A Peaceful Walk

Kiara Ana

Well-Known Member
Professor Kiara Ana was more than stressed with not just the school work and papers but with her family life as well. Ever since that awful tarot card reading she had uncovered during her fourth year lesson she was spirling in mental distress. She decided that she could use a nice peaceful walk. Usually she would go flying but most of the Quidditch teams were having try-outs and she did not want to interupt. She had never been to the garden so this was the perfect spot. Professor Kiara Ana began walking looking at all the flowers trying to clear her mind. She stopped to smell the flowers and look at the types that she had never seen before. The walk was very peaceful but whenever she stopped the thoughts of life flew into her head. As long as she kept going she was okay and nothing but pleasant thoughts would fill her mind. If only she could walk forever.
[color=660000]If you would know Jolly Cooper properly, you'd also know that she absolutely loved flowers. She adored them and sometimes in her free time, she would go the Hogwarts garden and sit amongst the colorfulness of her surroundings and relax. She usually did not pluck flowers. That was against her rules. But she liked being near them and breathing in their sweet fragrance. It always calmed her down.

Presently, she was sleeping on a particularly thick bed of grass, almost hidden between bushes of large yellow flowers, when she heard muffled footsteps coming in her direction. Jolly decided it was probably some student roaming around and did not bother to sit up and look.

She changed her mind immediately as a bee buzzed in her direction and sat lazily on Jolly's nose. "Eeeeeep!" shrieked Jolly, sitting up and swapping wildly at her nose. She hated insects. "Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, get away from me!" she cried to the bee, who flew away, probably terrified of Jolly's screams. Thoroughly embarrassed, Jolly was sure had alerted almost everyone sitting nearby.[/color]
Professor Kiara Ana was still walking taking in the whole aroma of the flowers. She wondered why the garden was so empty but before the thought could be processed in her mind she heard a scream for what seemed to be a student. Professor Kiara Ana turned suddenly to see who the scream was from and if the student was alright. She noticed a first year girl sitting up who seemed a bit frightened. Then Professor Kiara Ana noticed a bee flying away. She wondered if that was what caused the girl to cause such a stir. "Are you ok?" Professor Kiara Ana said kneeling down towards the girl making sure that she was unharmed.
[color=660000]Jolly was still trying to calm herself, a hand still clutching her chest when someone came and knelt down beside her. Jolly's eyes widened slightly and she looked down, unable to meet the eyes of her flying instructor. "I am fine, Professor," she said shakily. "It was the bee. It buzzed over and perched itself on my nose." Jolly shuddered. "I hate bees!" Jolly wondered what Professor Ana was doing in the garden when she probably had other better things to do. But then again, Jolly knew that the flowers here that their own charm and perhaps the Professor wanted some alone time.[/color]
"Are you sure?" She asked again watching Jolly clutch her heart. Professor Kiara Ana could almost hear it beating or at least she thought she could. "And don't worry I am not much of a fan of bees either. I love the flowers though" She said with a smile. All the troublesome thoughts were drifting out of her head. "So what might you be up to in the garden" Professor Kiara Ana asked waiting for the girl to recover from the scare.
[color=660000]"Yeah, I am sure, Professor," said Jolly, feeling stupid now that she had calmed down and her heart had resumed its steady beating. She smiled slightly when Professor Ana said she wasn't much fond of bees either. "I like flowers too. Very much, infact," Jolly told her timidly. "That's why I am here. Just wanted to be amongst their fragrance. Flowers relax me." After a short pause, Jolly asked Professor Ana something that had been on her mind for sometime. "Why aren't first years allowed to fly on the house team, Professor?"[/color]
"Yes the scent of the flowers can be quite relaxing" Professor Kiara Ana agreed. She listened to Jolly's question. She smiled "I have heard this a lot" She said "The first years I believe should be given a fair chance in tryouts. There are some first years that have never even flown a broom before Hogwarts and it would be unfair to them with only a few flying lessons under their belts" She said hoping that she was explaining it correctly and understandably. "Plus everyone is supposed to be more advanced second year" She finished off feeling the wind blow and the sweet smell of the flowers filled her.
[color=660000]Jolly sighed. Professor Kiara Ana was right. "I do need more practice, of course," she said out loud. "But I really want to play Quidditch. My father is a football player and I want to make him proud." Jolly peered at Professor Ana and timidly asked, "You've seen me at flying lessons, Professor. How do you think I fly? Is it any good? Do I have any chance to play in the future?"[/color]
Professor Kiara Ana smiled "Trying to make your father proud I bet you could do that without ever even being on the Quidditch team" She said trying to remember how Jolly did at flying. "But you have skills with flying and even more that can be unlocked with practicing." Professor Kiara Ana said with a smile. "Any one can play quidditch its the ones that practice and have the love for it that do the best" She finished off.
[color=660000]A glowing smile spread across Jolly's face when Professor Ana praised her flying. And even though she was right about making her father proud some way, Jolly's little mind couldn't understand the fact that without playing any sport, how she could make her father proud of her. Nonetheless, she nodded her head and smiled. "Say, Professor," she said innocently, absently tracing a petal with her index finger, "How come you don't play international Quidditch?" She had seen Professor Ana fly in the flying lessons and Jolly knew that she was really good.[/color]
"International Quidditch" Professor Kiara Ana said with a smile. "Well it was always a dream don't get me wrong I did want to" She said "But things came to things I created a family and my dream of International Quidditch just did not seem to fit into the picture" She said realizing how long it had been since she thought about International Quidditch. "But I don't mind being a Professor at all" Professor Kiara Ana began "I love it actually and I get to see some wonderful fliers" She continued. "maybe even some that will make it to play International Quidditch some day Then I could be the one saying 'I taught them to fly'" She said with a smile laughing a bit. "Is International Quidditch one of your goals Jolly ?" She asked wondering.
[color=660000]Jolly listened interestedly to Professor Ana had to say felt sorry, not for the Professor, but for herself. What if something bad happened to her and she could never fly again. It was worse then being stuck as a school teacher against your wishes. Not that Jolly thought that Professor Ana was unhappy, Jolly infact believed her. But the little redhead did not want to become a teacher herself. She was born for adventure. "I don't know, Professor," she replied lamely. "I am such a goose. I am always clueless. I don't know anything! I like flying but I hardly think I'll be as better as you, or Bruin or even Andy."[/color]
"Well if you don't think you will ever be then you won't" Professor Kiara Ana said simply. "You have to believe in yourself to do as good as you want and you have to practice" She said reassuring Jolly. "Do you know how much I had to practice or how much Andy and even Brian practice to get to where they are" Professor Kiara Ana explained.

