🌹 Rose Giving A Rose, Not An Olive Branch

Audrey Beauchamp

I have a cunning plan...
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
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Curly 11 1/2 Inch Unyielding Walnut Wand with Boomslang Venom Core
16 (17/11/2047)
yellow rose for @Veronica Walden-Cade

It was a bit awkward delivering a rose to Veronica. Audrey didn't really dislike the girl, but she wasn't especially fond of her either - and she hadn't gone out of her way to interact with her much after snapping at her in the prefect's meeting. She had a bit of a sour attitude and seemingly a strong dislike of Teddy. Audrey was a little protective over her best friend, even though he definitely didn't need it. But Bailey had been nice to her, so if nothing else Audrey owed it to Bailey to be pleasant to Veronica. Putting on her warmest smile when she ran across her while idly wandering up and down stairs, Audrey tried to catch her classmate's eye. "Hey, so, I've got a rose delivery for you," she said, reaching into her basket to find the yellow rose with the correct note.
There were many people that Veronica had come to dislike on principal, anyone who was friends with Teddy was high on that list, so she was most annoyed to run into Audrey on her way out from her father's office and more so when the Ravenclaw announced she had a rose for her. "Merlin, another one?" She grumbled mostly to herself as she reached out to take the yellow rose and note from Audrey once she had fished them out.
Audrey resisted the urge to roll her eyes at Veronica's muttering. She didn't quite parse exactly what was said but it was some sort of complaint about the volume of roses, it seemed. That seemed like such a silly thing to complain about, and Audrey would have gladly taken more roses. But, she was still committed to this being passably pleasant thing and instead just handed over the rose with a placid smile. "Happy Valentines," she said as sweetly as possible. It was a little more strained than sweet, but it was what it was.

Thank you. From Rose.
Veronica was glad that Audrey didn't waste time giving her the note, she wanted the interaction over with as soon as possible. She read it and smiled seeing Rose's name, it was a cute gesture from the younger Gryffindor who was increasingly becoming one of the few people she could actually stand to be around. "Thanks," She said half heartedly. "You too I guess,"

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