me at the park and we can plan our to do list over there. See you ♥</COLOR>
Love, Nicole​
<COLOR color="darkgoldenrod">After writing the letter, she enclosed it with a kiss and tied it on the owl's feet. "You know I would to know your name, so, I do not call you owl." Nicole smiled but of course, the owl will not talked back. Nicole stood up and let the owl flew upon the morning sky to deliver the letter to her friend.
James had packed up his cases for his trip to New Zealand. He still hadn't got Alex back but was planning to head over there anyway, deciding that this would be the best solution. They were travelling the muggle way, by plane because his grandmother had blocked up her fireplace, forgetting about flew powder. Sighing at the prospect of having to travel this far on a bumpy thing held up in the air by a muggle invention, he picked up his case and took it downstairs. As he returned again, he noticed Alex sitting patiently on the window with a letter. Leaping over a random box in the room, he opened the window and pulled the bird in, untying the letter in the same move. He laughed as he read it, realising that this was the Nicole that he knew, making jokes to make him feel better. His heart leapt at the idea of meeting her on Saturday, for he knew that he would be in New Zealand by then. He smiled at the heart on the page, knowing that it was probably a sign of friendship, but the little drawing plus the 'love Nicole' bit made him feel exceptionally happy. He unpacked a case to find some writing things and grabbed some more paper.

Letter 3 said:

Dear Nicole,

I am very pleased to tell you that we are leaving for New Zealand this afternoon. I promise that i will be there and every time you ask. I think i will use the offer for a shoulder, even though i am taller than you. hehe I will see you there and am already looking forward to it ♥.

Love James xxx

He wondered whether it was too lovey-dovey, but he knew that Nicole would hopefully understand. He smiled and sealed the letter. Looking to his tired owl, he sighed and retook out another piece of parchment again. Once he had finished with the letter, he attached both of them to the owls leg and opened the window. He watched Alex disappear into the sky until he was a tiny dot. Sighing, he lugged another case downstairs.

Letter 3 extra note said:


Please could you keep Alex (the owl) with you. He is tired, but i needed to return this note. I will pay for any extra costs to do with food but i can't bring him on the plane with me.

Sorry for the extra work.

Nothing to do and bored, Nicole was doing a trapeze on a country yard long concrete benches. It was a sunny afternoon and her classes where already done and now she has nothing to do but play and or just hang around at Brightstone but she will hang out at Brightstone? No one of course. So, she decided to just play by herself at the courtyard, Nicole is making sure not to fall at the steep concrete benches and was having fun to do so. When suddenly, a creature scared her that landed on her shoulder and made her fall, the creature on the other hand flew above her falling body. "Ouch!" Nicole screamed in pain as her butt landed on the concrete ground. She rolled her eyes as she noticed the creature was, it was James' owl, "Come here." She ordered the owl sweetly, the owl came to her and landed gently on her handed right arm. "Don't you ever scare me like that, I might get hurt and die and your owner will never see me." Nicole giggled at her statement, how can she be dead if she just fell down onto the ground? Well, lots of scenarios can happened when falling down at the hard concrete ground. She then noticed two letters tied to its legs, "Let me get that." Nicole told at the owl and untied the letters from its feet, she read the first letter, her eyes widen as James said his coming here. Nicole stood up to do her happy dance, the owl on the other hand looked seems weak and needs food. She then looked at the other letter, "Now I know your name ... Alex." She giggled and took the owl inside at the library where the nearest parchment and quill are. Nicole placed the owl at the table and she started writing once Nicole got her parchment and quill which she requested at the librarian.
Reply said:
Your owl scared the hell out of me and I fell at the ground but it is not Alex's fault, his just so cute to be angry with. Yay, when I read your letter stating your coming here I did my happy dance the one that I have to summer Saul, hahaha. But I am happy that you are coming and yes, I know I am a little person but my shoulder is still free, lucky I do not make people pay me for doing that to them. Anyways, do not worry about Alex's food, I can handle it myself and I think he needs a friend, so, when you get here you'll have another owl. I am waiting for you.</COLOR>
I always love you and care for you,
<COLOR color="darkgoldenrod">Once she finished, she sealed it again with a kiss and looked at the owl, "No, I am not going to use you, you are staying with me." She told Alex the owl and went outside to the owlery where she going to use a school owl. She saw the Headmistress' owl and called it, it went to her other shoulder, Nicole tied the letter at its leg and said, "James Green of England. Fly safely." and the owl flew away from the tower. She then thought of going at Brightstone, "Don't worry, I am going to buy you some food and a new friend as well. Hope James wont mind." She smiled and went out of the castle toward the Village.
James sat outside the front of his house. His grandmother was still inside, fussing as usual and trying to work out what to do and when to leave. He placed his head in his hands to try and block out all of the noise. On purpose, he had delayed the bags being sent off, because he didn't want to leave without a reply from Nicole. He still wanted to see her and needed confirmation before he could jump to the conclusion that they could meet up. Knowing his gran, James knew that if she saw the letter she would demand to read it and then pester him about it all.

Scanning the skies for any chance of Alex coming back, he remembered with a jolt that he had asked Nicole to look after Alex for him. Sighing, he stood up and was just about to go inside and help his nan when another owl came and landed by his feet, looking tired but proud to make its destination. James smiled to himself and held out his arm. The owl hopped on and held out its leg. Seeing the letter, James quickly untied it from the owl and opened the window for the owl to go inside.

Making sure that the owl had food and water (from Alex's supply) he leant against the wall and opened the letter. He laughed when he read about the happy dance and smiled at the part about her being able to cope with the food. He knew that she would and he was very happy to hear that Alex seemed fine. Finding the nearest suitcase, he ripped it open and luckily found some paper and a pen. Scribbling a return note, he handed it back to the owl and opened the window again. Watching the bird dissapear, he quickly shut the suitcase as his gran entered the room and helped her take the suitcases outside for the waiting taxi. A final glance at the house, and he was gone. Meanwhile, the owl was flying its hardest towards Nicole, carrying a letter that read:
Letter 4 said:
Dear Nicole,

Sorry that Alex scared you, he has a habit of surprising people. For some reason, his notes always arrive at the wrong times. Even in some of my lessons sometimes! Haha! Thank you for sorting out Alex - i am in your debt. Anyway, gran and i have left for New Zealand now. We were leaving the house as i wrote this letter, so i wouldn't send anymore letters here because they will be left. Sorry. I will be in New Zealand soon. Meet me in Brightstone village, outside the Three Broomsticks at midday on Saturday? If not, then please don't worry. I will wait till 1 and then if not, i will leave. I won't take offence if you can't make it. Please don't feel pressurised.
Love as always,

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