A simple visit

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Thomas started walking out of the hospital wing and listened to Scorpius' story. He was surprised at first, "You were dating Luna?" He asked, almost laughing. "Yeah I'm friendly enough with here, I mean hers and Autumn's families are close so I got to talking to her a bit." He said rambling herself.

When Scorp continued Thomas tried to remember the girl he had mentioned. Then one of his earliest memories of HNZ came back to him, giving a small wince he said, "Oh yeah, I remember Hoshi. Can you say temper?" He said with a laugh, but it was clear to see from his story that Scorp had witnessed her angry first hand.

When Scorp finished Thomas shook his head, "Truer words were never spoken mate. They have it far too easy at times." He said, trying not to get his blood boiling again. "What do you do to realise your anger?" He asked, after Scorp commented that people know he's angry when he gets angry.
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