A simple visit

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Thomas Smith

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Sexual Orientation
Myrtle Wand 15 1/2" Core - Tail of Charmed Newt
Thomas made his way up to the Ravenclaw house after a very unpleasant conversation with, who he thought to be, one of his best friends. Making his way along corridor after corridor he was in deep thought, How could this happen? Should I tell Autumn? he wondered.

Autumn even after a few weeks, butterflies fluttered in his stomach at the thought of her. This feeling overwhelmed him for a while, he let it go through him in hope that it would let him forget about Joceline.

After a few floors he was starting to forget about what happened in the dungeons and just thought about what to do once he saw Autumn again. "Ow!" He said out loud when he moved his right hand to put it in his pocket to take out his wand. Unsure why such a simple movement hurt him so he looked at his hand. It was bruised, with a number of scrathes on it. Then he remembered when his fist made contact with the dungeon wall, he was so consumed in anger he never even thought about his hand.

Realising he was on third floor he sighed and decided to go to Hospital Wing, just to be sure nothing was broken and maybe get something for the pain and take the swelling down. Entering the hospital wing he took a seat on an empty bed, the one he had carried Autumn to the night she passed out, the one where he had asked her out to the Yule Ball. Memories of that night flooded though him as he waited.
Scorpius quickly made his way down to the Hospital Wing after his last class, as had become his routine when visiting Taylor. Only this time he wasn't going to visit her, since she was out already, and he knew since he had visited her every day until she got better. No, this time he was going to see where the heck Sidney, or rather, Nurse Coogan was, since he found it extremely odd that he hadn't seen her at all throughout his visits to Taylor. Usually she was the busiest Nurse around, something was off and Scorpius wanted to know what was wrong.

Upon entering the Hospital Wing, his eyes trailed over to the bed that Taylor had once laid in and a smile crept upon his face, remembering when he had asked her out there. Reflexively, his dark grey eyes traveled over to the bed where he had once carried Luna over to on the night before Halloween to make her get better. He then noticed that someone was sitting on it, his roommate if he wasn't mistaken. "Thomas?" he asked for clarification as Scorpius walked slowly over to him. The two had never really talked though Scorpius blamed it on their schedules or routes, somehow the two had just never crossed paths much.
Thomas started to get impatient, wondering where the heck the nurses were. Surely they had heard him come in. He sat on the bed and decided to wait a little longer, it was late enough, they probably didn't expect anyone visiting at this time.

He stared blanky at the door, as if willing it to open. After a few minutes of nothing the door opened, he jumped slightly. He was expecting someone to come through the doors but when he happened it had caught him off guard.

When he looked up at the door he frowned when he saw it wasn't a nurse, but a boy. Scorpius, his roommate, who he had never really talked too. "Yeah." He replied, "Hey Scorpius, what brings you here?" He asked, not seeing anything obviously wrong with him.
Scorpius nodded his head slightly when he knew he hadn't gotten his name wrong. He ruffled his hair when he asked what he was doing there but answered anyway. "Looking for a Nurse," he replied simply. "I'm not hurt," he added rather unnecessarily. He looked at Thomas sitting on the Hospital bed and tilted his head sideways. "Are you hurt?" At first glance Scorpius couldn't really tell.
Thomas blinked at Scorpius, it thought it a bit strange to be looking for a nurse, but not hurt. He shrugged off the idea, he knew the nurses were there for a chat too, so he expected it to be a different reason. Thomas rolled his eyes when Scorpius asked was he hurt, lifting up his right hand to show the bruising, cuts and swelling, "I think I've busted my hand." He said lightly, he didn't really mind, the pain was a bit annoying though.
Scorpius saw him lift up a badly bruised and swollen hand full of scratches. "Wow, how'd you do that?" Scorpius asked, slightly stunned. He went over to the seat beside Thomas and sat in it, since the two seemed to be waiting for a Nurse anyway, he hoped Thomas wouldn't mind. "No, more importantly, why did you do that?" he asked with a small chuckle. He looked at his hand a little while longer and remembered Nurse Sidney being able to fix his hand quickly once so he knew Thomas would be good to go in no time.
Thomas rolled his eyes and rested his hand back on to his lap. He knew he hadn't talked to Scorpius a lot throughout the year, but he had to tell someone, and he preferred that someone to not be Autumn, not straight away anyway.

