A note for my hero

Sophia Stark

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Sophia stepped into the Owlery with a smirk on her face. She held out her arm and Regina came down to perch on it on cue. The Slytherin attached the note she had written in class to the owl's leg and looked her in the eyes. "This is for Michael. You have not met him yet, but I am sure you will love him." Regina took off and Sophia stared out the window after her for a few moments. With a happy sigh the noirette turned and left the Owlery.

I just wanted to thank you for the other night.
You took a disastrous evening and turned it into
a great one. I cannot wait to see you again.

Michael was in his small apartment reading. Things had been going smoothly as of late and he couldnt ask for anything more really. He had no trouble from his Father or Mother. Sure he never spoke to them, but that was neither a problem or a relief. To be honest, Michael didnt know how he felt about it at all.

There was a sudden tap at his window, disrupting him from his reading, there was an owl. Getting up, Michael opened the window and let the owl in, stroking its head as he took the letter. It was from Sophia. He grinned as he read it and went to find his own peice of parchment and quill. He wrote a letter back to her.

Sophia said:
Dearest Sophia,
It was great to get a letter from you, about the other night it was nothing. If anything I should be thanking you. I hope your feeling better and whatever had bothered you is resolved. If it isnt I hope things are going okay for you.
I cannot wait to see you either, I miss your beautiful face already.
Michael x
Placing it on the leg of the owl Sophia had used, he gave it a treat and sent it away with one last pat, telling it to go back to Sophia. He then settled back into his book, to waste the rest of the day away.

You are too sweet. I have a feeling that
what was bothering me is not going to
be a problem anymore. I appreciate
your concern.

I feel like we hardly know anything
about each other. So, here is a little
about me: I am seventeen and I go to
Hogwarts New Zealand. I am a sixth
year in Slytherin and I cannot wait to
get out of here. What about you?

Looking forward to
hearing back from you,

That is good news, Ive been worrying about you. Its a shame you are at school, so I cannot be there with you, or you with me.
Sytherin? I was in Sytherin too. Im nineteen and attended Hogwarts Scotland. I currently live in an apartment by myself, not far from Brightstone. Anything else you would like to know? Dont hesitate to ask. What subjects are you taking? Are you good at school?
Excuse my questions, I just want to know everything about you.

Michael x

Your questions are no problem at all. I
am happy to tell you anything you wish
to know about me. This term I am in
Potions, Arithmancy, Care of Magical
Creatures, and Herbology. I do fairly
well at most subjects, although I am
currently a little behind. Nothing that
cannot be fixed though. I was almost a
Ravenclaw, actually.

So what makes you a Slytherin? What
subjects were your favorite? Did you
play Quidditch?

Missing your lips,

Almost a Ravenclaw? Now that would just be unfair to everyone else in the world. Its enough for you to be as gorgeous as you are, let alone have brains as well.
Hmm, what makes me a Slytherin? Good question. Although it could be because if I want something I will stop at nothing until I get it. I am thankful you warmed up to me so quickly, I wouldnt have let your stunning face walk away from me without a fight.
Although, there are traits I have that are anything but Slytherin.
I wouldnt have let you walk away, because then I might not have been able to comfort you and I would have worried that you were not okay. Now I dont think that sounds at all Slytherin do you? What about yourself? Why were you chosen in the house of the snakes?
My favourite subject was Potions I think. Whats your favourite? No I cant say I'm a great fan of Quidditch, I prefer my feet on the ground. How about you?

Michael x

You certainly are full of compliments. It is a
little odd to be told I am beautiful. definitely
not something I am used to. Not that I mind,
it is just different.

No, I would certainly say it is quite unlike a
typical Slytherin to be so worried about a
complete stranger. But I am glad you are
un-Slytherin in that way, otherwise I may
never have met you at all. I would say
I was put into Slytherin because that is
where I desired to be. I want to be great
and powerful and I also will stop at nothing
to get what I want.

Potions is my favorite subject as well,
followed by Arithmancy. I prefer precise arts,
but spells certainly have their place. I
rather enjoy Quidditch. My brother plays
professionally and according to him I am not
too bad. I cannot see myself pursuing it
outside of school though. It is fun, but
certainly not something I could do for a living.

Do you have a job? You said you went to
Hogwarts in Scotland, why did you move to
New Zealand? When did you move to New

Missing you,

They are more the truth than compliments. How can you not be used to them? Whoever never took the chance to tell you such things is crazy.
Your brother plays proffessional Quidditch? Wow, which team does he play for? No I dont work, im studying. I want to be a healer. Im not sure why I chose that path, its just something I find interesting. I moved to New Zealand after something that happened with my parents, maybe I'll tell you someday, but for now I'm sorry I dont really want to share. I moved about 2 years ago. I like it here though. Do you live in New Zealand?

