🌹 Rose Giving A Romantic Holland-day

Milo Frogg

I Think I Will Cause Problems On Purpose
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
07/2048 (13)
Yellow Rose for @Lucy Holland

If anyone had asked Milo what he was doing out on the lawn, he would have said he was looking for deliveries though deep down he hadn't actually thought he'd spot anyone out here and just wanted a break. Which was why seeing Lucy Holland emerge from the edge of the Forest with her own deliveries was such a surprise. "Hey, what are you doing out here?" Milo asked suspiciously, cutting across the lawn to head Lucy off before she got inside.
Making a delivery to Aspen had Lucy's head spinning, and she hardly remembered who she had to deliver to next. She had seen Aspen around the grounds of course, but she'd never actually gotten up the nerve to speak to the woman. But now she had, and she had to remember how to go back to normal life now. This was the second centaur she had spoken to, and she wondered just how many were out there in the forest. Her thoughts were interrupted by a voice and she looked up to see a boy she recognised from the Gryffindor Quidditch team - an upcoming rival. She looked at him seriously, not wanting to give anything away. "Important business." She said firmly.
Milo squinted closely at Lucy, looking her up and down before looking out at the treeline, suspicion etched into every line of his body. "Right. Important business. In the forest," he hedged, craning his neck to try and see if he could spot anyone else amongst the trees. Had Lucy snuck off to go make out with someone on Valentine's? Was she up to something? Milo had to find out and it was a good thing he had leverage.

"Well, I had some important rose business for you, but I guess if you're busy doing... Other stuff, it'll have to wait," he said, holding up a yellow rose and twirling it with an express of faux-remorse.
Lucy met his gaze, raising an eyebrow. "Yes. Important forest business." She said plainly, not giving an inch. She had to drop the haughty tone when he continued though, eyes widening. "No! Gimme!" She said urgently, lunging to grab at the rose.

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