A red rose for you

Elizabeth Benivieni

Mom of twins | Joker
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Leo <3
Knotted 15 Inch, Sturdy Blackthorn wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core
The next one was a Ravenclaw student. Someone named Silus Hollister, so Elizabeth walked all the way up in the direction of The North Tower. It was nice, she already had paid a visit to a Gryffindor, Hufflepuff and now Ravenclaw student. It all were older students, and it made sense. Elizabeth would like to get a rose, but she was so not busy with love and kissing gross she didn't want to think about that yet.

So with the red rose she entered The North Tower and saw some Ravenclaw students passing by. She looked around if she saw someone that seemed nice to ask if they had saw Silius. '' Hello, have you got any idea where I can find a Silius Hollister? He has got a admirer. '' It was so funny to deliver this roses, she couldn't wait to see the look on people their faces when they got a rose. Perhaps this Ravenclaw didn't even like flowers. Flowers were things for girls right? But the young Gryffindor wouldn't think of it as weird of a boy would also like flowers.

Nothing made Silus snort more than Valentines Day. Not only was it the most useless, unnecessary holiday ever, but it almost made the boy sick. All these love struck people getting together to think about mushy gushy things. Love was such a hoax, he decided -- though deep down he knew that wasn´t true, as he glared out a window. Nobody loves me. He brooded.
Sighing, he rose from the window sill, and brushed the the dust off his robes. He supposed he should get on with the day. Nobody could grovel forever, not even him.

Once out of the dormitories, he was about to head downstairs when he heard his name called. What the devil? He turned on his heel to find a Gryffindor firstie. ¨Eh, what?¨ He asked, making no attempt to conceal the dumbfounded look on his face. He almost laughed. Surely he hadn´t heard her correctly.

When she saw a boy coming to her way and the way how he responded made her knew that this was Silus. '' You are Silus? I've got a rose for you! And the colour is red, so you have a admirer.'' The young Gryffindor smiled at the boy she never saw him before and he looked kinda cool. '' I'm Elizabeth by the way a very young Gryffindor.'' She was curious how the boy would react to this rose. She pointed the rose towards Silius his direction and waited. '' There is also a message added.'' she metioned at the end.
Message said:
Dear Silus Hollister,

Sometimes I wish that I didn't have to see you every day, because the memories that you trigger are too painful to handle. I'll never forget our time together in he library, you left your mark on me. Always thinking of you, be good, you're always on my mind.

Fee xx

An admirer, oh joy... Silus thought to himself, mentally cringing at the sight of the blood red rose in the gryffindor's hand.
He ignored her introduction -- like he cared, and tentatively snatched the rose out of her grasp like it was alive. I suppose I was asking for this. He thought, sighing as he turned his attention to the attached note.

His lip curled in pure disgust, as he read the first line. What the fresh hell is this? Once he reached the second line, however, he couldn't help but a snort in genuine amusement. It was hilariously clever, and the boy's icy blue eyes brightened for a moment. Ripping the note off, he tucked it into his robes, a smirk frozen on his lips.

"Here," He said, attempting to push the rose back into the girl's and. He only wished to keep the note. "Just say I return their love." He said in a convincingly serious tone, which under the cirsumstances, proved to be a challenge. And with that, he turned on his heel and started off, not bothering to utter a goodbye or a thanks.


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