A Popular Professor makes a Good Professor!!!

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James Lock

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Mahogany Wand 14 Essence of Unicorn Hair

Professor James Lock.

James here is the New-Potions-Professor at Hogwarts New-Zealand. And with James, (or Professor Lock.) being the nice, and laid-back Professor that he is, I thought it would be good for James to have some rp's with both his students, and his fellow-Professors.

James is the sort of Professor who will listen to those who want-him to listen, and will also just be up for chatting to his students if they just-happen to bump-into-him in the corridor!!! But I am yet to see the strict-side of James, so maybe a few-rebels to challenge him would be good-too!!! James would hate telling-kids-off, and if he had to punish-them, he would hate that even-more, so that could be a fun rp.

These rp's can either be inside/outside of the castle. I honestly don't mind which-one. :) It's your choice. Just thinking about the usual-working environment, James is bound to have people he gets-along with well, and is good-friends with, people who run-life differently to him, and that he can't stand, and others whom James only-knows on a 'Hello in the corridor,' basis.

I look-forward to hearing your ideas!!! :D xx.
I have Aisling here, the school nurse-she could be a friend of his?
here's some info.

Aisling has a very giving nature, she is a genuinely nice person. She loves helping others, but can be irritable at times, only when provoked.She is very sensitive and feels others pain. she is very empathetic and this is why people find it easy to talk to her.She is very social and finds it easy to make friends. She gets along easily with people and is very trustworthy.She is very intelligent and she has a very creative side to herself. She's made some changes in Hogwarts, made the hospital wing more welcoming.
Aisling is very loyal, she stands up for friends and family and has no problem dealing with people who treat her badly. She is usually calm, but can lose control-though it is rare.
I have Natalie Reyes. She teaches Astronomy 5-7 years. She's married with two children. She is extremely sweet and friendly. Natalie was a Ravenclaw at HS as well as Head girl and prefect. We can rp if you like.
I wouldn't mind p!ssing the professor off if you want? :p
Using his classroom as a bathroom =)) that made me LOL
Or Writing stuff on his walls?
*cough* setting out a rogue bluddger *cough*
Briar Rowan said:
*cough* setting out a rogue bluddger *cough*
I want to get her in trouble as much as possible :r so that's two bad deeds, plus they can be enemies?
I think we could have some interesting RP's :p
I'd like Lynette to have a crush on a Professor, though of course she'd never tell him outright/do anything she shouldn't. The way she'd like him would be because she spoke to him about her anxieties and he was very comforting about it.
Just an idea ^_^
Jaden & James. - If you want to start an rp in James' Office in the Dungeons, then that'll be cool. I think the writing on the walls sounds cool. And maybe in the end she could get her comeuppance by smashing a potions bottle, which then does something to her. - That'll be cool. Enemies it is!!!!! :)

Lynette and James. - Awww how sweet would that be? James will certainly be up for that, and he'll be a great-comfort to her. Don't be surprised if he takes pride from the fact that a student has a crush on him. We could take this into all sorts of routes. Ahaha. :p Do you want to start the rp? :)
Professor Lock is about to become popular alright
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