Missing you too,
Michael x

Well I guess most of the boys I know are crazy then.
Except for you of course. I do not believe I am ugly
or anything of the sort, but I have never thought of
myself as beautiful. In any event I appreciate your

Yes, my brother plays for the Wigtown Wanderers.
He absolutely loves it. Quidditch suits him well. I
could not imagine him doing anything else. Do you
have any siblings?

There is no need to share information about your
parents so soon. I know what it is like to have a lot
of drama surrounding your family. All too well
actually. Just know that I understand your wanting
to keep things to yourself.

I suppose I technically live in New Zealand now
that I am back at school. I came here for school
from England when I was eleven. After my fourth
year I decided to take some time off, but now I am
back at my brother's request. Apparently looking
after me was not very convenient for him, even
though I am seventeen. In any event, I am kind
of glad I came back here. After all, had I not come
back I would not have met you.

Healing is a very intriguing field. It is something
I strongly considered after volunteering in the
Hospital Wing at school. I am not sure why though,
as helping people is not exactly in my nature. At
least not just anyone. I am more than happy to
help those I care about. That is neat that you are
studying to be a Healer though. It must be

What kinds of things do you like to do when you
are not studying? Do you read? I personally love
to read. There is just something comforting about

Thinking of you,

Thats pretty cool about your brother, I have a much older sister. She is actually old enough to be my mother, but it was my Mum's choice to have one child when she was young and another when she was old. My sister owns Flourish and Blotts now.
Thanks for understanding about my family, it means alot. I was born in England also, I wish I could say I missed it there, but there isnt alot to miss. I much prefer it over here.
I agree with the only helping people I care about, which is why its a little surprising why im in the healer field. But I love it, so I cant really object to it.
I do read occationally, but I prefer to spend time with friends and go out. More of a social person I am.

Cant wait to see you again,
Michael x

Really? My cousin works for Flourish and Blotts. I am
sure they would know each other. I must ask Estrella
about your sister. What is her name?

I suppose it is cool about my brother. Although I am
pretty upset with him right now. You know, I never
thought about this before, but you two are the same
age. I wonder if you know him. His name is Shane
Stark, he was in Gryffindor.

New Zealand is such a beautiful place. I am not sure
though which I prefer, here or England. I rather like
all the rain and fog over there.

Ah, so you are social. I am only social with people I
like. If you were not so handsome I probably would
have never talked to you at all. Not that is a sad

So what are your plans for the summer? I am going
to be in New Zealand and I would love to see you.

Counting the days,

Oh really? I will have to let Mel know. Melissa Pappus is her name. Small world really.

Your brother is Shane Stark? Wow, it really is a small world. Lets just say I didnt get along with your brother all that well in school.
Well I guess I can thank my parents for one thing. If I didnt have looks then I never would have spoken to you. I do hope I mean more than my looks now though. Im just kidding.
My plans for the summer? Well it looks like they will be spent with you doesnt it? Cant wait.
Oh and about what you mentioned before, is your relationship with Shane not that great? Or is it just going through a rough patch? Forgive me for asking, im just a little curious. Know that you dont have to answer anything I ask you.

Cant stop thinking about you,
Michael x

Melissa Pappus. I will definitely have to ask Estrella about
her. I really need to talk to Estrella at all actually. We only
just recently became close again and it very strange for me.
I am not used to having female friends after living with
Shane for two years. I am not exactly surprise you two did
did not get along. Shane was always considered the black
sheep of the family. I think I am the only Slytherin he has
ever gotten along with. Our relationship is not really bad.
Although he has definitely gotten worse in the past year or
so. Sometimes I just want to grab him by the neck and
shake him. I think I might get my own place this summer,
since I am seventeen and all. I am just tired of him trying
to run my life.

I know I do not have to answer your questions, and you do
not have to answer mine as well. But I like answering your
questions. It helps you to get to know me, and I want you
to know me, jut as I want to get to know you. Letters are
nice and all, but I wish I could see you sooner.

Always thinking of you,

haha, yeah but that makes no difference how well I got on with your brother. It was in the past, I havnt seen him for years. Its pretty cool to hear him get into the Quidditch business.
Me and my sister are fairly close, besides the age difference, because we really only had each other growing up, I must make a note to catch up with her. Perhaps visit the bookstore.

You do not know how deeply I wish to see you again. Every second that passes, your face is in my mind. It was only one meeting, but it seemed like so much more than that. Im only hoping the time will pass quicker and we can be reunited. Letters dont allow me to see you and feel your overwelming presence.

Until then,
Michael x

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