A reminder of home.

Tony Alraur

Well-Known Member
It wasn't long before an owl had flew through the Great Hall during lunch, screeching loudly as it dropped a letter onto Tony's head. Shouting back louder, Tony swatted at the bird; before picking the envelope up from the floor. Not sure what it was, or who it was from, Tony cautiously opened it.
The letter received: said:

I arrived home to an empty house yesterday. It seems so quiet without you or Peaches here. How are you? Are you taking care of Peaches? Have you un-packed your trunk? How where your first lessons? Is your uniform comfortable? Have you made any more friends?

How is Trinity? She will be a good friend for you to keep sweetie. Tell her I say hello, and if she was to spin on a stool again, to lean forward; it's so much more fun.

I don't know how long it will be for this letter to reach you. Reply to it as soon as you receive it. And make sure to write to your auntie Joanne!

I miss you sweetie. xx
His eyes wide with excitement, Tony read the letter over and over. His mind filled with thoughts and memories of home, Tony quickly finished his plate; and ran to the tower, stopping at his dorm room to scribble a reply.
The reply sent: said:
I miss you. I am okay, and Peaches is good too. No, my trunk isn't un-packed. I might do it later.

My lessons have been okay. Charms is going to be really good. I can't wait for next week.

The uniform is fine I guess. I haven't really met anyone else yet. Maybe soon.

Trinity. I don't know. I haven't seen her. And I'll tell her. I think we have Herbology together. It sounds boring.

I hope I can see you soon. I love you.
Re-reading the line mentioning his auntie, Tony selected another sheet of parchment and re-dipped the Fancy Blue Quill into the pot of ink.
The letter sent: said:
Auntie Joanne,

Thank you for allowing me to stay for a few months before heading to Hogwarts. I have so much fun.

My lessons are going okay so far, and I think I might like Charms. I haven't seen Trinity yet. I don't know where she is.

Peaches is happy now too. She is curled up on the bed.

Hopefully I can come and see you during the holidays.

Leaving the dorm room, Tony made his way to the Owlery; and to the noise of more screeching birds. Walking in-side, Tony watched the mass of owls situated within the room; and attempted to select one to send his letters with. After several minuets of trying to take hold of an owl, Tony managed to finaly choose one; and not fully understanding anything about them, exclaimed loudly as the bird bit into his finger; before heading back up to the roof. "Great! You stupid bird!". Looking for something to throw, Tony turned to see another owl make its way towards him. "Don't you dare!" Tony growled. The owl simply looked back and continued closer. Seeing this bird was a little quieter than the others, Tony edged his own way towards the owl; keeping his painful finger away from the beak. Reaching the owl, Tony carefully tucked his letters into a pouch fastened to its leg; and stood back as the bird took flight, and headed out of a huge opening in the wall.

Nursing his finger, and cursing at the owl that had bitten him; Tony left the Owlery, and headed back towards the Ravenclaw common room.
Sat out-side, Tony wasn't paying much attention to his surroundings; when an owl flew across the lawn, and landed in front of him. Still oblivious to the fact, Tony jumped slightly when he felt something brush against his arm. Looking down, Tony noticed the owl; and, not recognising it, wondered why it was there. A few stares where exchanged between himself and the bird, before Tony came to realise his mother had replied to him. Reaching for the pouch attached to the owls leg, Tony removed the letter and began to read.
Joanne's reply: said:
Dearest nephew,

My house is so much cleaner now you are gone. Don't come back will you. Okay I kid. It's too quiet.

Ahh, Charms. Just wait until you have studied for a few years. You'll enjoy it more. Give the cute little cat my love. I'll see you both during the holidays. Auntie Joanne. -x-
Tony could only laugh as he read the letter, but soon began to wonder where his mothers reply was. Folding the letter, Tony looked around for the owl; but realised it must have took flight once more.

Leaning against the castle wall, Tony closed his eyes for a brief moment. At least, it seemed like a brief moment. Waking sharply to a loud squawk, Tony sat up-right and glared at yet another bird attempting to garner his attention. Scowling at the owl, Tony leaned forward and reached for the letter. Wondering who this one would be from, Tony grinned when he recognised his mothers hand-writing. Reading the letter, Tony couldn't wait to go home. Petting the owl, Tony watched as it turned and headed off towards the owlery; before climbing to his feet and making the long journey up to his dorm-room.

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