A Spoonful of Sugar

Cosette Mayfair

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Mintzy ❤
Eucalyptus Wand 13 1/2 Essence of Mermaid Scale
Naturally among all the people of the world there are many different types of friends. Some people prefer to keep those close to them at a distance. While others take the complete opposite route with friends and cling to them at any possible moment. Cosette hoped that she fell somewhere in the middle between the two spectrums. She was not under illusions that it was necessary to see each of her friends every day or even once a week. The witch did however expect to run into them on purpose at least every few weeks to catch up on their lives and maybe help one another with school work or other problems in their lives. As it's been a while since the puff roamed around the castle, she was feeling a bit of worried that she'll be missing out some things happening in the castle. So Cosette decided to wander every hallway of the castle, until her legs stopped in front of the Dungeons coincidentally.

She needed fresh air, that Cosette approached the nearest window she could find. The puff could feel her whole body weaken, as he energy was slowly draining. Out of the blue the Mayfair's hair turned into black, she had no idea at first until a few stand of her hair covered Cosette's face. The former auburn jumped out of shock and noticed her red locks changed into black, as she panicked it turned more black. Perhaps it was messing with her gloomy mood of some sort. It was the only thing she needed to practice, her hair color changing because of her mood. And so did the puff covered her face, knowing black wasn't her color to match her gold eyes. All she could do was sigh and hope no one she knows would notice her, Cosette's jet black hair kept it's color as she faced the window trying to calm down herself. Hopefully it would make her original hair color regain it's control, for the min time all Cosette could do was avoid any unnecessary situations.
That day had been a productive one, according to the fourth year Slytherin, if you considered being productive lying in bed all day, begging for sleep to come to you. Jake had concluded, that the reason for his lack of sleep was because he had a sleeping disorder, the wizard had not yet had the time to study up the symptoms of a sleeping disorder, but they wouldn't be too hard to guess, right? Jake managed to get out of bed, and get dressed appropriately for the day. Choosing his clothing wasn't such a hard choice, because Jake didn't think he needed to impress anybody that day, he had not organised to meet up with Sara at all, so the reason to make effort in his appearance had been lost in a sea of carelessness. After little pondering, and a quick, unneeded check in the mirror, Jake thought his outfit deemed itself worthy in the category of not caring what anybody thought. A brief change in Jake's personality, not caring at all about how he looked to others, as when Jake entered the common room, his nerves started to fluctuate once again.

Jake immediately regretted leaving his dorm, although he braved the crowd of his housemates long enough to leave the common room without getting too anxious. It was when Jake entered the dungeons, did he feel the presence of another. Jake's eyes fell upon a familiar girl with jet black hair. The only person Jake new with jet black hair was Kate, yet this girl had many differences to Kate in appearance. The fourth year tilted his head to the side, questioning the girl without uttering a word. She was covering her face with her hands, which left the Slytherin to assume she was embarrassed. After a minute or two of silently trying to figure out an answer to what on earth was happening, Jake finally broke the silence, with a short and simple sentence. "Um, are you okay?" He asked, taking a step closer to the girl. Question still lingering his thoughts.
The puff continued to face the open window, feeling the wind rushing through her face. As it slowly turned bright pink, she was ashamed to be seen by a person looking dull in some ways. And just as she'd expected a student noticed her, after all she didn't belong here. Nearby the dungeons, lurking or something like that. There was nothing to left but to face the stranger, she figured it wouldn't matter to a person she just only have met now. Cosette slowly turned around to just see her friend Jake, which made her even more blush. There were no words coming out of her mouth, everything seems so different since the last time she had saw him. He even looked different, though she wasn't sure what changed about him. Cosette tried to smile but it failed, she was just too ashamed to show her hair right now. But it was too late to turn away from Jake, as it would be rude.

"Uh Jake, I- I guess." she lied with a shaky voice. Cosette could feel her hands shake and slowly placed it on her back, knowing it was the best thing to do. She stood there unsure if she could stay longer, how she prayed for her hair to return back to it's original color. The fifth year couldn't stand it, "Oh Dear I'm so sorry for acting odd, my hair is just uhh." she procrastinated sweeping it back to her neck. Cosette would lower down her head as a couple of Slytherins were passing by them, some stared and some ignored. But it still made her so uncomfortable, as she was there standing in front of a friend she somehow barely knew other than Jake being so kind.

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