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The Dungeons

As many nights before, Ulysses Viteri had left Ravenclaws common room hours ago when the last student went finally to bed. His curiosity and thirst for knowledge couldn't be contained. While he knew there were more things to find out, it was impossible for him to stay idle and stay in the tedious common room. He loved wandering around the empty corridors, visiting new locations, finding new secrets. For him there was something new every day and he enjoyed that. He had searched all the floors and just yesterday he had discovered the beauty of the towers. The view of the night sky from there was astounding. Ulysses never returned back to his dormitory. He lied down on a balcony's floor and gazed the sky all night, until he got too tired and fell asleep under the blanket of stars.
While he keenly wanted to return back to the tallest tower and spend his night there, he had one more part of the castle to explore. Ulysses had heard horrific stories about the Dungeons from other students. Some of them were supporting that the place was haunted as it was used for dreadful tortures in the past. The ravenclaw knew of course that ghosts existed but they were nothing like haunting or tormenting the living. At least the ghosts at the Great Hall didn't look like that case. Regardless, he had been venturing for quite long in that notorious series of corridors, cellars and chambers. There was definitely an eerie silence but nothing spooky. Fires were burning on the torches, providing light but also tremulous shadows on the stone walls, yet Ulysses wasn't afraid. He wasn't sure what exactly he was expecting to find there. Torturing devices? Human skeletons? So far he had encountered none of them and soon he lost interest.
Ulysses decided to head back to the Ground Floor. He couldn't wait to climb back at the top of the castle and stay under the starry sky for the rest of the night. Thanks to his great sense of orientation, he managed to find his way out of the Dungeons. He almost felt relieved for climbing up the stairs leading to the Main Entrance but the figure that crossed the hall in front of him chilled his blood. It was a miracle that he wasn't caught out of his bed all this time but it seemed this stroke of luck was going to come to an end. Ulysses held his breath and remained still in the darkness provided by the corner formed by the stairs leading to the Grant Staircase. He noticed that the shady stranger wasn't an adult but a students. Upon better observation, it turned to be a girl around his age and she was carrying a couple of boxes. Uli sneaked out of the shadow's safety and vigilantly approached the girl. "Hey!" he said in a quite voice but his whispers were carried around the hall. "Shh! It's okay. I'm not going to snitch you. Sorry for sneaking up on you like that." he tried to reassure the girl before reacting unexpectedly and getting both into serious trouble. "Where are you going? It's not allowed to leave the castle." he stood between her and the large, double door leading to the courtyard. She was intending to get outside before he interrupted her. It was obvious that whatever business she had at one o' clock after midnight, that was outside the castle.