Sighing he said, "Well, I did it by bashing my hand against the dungeons walls, I may have gotten a tinsey bit angry." Using his good hand to bring his thumb and index finger together, giving a lame laugh. Knowing Scorpius would probably ask why he got angry Thomas continued, "Do you know Joceline Richarde, Slytherin First Year?" He asked before saying anything else.
"A tinsey bit?" he repeated with a smirk, but it wasn't as if he was condoning Thomas, Scorpius knew how that feeling of frustration could cause you to do stupid things. When he asked if he knew someone, Scorpius tried racking his brains for a recollection of the name but no face came to mind. "No I don't sorry," he said to him with a defeated shrug. "Why?" he asked skeptically.
Thomas smirked, "OK, maybe a bit more than a tinsey bit, either way I got angry." He said rubbing his forehead, he felt a headache coming on, just what he needed on top of everything. Thomas sighed, "Joceline is or was, I'm not sure anymore, my best friend" He rambled quickly, "And I just found out that she loves me." He finished, cringing at the word love, he still couldn't get his head around, all he knew was thinking about made him angry.

Scorpius listened as Thomas tried to explain what happened. After he figured it out, he actually let out a laugh. "Sorry," he added quickly, it wasn't a laughing matter, especially since Thomas seemed to be so upset. It was just funny how a similar situation had happened with him and Hoshi but Hoshi had caused him to break his hand by aiming a bludger at him. He whistled a low whistle as he shook his head and said, "I know how it feels." He had felt that way twice, with Jenna and Hoshi, it was a scary feeling thinking that you'd just lost your best friend. "So I'm guessing you don't like her back?" Scorpius questioned, trying to ease Thomas into telling him the full story. He seemed really upset and sometimes the best thing to do was to rant to someone completely unrelated to the subject, or subjects in this case, and since Scorpius had time to kill, he didn't mind being the person to rant to.
Pearl had been thinking some things over for the past few days. She heard someone come into the hospital wing and then another. She listened to them talk for a bit before deciding now was a good time to come in, "hello boys" she said in a soft voice, she waled over to the boy with the swollen hand, "may I?" she asked gesturing that she wanted to look it over.
Thomas shrugged, "No need to apologise. I would probably laugh too if I was in your position." He admitted. Truthfully, it was one messed up situation for an eleven year old to be in and the fact that older people would call it 'cute' or 'adorable' didn't help it at all, they wouldn't understand anyway Thomas thought, as he knew he would hear it soon enough from some adult, he would have to tell his mother eventually, but he tried not to think of that at the moment.

Thomas was grateful that he was talking to someone who had been in the same situation, someone to give him a few pointers on how to deal with the whole situation. Thomas sighed and shook his head, "Not in that way. I only love her as a friend but I only have feelings for Autumn in that way." He babbled, not even taking into consideration if Scorpius even knew who he was talking about, or if he even knew that he and Autumn were together.

Thomas was about to continue when he heard a voice. Looking up he saw an older woman, who he took to be a nurse. "Hello." He replied, looking at her badge he finished, "Nurse Kanti." He watched her come over and asked to look at his hand, "Sure." He said lifting it up, here come the questions he thought, taking a deep sigh.
Pearl took the boys hand gingerly into her own, she felt a few placeses and frowned "you apear to have broken your hand in a few diffrent places, mostly in your fingers and knuckes" she said pulling out her wand. She used the nonverbal spell on the boys hand, "there, the bones have healed, could you please flex your fingers for me?" she asked with a small smile.
Thomas flinched when the nurse took his hand, even the slightest touch seemed to irritate it now. He watched as she removed her wand and held it over her hand. When she said it was healed he looked at her, it couldn't have been that quick? he thought. "Um, OK." He said unsure if it had really worked.

Reluctantly he moved his fingers the tiniest bit, in case it hadn't of worked he didn't want to hurt his hands anymore than it would. Much to his surprise it didn't hurt moving his fingers. He started to moved his fingers animatedly. "Wow, thanks." He said happily to the nurse. Now the swelling and these scars can't go away as quickly can they? he thought.

Um, I've already RPed after this, so could you make it you had to put a bandage over my hand or something? Thanks
pearl gave the boy a warm smile "no problem hun, now to fix the swelling." She pointed her wand at his hand again and performed a simple deflating charm, "now theres nothing i can do about those scars that wont hurt and they dont work to well any ways, why not a simple bandage" she said walking over to the medicen cabinet. She came back and wrapped it around the boys hand "now keep that on for at least a week, accept for showering, adn sleeping, the wounds need air if there going to heal, and remember keep them clean" she added. She then turned to the other boy, the former nurse had warned her about him "You must be Mr. Knight, what seems to be the problem, or are you just here with your friend?" she asked in a kind voice.
Thomas sat quietly as the nurse performed another spell, not wanting to break her concentration. He listened to her say the scars would need a bandage and just nodded, he didn't mind. When she had finished putting the bandage on Thomas listened to her give some basic instructions, nodding once again he said, "No problem, thanks again." He said happily.

