Closed A Starry Night

Kira Wolf

Sweet- Bookworm- Content- Mom
OOC First Name
Jess S
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Ebony, Dragon heart-string, 9 1/2 inches
5/5/2034 (25)
Kira giggled as she and Arc escaped the Great Hall, keeping his hand in hers as she still swayed a bit to the music, sighing happily as they stepped into the night air. She leaned into his side, laying her head on his shoulder. "Tonight was fun," She sighed softly, unable to keep herself from smiling. "You look so handsome," She turned so she could brush his hair from his eyes. "I like your hair grown out like this. Will you cut it once Halloween is over?" She asked, curious.
Arcturus was glad that they were outside at last. While he really liked his costume, he was getting a little hot and sweaty in it. He wrapped his arm around her, resting his head on top of hers. ''So do you, look beautiful... for a senator, I mean.'' It wasn't the exact quote, he was aware of that, but he had been quoting Star Wars to her the entire time and didn't want to stop doing so now. Unless she would find it annoying, of course. He smiled at her when she brushed his hair from his eyes and shrugged. ''I don't know, I haven't decided yet. Do you think I should?''
Kira couldn't help but giggle. It was adorable how well he knew the movies. "Arc, baby. Are you going to kill me if I told you... Before I watched the Prequels with Professor North... I've never seen Star Wars?" She smiled shyly. When he asked about his hair, she nodded. "If you want to. I like it. I can play with it," she ran her fingers through his hair to prove her point.
Arcturus wanted to react as if he was shocked about learning that Kira had never seen Star Wars before, but he honestly couldn't because he already knew that she had never seen it before. He often quoted lines from the movies to her just to see if she would know them but she didn't. What did surprise him was that apparently she had watched them with the Muggle Studies Professor. A little disappointed that he wasn't the one watching it with her, he said, "I have failed you, Kira. I have failed you."
Kira pouted a little, feeling bad when she saw the look on his face. "Hey," She turned, reaching up to put her fingers lightly against his jaw to turn his face towards her. "Want to know a well-kept secret?" She asked, both blushing out of embarrassment at the thought of how he would react and smiling impishly because she knew it was funny. "Have I ever told you," She began, biting her lip, "My parents thought that they would be funny," She looked away a little bit. "My full name is Kira Moon Wolf. It came out because of a class project in second grade and the entire class would howl any time they saw me for a month." She rolled her eyes.
Arcturus had hoped that his slight disappointment wouldn't be visible on his face. but when she reached up to guide his head towards her, he knew she must have known. It wasn't as if he was super disappointed about not being the one who would watch those movies with her for the first time, not at all. He just really wanted to see her genuine reaction to some of the more important scenes of the prequels, such as the Anakin versus Obi-Wan fight and the aftermath. He couldn't stop himself from laughing when she told him about her middle name, not able to keep himself from just talking to her in quotes. ''Really? Moon? With your surname? Oh, Kiki, they must have really loved you when you were a baby.'' Suddenly he was a lot happier about his own middle name.
Kira blushed, snuggling into his side. "Aside from the twins, and Selene Le Fey, and the entirety of my second grade class," She giggled, brushing his hair back. "You are one of the only people outside of my family that knows," She sighed, leaning her head on his shoulder. "I'm sorry I didn't wait for you to watch the first two prequels. I just wanted to know who Padme was." She told him honestly.

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