A Rather Awkward Meeting

Cashlin Darkhart

Well-Known Member
Cashlin was having a fine day shopping. She was finally able to be happy. It had been quite some time since she lost her two daughters, both at different times. But now she had a son, a lovely, sweet, kind son. He was a little quiet, but seemed quite studious and simply loved to play. She hoped that nothing would upset her third child, her first two seemed to self-destruct themselves and Cashlin had no idea why. With her son, Tate Darkhart, by her side, Cashlin continued to look through the shops. They were searching for a little gift for Moriarty, sometimes he deserved a small gift. It had been Tate's idea, and she was all for it. They walked to several shops, looking for the perfect thing. She didn't want to buy something he didn't like. They had been wondering around for an hour and a half now. The streets were crowded with people and Cashlin made sure that Tate was by her side at all times. She was a little protective of her little boy. He was all she really had left, she didn't want to let down another child.

With a smile at the ten year old, she looked around the little trinkets. Nothing here seemed to call her name. Moriarty would most likely not like this. She left the store and continued walking down the street. She began to examine the shop windows once more, which was why she was taken so much by surprise when she walked into someone. "Oh!" She looked around, and her eyes nearly feel out of their sockets. Annalie. Her Annalie. What was Annalie doing here? Cashlin quickly allowed her shocked face to fall and nodded to Annalie. She didn't think Annalie would be happy with what happened. She placed her hand in front of Tate and pushed him back. She didn't want Annalie snapping at the poor boy. This was not his fault and she didn't what him getting upset. "Annalie, what are you doing here?" Didn't she have some boyfriend or something that she was going to run off with?​
Tate was really, really excited. He loved going for walks outside. He also loved to spend time with his mother, and his father. In fact, he liked spending time with both of them. Cashlin would take him out and show him around and go shopping and have fun, while Moriarty would let him play sports and run around. Tate continued to walk beside his mother. Although he liked to play, Tate didn't like talking too much, so he often stuck closely to his parents whenever he was out and about. especially since it's so crowded here. There were so many shops and quite a few people. They were walking around, back and forth everywhere. They all seemed very busy and all seemed to be doing something important. Tate nearly tripped over, earning him a smile from his mother. He sighed to himself. He was such a clumsy person.

They walked into a small shop that sold a lot of little things. Tate stood on his toes to look at all of the shelves. They were filled with so many things! He wanted to get everything for his father. He turned on his heel when his mother left the store. At this rate, they were never going to get anything for his father. They had already been walking for what seemed like forever. The blonde was getting a little tired. He continued to walk quietly a few steps behind his mother. When she appeared to bump into someone, Tate looked up. What happened. He was being pushed backward, so he frowned. He wanted to know what was happening, so the ten year old stepped around his mother's hand. "What's going on?" He asked softly, looking around curiously. Who was Annalie?

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