🌹 Rose Giving A pink of mystery

Kanako Kurosawa

Determined | Fair-weather | Composed
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Curly 12 1/2 Inch Sturdy Cherry Wand with Dragon Heartstring Core
A pink one. Now that was something interesting. Kanako decided to track this person down to the hufflepuff table in the great hall, figuring it would be easiest since it was nearing lunchtime. She wandered, asking a few questions to be pointed in the right direction. "Are you Callie? Because I've got a rose delivery for you. And it's pink," Kanako said in a sing-song voice, sounding overly happy with the prospect of seeing a reaction to a pink rose.

@Callie Cardoso
Callie wasn't sure she'd get a rose, she'd done a polite thing and sent a rose to Dante, wanting to not make him feel bad about what had happened, but she expected very little back from it. She looked up therefore at the young student with a rose for her, and a pink one at that. "I am Callie," she confirmed.
"Well, here you go. Hope you know who it's from because there's no note, no nothing," Kanako informed her, offering the pink rose.
Callie looked at the pink rose that was handed to her, holding it slightly, she could imagine who it could be from, and if it was it was sweet of him to do that. "That's okay, thanks for delivering it," she thanked the girl.

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