A Smoke Break

Celestyn Helkovaara

NYC based journalist
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Black Walnut/ Maple Wand 12 3/4 Essence of Silver Thistle
Celestyn Helkovaara was not having a good day, after having taken his day off the day before, the reporter had so much to catch up on, but it wasn't even that which had made his day just so much worse, it was one of his new colleagues and the fact that the man had been oh-so-happily announcing his engagement and had asked the older Celestyn why he wasn't with someone. Celestyn had shrugged of the man and headed outside, he slammed the door behind him, as he walked out, doing up the suit jacket to keep in the little parts of warmth that it would provide, the man wasn't dressed too warmly for the weather, but having been raised in Finland, the winters in New Zealand were nothing to what he was used to, though he'd been in New Zealand for quite a while, his body had always stuck to the finnish weather he much preferred.

As the man walked down the street, he took out a packet of cigarettes and quickly lit one up, he took in a deep breath of the smoke and then let out the air, feeling immediately relaxed with how good it was, to how good it felt to just let everything go and let out the long breath. He wasn't even feeling that stressed about the work day, it was just the man's happiness which had made Celestyn just feel like the worst, feel like everything was wrong. The man took another long drag of the cigarette and blew out the smoke, he was fine on his own, he didn't need anyone else, Celestyn was fine by himself, he was fine without having to think too much about it, he didn't need a relationship, he didn't need a family, he was fine, all by himself.
Gemma Antolini was not often afforded the ability to travel outside of her home in Italy, even as a witch, travel was not easy, though she was sure it was easy for her than it would be for muggles. Gemma didn't have a lot of money, her job was not exactly high paying and though she did enjoy it, she longed for a change. Her chance to travel came when her boss asked her if she would like to head out to New Zealand to write some travel stories for a new brochure they would be releasing. She was only going to be around for a little over a week, but already she was enjoying. She didn't care as long as she was able to get away for a little bit. She loved her family and her home, but sometimes she just needed to reevaluate her life and see where she was headed in terms of what she really wanted.

Gemma's time in New Zealand was spent mostly in Obsidian Harbour, a beautiful part of the magical community that she was sure her cousins lived close to. She was going to have to drop by and say hi, but for now she was just wandering around, taking in the air and thinking about how she wanted to make her start. At twenty four, Gemma was getting to that point in her life where she wanted to start doing things, making plans for her life. But she'd yet to decide what she wanted those plans to be. Sighing as she headed down another street, Gemma almost ran into someone, had she not seen the smoke. She coughed a little and waved her hand in front of her face to disperse it a little. "Gee, I didn't know cigarettes smelled so bad."
Celestyn let out a long stream of smoke from his lips as he lowered the cigarette, holding it inwards towards his palm to protect it from the cold wind, he couldn't help the sigh which escaped his lips as he did so, his eyes glancing out at the view around him, he was left questioning how his life hd become this, despite his reluctance in this country he had never once tried to move back, he couldn't, he was stuck in a personal limbo, in a job he loved but never settling, he'd still not unpacked his belongings, or most of his belongings, his walls were bare and devoid of images or personal effects and his clothes lay strewn on the floor when he wasn't wearing them, even if clean, it was definitely a good thing that he was able to use magic to keep things clean between his shifts at work. Celestyn had just never settled, he'd never felt right in his own little world, there had been brief flirtations with things that had made him feel more comfortable, like when he had met the librarian and helped her move, that had been nice, a little something to spend his days doing other than work, and perhaps it was just that Celestyn needed a hobby of some kind, something that would keep him occupied, give him friends, but he never did. He just remained in his little protective bubble because never venturing outside of it was safer, there was nothing to let him down if there was literally nothing, but even Celestyn could admit that occasionally it was boring and he missed being able to have things to do with his day, he missed having people to hang out with and a reason to go out other than a need for comfort.

Celestyn brought the cigarette up to his lips and took a deep drag, before letting out the air, just as someone beside him coughed, and waved her hands in front of her face and Celestyn just glanced round at her with a small polite expression and a small shrug at her words, he definitely didn't smell it, but her words were enough to make him discard the cigarette, and blow out the last of the smoke from within him, he didn't usually feel the need to do so, but the woman seemed completely adverse to the smoke and out of politeness he had discarded the cigarette, however brief the time period was it had done the job he had needed from it, to help him relax, he glanced at the woman, "Sorry, it just helps," he explained with a non-committal shrug about it, clearly uninterested in explaining himself further to the girl whom he did not know nor did he figure really cared other than to scorn him for what he'd be doing, "Are you waiting for someone?" he added, asking it politely as he motioned to the area around them, since he could see no other reason for her making such a statement unless she went out of her way to stop people from smoking, he wanted to let her answer it, rather than just trying to come up with some excuse himself.

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