"you must know plenty though" Professor Kiara Ana said looking over at a particular purple flower that she found pleasant. "you are doing quite well in my class and I haven't heard any other professors speak ill of you" she said leaning over to smell the purple flower.
[color=660000]Jolly stared at Professor Ana in mild surprise. She knew she was right but Jolly had never even thought it that way. She had to believe in her herself, become confident like Bruin and Kiera were. "I do well?" she murmured, feeling warmth spread through her at the compliment. She had always wondered if Professor Ana even noticed her properly in class. Now she knew the answer and she felt a rush of admiration towards her flying intructor. Currently, she was smelling a pretty violet flower and Jolly watched her. "Professor, where is your office?" She asked; Jolly had always wondered that because she did not know that Professor Ana taught Divination as well.[/color]

[ooc; I already know that but Jolly doesn't. That's why I am making her ask :) ]
Professor Kiara Ana smiled at Jolly who seemed quite happy with the compliment. "My office is actually in the Divination tower. Not many people realize that" she said with a small smile. Professor Kiara Ana was known more for being the flying Professor than the Divination proffessor mostly among the first years.
"Most first years know me only as the flying professor yet most third years remember me as the Divination professor" she said "Well as long as I am remember I could care less for which subject" She said laughing a small bit.

She then turned to Jolly "My office is always open. It gets a bit lonely up there and I am always up to having visitors. Well visitors that can climb all those stairs" she said laughing a bit more.
"Wow, you teach Divination as well?" Jolly asked impressed. She had always wondered about Divination and when the time would come when she would be able to take the class too. Wouldn't it be wonderful to know in advance what the future held? She could prevent so many bad things from happening...but then again, it wasn't so easy. She asked Professor Ana, "Does that mean you a seer, Professor? Do you know about the future?"
Profressor Kiara Ana saw Jolly's excitment. "You Do not need to be a seer to do Divination" Professor Kiara Ana said smiling. "I can see the future though tarot cards, crystal balls, scrying mirrors and so on" She said "Just as everyone else can" She paused smiling as she took in the scent of the surrounding flowers. "Are you thinking about taking Divination in your third year?" She asked Jolly
Jolly frowned on confusion. "But that doesn't mean you can see the future and prevent bad things from happening?" she asked Professor Ana, her huge eyes looked ignorant and innocent as she stared at her older women, waiting for an answer. When asked if she was thinking of taking up Divination, Jolly responded, "I think I will, Professor. It sounds really interesting...who knows, I might turn out to be a seer," she joked. She knew that the world would end before Jolly saw the future. If she was seer in making, why couldn't she predict the times she was going to stumble in a day and prevent the damage? Nah, it seemed impossible. Still, it was fun dreaming about it.
Professor Kiara Ana smiled. "I can see the future no more than you can" Professor Kiara Ana said "Well unless you are a seer than you have one over me" She said with a small laugh. Professor Kiara Ana listened to when Jolly said she was thinking about Divination classes. "I'm glad to hear it. At the moment I only have one student in my class. I take it Divination isn't as popular as it used to be" She said with a smile hoping that next year more students would take her class.

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