He laughed quietly to himself when the nurse seemed to know Scorpius, he knew he wasn't hurt but he did say he was looking for a nurse, so maybe nurse Kanti would be suffice. Thomas waited for Scorpius to answer before getting up to leave.
Scorpius sighed softly and shook his head when Thomas began explaining. It was an overall suckish situation to be in so he sympathized with him. Before he could say anything however, a Nurse appeared, not Nurse Coogan to Scorpius disappointment. He watched with eager interest as this other Nurse, Nurse Kanti, treated Thomas' hand faster than he had seen Nurse Coogan treat a wound. "Wow that was fast," he muttered, half impressed, half in disbelief. He liked watching all the procedures Nurse Coogan did, it interested him. Soon after she was done and Thomas' hand was banaged up, Nurse Kanti addressed him and Scorpius let out a chuckle. "No I'm not hurt," he assured her, but he hadn't exactly come with Thomas so he couldn't say that was the reason for his visit. "I actually came to see where Nurse Coogan is?" he asked Nurse Kanti with hopeful grey eyes. "I haven't seen her in a while and I've been coming here a lot lately," he said, referring to his constant visits to Taylor in which sometimes other nurses would shoo him away for being there too much; luckily Taylor had recovered quite quickly.
"Thank-you" she replied to Scorpius, when he asked about Nurse Coongan her smile went a little smaller. "I'm sorry dear but Nurse Coongan has left" she said in a gental voice. She put a hand on his shoulder "were you two close?"
[Sorry for holding this up!]

Scorpius' mouth dropped slightly in shock as Nurse Kanti said Sidney had left. "What do you mean she left? On vacation? Is she coming back?" he asked, yet again hopeful. He nodded his head slightly when she asked if they had been close. "She treated me every time I came here," he explained with a small shrug, hoping not to come off as too sad, but he was severely disappointed. He had been looking forward to seeing her perform more procedures and in the future learn how to do them himself as well.
(were just glad your back)

"Sydney is gone dear, she may come back to vist" Pearl added the last part, she had never really gotton to know Sydney, but this boy must really have cared for her. "you two must have been close, I'm sorry" she added.
Scorpius sighed defeatedly but said, "It's okay." He didn't want to come off as too attached to her or anything. He bit his lip momentarily before deciding to cheer the tone up and said, "I guess that means I'll be seeing you more often," and grinned widely at her.
(I Second that ^_^)

Thomas sat on the bed listening to Scorpius and the nurse converse. Seemed Scorpius was close to this Nurse Coogan, but Thomas didn't know who she was. The only other time he was in here, it was Nurse Johnson who had attened to Autumn.

Thomas sat back on the bed, not having much to add to the conversation and quite francally, getting bored, he had come and got done what needed done, he had no real reason to stay any longer. He heard Scorpius' last comment, "Wow, do you come here often?" He asked laughing slightly.
Pearl smiled at the boy "I cant say I'm pleased with that but you seem like a very nice young man" she replied,"You may go now if you want too" she said to them both knowing how most kids hated being in the hospital wing "and remember not to use that hand too much" she added to the boy named Thomas.
Thomas stood up when the nurse started to dismiss them, "I'll try not too." He said with a roll of his eyes, it would be hard seeing as he used that hand for writing, casting his wand, eating, he would be well and truely screwed for the next few days, Ahh well he thought. "Coming?" He asked Scorpius.
Scorpius chuckled when Thomas asked if he came to the Hospital Wing often. He got up when they were dismissed and said, "I'll see you around Nurse Kanti," with a playful grin, though he wasn't going to go out and purposely get hurt. He nodded as Thomas asked if he was coming and walked with him out of the Hospital Wing.

Since he hadn't really answered Thomas' first question on if he came to the hospital wing now, he decided to answer it now, since it related to Thomas' situation right now. "The last time I was in here for an injury of mine, I had broken my hand too. It's kind of a similar situation to yours actually," he said shaking his head with a smile on his face as they continued to walk to nowhere in particular, since Scorpius wasn't really leading. "I began seeing this girl Luna, do you know her? She's a Ravenclaw," he began unknowingly rambling, "and once one of my best friends Hoshi found out, what about her, do you know her? Well let's just say she wasn't very happy and was aiming bludgers at me. I was able to get her to calm down but as I was in midair with her, a bludger came at me from the back and hit my hand while it was in my hair," he said with an eye roll. All of this just because he had began dating someone. "Girls are so weird sometimes, how they just hide their emotions like that," he stated with frustration. If he was mad, everyone knew it, he wasn't very good at hiding his feelings, he didn't know how girls did it.
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