A son in need!!!

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Antonio Cabri

Well-Known Member

Antonio's Muggle Father was a Land-Lord of a pub for years, and Ant spent most of his time there. His father was always a heavy-drinker, but due to financial-problems, lost the pub and his job there. Due to the stress, Roberto's (Ant's dad) heavy-drinking became over-the-top and he turned into an alcoholic. One night, Roberto drunkenly assaulted someone and as a result was sent to prison for 5 years when Antonio was 20 Years of Age.

But basically, it has been 3 Years since Roberto was sent down, and I'd like someone to create "Roberto Cabri" for me.

He will have been let out of prison for good behavior, and has been informed by Ant's Mother that Ant is in New-Zealand and Roberto has come looking for Antonio to beg for his forgiveness. Antonio hates his father and refuses to forgive him for what he did, so this will create an interesting story-line.

The Cabri's are an Italian family.
I would like Roberto to be 45. - You can choose the PB along the lines that he needs to look like Antonio enough for it to be believable that he is his Dad. :)

If you are interested, just literally say "I'm Interested" on this thread and I will PM you about it ASAP. :)

Thanks Guys. :)
I won't make the guy cause I sort of have someone in mind :p

He's a muggel soccer player and a dead beat dad overall


his name Rafael De La Cruz,
so far he has 3 kids, but he could've had Antonio before Willow?
He's from Spain but I never really did his overall profile, so I can say he's bit Italian? (I might put Portugal too)
He will be a couple years older now (not 38)
this can be offered if no one makes the guy you want :) -though if we start to rp I can't till I'm done with lessons- >_< mmkay, ♥ :)
Hetty Riveon said:
I would offer but I'm not that good at making older people :(
Older People Rawk, it's easy if you know a few o_O
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