Closed A Reunion of Sisters

June Davenport

Obviously, the best ✨
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Straight 16 Inch Swishy Ash Wand with Veela Hair Core
[Adminapproval= 87341/115234/ 21205]

Just as she wanted things to go, June had recieved an note from her younger sister with an rose a while back. It was the first step of an reunion and June wanted it to come from Camille. It was neccesary for her bigger picture for later on. June knew exactly how Camille was and what she had to do to build up the relationship again. They had an good relationship when they were younger, and they still lived together as a family. It was Lauren who ruined it all and their relationship as well. That was how June saw it. And it had hurt her a while that Camille had chose the wrong side in her eyes. Back than in the fostering place, June could think things all through. She didn't felt like reaching out than to her younger sister, or answer her letters. June was mad at her, still was. But she needed her also, and perhaps deep down June liked to believe Camille could be turned to her side again. It was disgusting that she was a Hufflepuff, but that was all the influence of Landon an Lauren mostly she believed. June so far was the only one who achieved the expectations of her biological parents had for them. And she would continue with that.

So now it was her turn to act and she had written her sister a note to come meet her in the abandoned classroom. June hoped Camille would find her, since she could walk around the castle for hours and not ask anyone for help. So she stood on the look out and tried to spot an blonde haired girl. June in a way wanted this to be an private conversation. It wasn't neccesary for people to hear it. June was always very good in being closed of the matters and her past or family situation. She never talked about it with someone, since she didn't trust anyone. June only said stuff about it if it would help her out with something, or that she wanted to use some parts for her own good. She also didn't spoke much of Misha as her dad to others, since she still didn't called him that way and perhaps never would. But it was not something she kept as an secret too, it could be known. And since there seemed to be a lot of people jealous and out for her the blonde believed she made sure she had no loose ends. The blonde looked outside of the classroom and saw Camille looking around an bit lost she seemed.
'' Cami? I'm here.'' the blonde than called out and put on a smile.
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Camille hadn't had a smile on her face for so long in a while. It had been scary to send a note with a rose to June. She was afraid she wouldn't hear anything or that she would be rejected. Because she had send so many letters to June and the only letter she recieved back in all those years was that she had to stop sending letters. And so she did after a while. But Camille wanted nothing more than to have June in her life again, she was her bigger sister and she missed her. Also Camille felt sad, of thinking that June was all by herself. She was adopted by Misha Haden she knew, and in a way she was happy for her that she found a home. But Camille wanted June with her and let her feel the love and happiness she had given from the Carters. Ofcourse she had been sad when she heard her biological mother had passed away. And it felt conflicted than to continue with her new family.

She made her way to the place June's note had send her too. It was such a maze this castle to Camille, and she was scared to lose her way everytime. It would be terrible to ask the way to others all the time, what must they think of her. It was just all overwhelming and she was nervous to see June. What if she would tell her she didn't want contact anymore and just one conversation last time. Suddenly Camille realized in the way to the meeting place that this could turn out the wrong way too. She felt scared and her heart racing as she looked around, people walking by. And very close to burst out in tears. When she heard almost like she was underwater someone calling her name in a way she knew only the people close to her did. And turned around slowly and noticed June, and she had a smile on her face. '' June..'' she let out softly. Which was an relief for Camille. Who sighted shorly to come back to where she was here and now and walked towards June to follow her into the classroom. Suddenly she forgot for a moment the people walking by in the hallway and enjoyed the calm in the classroom.
When Camille followed her into the empty classroom June looked around. She wondered how long this wasn't cleaned well. She was fine with just standing. She tried to look at Camille's face, she seemed nervous for sure. But she didn't had nothing to worry about today. June looked at Camille who nervously was playing with her hands and June figured she should let her feel more at ease by an sign of good faith. So she walked to Camille and took her hands in her hands and looked at her with a smile. '' I'm glad you came.'' she than said with an friendly voice. And watched her little sister in the eye. '' It's been a while, but I've wanted to thank you for the rose you send me and your note.'' June than continued. She was always the one that talked more than Camille did. And since she was the older one and this was her idea of meeting she wanted to take the lead in that. '' I needed some time.. after all that happend..'' June than said, and took an deep breath. For Camille she didn't need to pretend and wanted to show her emotions since that would bring sympathy. She let go of Camille's hands and looked around, and made sure she could see the door opening. '' So how are you doing? Do you like Hogwarts?'' The blonde than asked. Hufflepuff couldn't possibly be nice she thought. But she was an bit curious how Camille thought of it so far. And how she was doing in classes.
Camille followed June into the empty classroom and played nervously with her hands. Thankfully it didn't took long for June to speak. Which was nice for Camille, since she had trouble finding words often. When June came to her and took her hands she nervously looked to the ground and back to June as she spoke. An soft smile appeared as June seemed to be happy to see her too. She nodded as June explained. Camille sighted as she thought about her mother passing away and her biological father being in Azkaban. It was hard to choice, since she often felt in between her sisters. And in a way Camille felt guilty for leaving June, but she had felt bad for Lauren as well. There hadn't been an good choice in this. But she hoped that they would all come together once, with her two other sisters as well. '' I'm sorry..'' the blonde let out. They hadn't spoken anymore since their mother passed away. She didn't knew what to say right now more. And focused on the next question. In a way she figured she had to impress June, with her experiances. But she didn't want to lie. '' I'm.. ok.'' Camille answered and watched June. '' It's so big.. and so many people. But some are nice.'' She than replied. Thinking of the few she had spoken to. Also she didn't exactly how to behave, or tell her she usually spend time with Landon in the greenhouse. '' You.. like it here too right?'' Camille than responded, it was nice to see June again. '' Bryon.. I mean dad must be proud of you..'' she added, but felt na bit scared of saying it. She was confused sometimes, since in a way she had two dads. But Landon was the one she was used too now. It was odd to speak to June, and she needed to find some way. But it was a start.

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