a pretty new friend

Brayden Hunt

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Bray was out and about in the Harbour. He had been inside so much that he just wanted some fresh air. He knew better than to go to Brightstone at this time as there would be so many school kids around there. He walked past a few shops not looking in them as they didnt really catch his eye. He walked over to a bench that no one was sat on then sat facing the water. He looked at the people passing by and smiled to himself.
It was a sunny weekend and Mae and her dog was about it, they went at the part in Brightstone which is just a walked away from their house. The two played the freeze-be in the park, the water is gleaming in the sunshine and later decided to play in the water. Mae's feet through half of her skirt was wet but her dog was fully soak now, Mae chuckled as her dog waggle and some water was put on her. She shield herself but was no use and laughed this time.
Bray looked over at a girl playing with her dog. He smiled as she looked really happy. His smile increased when the dog shook itself and got water all over her. He remembered when he was younger and he used to have a dog. He walked over to the woment and leant down and fussed the dog. " Your dog is beautiful. Its a pure breed isnt it." He looked up with a smile. He knew a thing or two about dogs and could tell this was a good one
Mae stopped playing with her dog when someone approached her, "Thanks and yes, its a pure breed. My sister gave it to me when I graduated." She told the guy and smiled, Mae took a dog treat out her bag and gave it to her dog. The dog seems likes it and he seems to like the guy who touched him. "I think my dog likes you, he never likes anyone beside me and my sister." Mae explained.

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