Closed A Private Moment

Sunday Weeks

~Girly~ Boss~ Dramatic~ Sunny~
OOC First Name
Jess S
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Curved 12 Inch Swishy Acacia Wand with Acromantula Web Core
11 (8/29/2050)
Sunday had decided to approach one of her sisters about her problems. Not wanting to burden Saturday with it, she'd instead sent a note to Friday, asking her sister to meet her in the abandoned classroom. It was out of the way, and not something everyone sought out immediately. She took a few deep breaths, arriving early. She was wringing her hands as she paced the room. She sighed and took a seat, not wanting to seem too out of sorts right away. She pulled out her wand instead, crossing her ankles and twisting the wood in her hands. "It's fine, it'll be fine," She murmured, taking several breaths to try and settle the pounding of her heart.
Friday wasn't often summond by her sister. She wasn't usually the sister anyone tried to get the information from, she was just one of the middle ones, without a twin and on her own. She was like Monday in that way of being alng, though obviously unlike him hadn't lost the sibling. Friday walked into the abandoned classroom and looked towards her sister who was already sitting there. "Hey" she greeted.
Sunday jumped a little, and let herself relax just a bit when Friday appeared. "Hi," She greeted, shifting and patting the spot beside her. "Sit with me?" She asked softly, letting herself be a little bit more vulnerable. It was easier, with Friday. Even if Sunday desperately wanted to impress her. She took a deep breath, hoping this wouldn't turn around and bite her. It was bound to be fine... right?
Friday smirked just a little as Sunday seemed to be startled by her, but then she noted that Sunday was being perhaps a little more vulnerable with her, and tried her best to put on a big sister hat. She sat down with her and then looked at her. "What's going on?" trying her best to channel whatever genes she had from Monday to do right by her sibling.
Sunday hesitated, fidgeting a bit before taking a deep breath. She looked to her wand. "I'm struggling with my magic." She admitted softly. "A lot. I'm trying so hard..." Her voice caught and she stopped, taking a deep breath. "I thought wands were supposed to choose you and make you stronger. But its such a fight to get it to work. It takes all of my lessons, and I barely manage to cast even the simplest spells. Sometimes it works stronger than its supposed to. I don't know- is it my fault? Am I just- is my magic just wrong?"
Friday wasn't sure what she expected Sunday to ask about, but it being her wand, that was the last thing on her list. It didn't help that Friday didn't know the first thing about wands, or that she had had fewer problems with hers. She wasn't the person to ask about this, she was sure that Monday would know, but she just didn't. "You'll get there," Friday said. "Maybe you just need more time," she tried, "Did the wand maker say anything when they sold you the wand? Some wands are just like that?"
Sunday chewed on her lip, and shook her head. "No, they didn't say anything," She murmured. She felt the frustrated tears and blinked rapidly to force them away. "I've been practicing, trying to get better, to make it listen." She squeezed her hands around her wand. "It's just... I just," She let out a frustrated sigh. "I need people to see how great I can be, how I can stand on my own, and I can't even make this stupid twig to cast the simplest spells." She griped, barely holding back from throwing it across the room.
Friday shrugged, if they didn't say anything then maybe it was just a skill issue. "Show me a spell, cast Lumos," she asked, wanting to now see the difficulties her sister was having and then she could decide what to suggest next, though her instinct was just to tell Sunday to speak to Monday who as the smartest of them would know immediately what to do.
Sunday nodded, and stood. She took a deep breath. Sunday took her breath, holding out her wand in the proper stance. "Lumos!" She spoke clearly and distinctly, her wand movement precise. Her wand did nothing. She bit back a sigh, and as usual had to cast it several more times before the spell kicked in- the wand lighting up so bright it nearly hurt to look at it. She took a few tries to extinguish it as well, sighing audibly as it finished and looking to Friday, a hint of hopelessness in her eyes and her shoulders dropping the slightest degree.
Friday watched as her sister cast the easiest spell, that it took a few tries but then it worked and was exceedingly bright. "Well, it's not a lack of magic," she said, looking at the wand her sister had. "What is the wand?" she had never asked and never cared much about wands but perhaps she could try to. "Are you over thinking it?" she asked. "What do you think about when you cast?"
Sunday sat with her sister and sighed. "Swishy acacia wood with an acromantula web core," She looked to her sister. "You really don't have trouble with yours? Or have anyone else in class with the same issues?" She asked, though she wasn't sure she put much stock into other peoples' performances in class. Other people were idiots.
Friday didn't know much about wands, but she had to imagine that part of Sunday's problem was the wand itself. "Knotted Flexible Hazel Wand with Unicorn Hair Core," she replied about her own wand, she didn't know much about her own wand, other than it was pretty and she liked it. "I don't think about others when I'm casting," she lied, since she did, but wanted Sunday to think she didn't. "Maybe you need to stop doing that,"
Sunday felt a flash of annoyance, but she let out a slow breath and released it. She leant a little against her sister, slumping and feeling hopeless. "I don't-" She offered gently. "Not when I'm casting. I'm just trying to make the spells work. Stance, movement, pronunciation, theory- no matter what I've tried nothing is getting better,"
Friday wasn't really sure what to do with Sunday, she had nothing to offer her, expect empty and unmeant words. She didn't know anything about wands or why it wasn't working. "Are you sure this is your wand?" she said, wondering if perhaps Sunday had just been sold the wrong wand. "I think you need to talk to Monday, he knows more about all this,"
Sunday sighed. "Unfortunately," She offered softly, twisting the wand in her hands. "I could probably ask him, I just-" She sighed, peeking up to Friday. "I just wanted to be able to talk about it, I guess... I don't want to be vulnerable for any of the stupid kids here but..." She bit her lip, looking away and taking a deep breath. "I know we don't spend a lot of time together but... you're still my older sister,"
Friday gave a little shrug, "Go see him next break then," She told her, since there was an easy solution to it, that she just had to wait and speak to him about it. Friday didn't think she was that much more of an option as someone that Sunday could be vulnerable with. They had never been that close. Sunday had a twin after all. Friday was one of the few without. "Yeah, I get it," though she didn't really, she only got it with Monday, Wednesday and Thursday were both useless in Friday's eyes.
Sunday let out a soft sigh and nodded. "Yeah, I'll talk to Monday," She agreed softly, peeking over to Friday. "Thank you," She offered. She shifted to face her sister more, giving her an almost shy smile. "How are you? How are you navigating everything?" She asked, thinking that could be a good opening for her to connect more with her older sister.
Friday was glad that Sunday agreed to talk to Monday, she was certainly out of her depth and wasn't sure she'd be able to provide any advice that was satisfactory. "I'm fine, I'm good at all this," she boasted, though she didn't nearly have the friends she was intending to make, but she was managing pretty well and just also wanted it to seem like she was good at everything.

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