A Night of Frivolity

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Fenton Longestine

Well-Known Member
12 1/2" ash and willow mix with thestral hair core
Fenton had told Aries and Trista that he would meet up with them in the Great Hall itself. As he entered wearing only a suit grateful that because it wasn't a Yule ball he did not have to wear any dress robes this time around. Lingering at one of the tables he looked about watching some of the others that had come into the hall after him. He hated wearing suits, they were so damn uncomfortable but it was apparently a necessity for the night in question. He couldn't wait to see Trista and cop an eye full of what she was going to wear.

The hall looked great as it did every year, this year the theme seemed to be blue and white and snowflakes fell from the ceiling amidst the hovering candles. It looked all set for romance and Fenton smiled knowing every time he saw Trista that was nearly what he thought of too.
Aries donned in one of the few suits he actually owned proceeded down the stairs from Ravenclaw tower and hovered about the hall for a while hoping that he would catch Violet before she entered. After ten minutes or so he decided that the weary looks that some gave him, was actually making him more anxious than they so he headed inside. Being HeadBoy sure did have it's drawbacks at times. Everyone seemed to stop having fun now as soon as he approached. When he walked inside and looked about he grinned at the decor, snowflakes that would no doubt resemble dandruff on his shoulders after a few minutes.

Spying Fenton he strolled over, hands in pockets and nudged him as he leaned against the table and looked about.
"So the girls are taking the usual time to get ready then?" he chuckled glancing over Fenton and admiring the suit. Fenton's family were loaded, his own were comfortable enough but they certainly didn't flaunt their money yet Fenton could get new clothes whenever he wanted, new anything whenever he wanted. He had always chosen not to though and now, it was a bone of contention that he didn't take anything from his parents while he dated Trista. They were not impressed by his dating at all and had been adamant earlier in the year that they wanted him to break with her.

Aries had watched his friend become sullen and morose for most of the semester until finally after swearing his parents could stick it, he had just gotten on with enjoying his time with his girlfriend.
"Nice threads, they new?"
Fenton sighed with visibly relief when Aries entered and came to join him. He shrugged at the comment on the suit, trying to explain right now how his parents were trying to buy into his affections close to Christmas was not any topic of conversation for this particular night. He did not want to get into a bad mood before Trista showed up. Reaching behind him he picked up a glass and dipped it into the punch bowl.

"Man remember last year, Andy coming in dressed like some sort of Christmas elf or something. Drunk out of her head and singing on the stage, now that was hilarious. Wonder what her party piece will be this year?" he grinned.
Andromeda entered the Great Hall with something close to a sigh on her lips. As resplendid as the hall was Crispin was not here to dance with her or to just enjoy the night. Looking about her she smiled though, Aries and Fenton were propping a table. Walking over to the pair, dressed in single shoulder white dress, she knew she looked completely different to last year.

Then she had felt messed up with the world and herself in general, now she felt as if she were completely together or as much as she could be without Crispin with her.
"Hey you two" she kissed them both lightly on the cheek before taking up her usual place between them, "where are the girls then? they finally saw sense huh?"
she grinned, winking at Aries playfully. Looking out to the dancefloor she noticed some people already dancing and was stunned by it. Well the night couldn't last forever that was for sure.
Unlike the year before, when Trista had been rooming alone and had therefore overslept, Making herself dangerously late to the Yule Ball. She had been very rudely awoken my Kailey dumping all three of her giant furry [though thankfully declawed] cats on her face and chucking a pillow at her when she still refused to budge, reminding her exactly why she needed to get up from her mid day night. So needless to say she wasn't nearly as rushed this year, sliding off her Ravenclaw uniform and putting on the Silver strapless number that fell a fell a few inches above her ankles. From the looks of it it was supposed to go all the way to the ankle but of course her aunt kept forgetting just how tall the twins were and Trista couldn't be bothered to lengthen it, this was a normal dress length too after all.

After putting on a Necklace of rubies and diamonds and a pair of practically matching earrings she ran a brush through her hair and gave it a different part, simply applying a charm to it to make it a bit shinier than average and make the color a little richer she decided to let it lay down. The dress was simple and with the jewelry she had picked an outlandish updo would drown out what was supposed to be the star of the outfit. Putting her shoes on and bidding Kailey, who was still getting ready, a farewell she headed out the door and down to the great hall as fast as her heels and clumsiness would allow her.

It turned out to be a bit of a slower process than she had figured, she hadn't gotten the foresight to get a pair of heels with an anti trip jinx on them and didn't know how to cast the charm herself, so maneuvering multiple stone staircases took far more concentration than it should, She certainly didn't want to wind up in the hospital wing again after falling down them. But because of how early she had been woken up from her nap she was nowhere near late as she entered the Great Hall, looking up at the decorations in awe as she did so. She loved them but she really hoped the snowflakes didn't settle in her hair and look like dandruff. She didn't spot Fenton right away so she decided instead to go get a glass of punch, where lo and behold she found exactly who she had been looking for. Walking over to the three she got herself a cup of punch, "Hello Fenton, Andy, Aries." she greeted the three of them before taking her place on the other side of Fenton. "Why I must say you look handsome tonight." she complimented, smiling.
After having to practically drag her younger cousin, Lola, down to the Great Hall, Katalina entered the feast on the arm of possibly the most handsome man in the school (with the exception of Professor Lloyd that is, who in Kat's opinion is a real fox). "If you don't quit fidgeting with that tie I'm going to string you up from the rafters with it," the Gryffindor whispered playfully to her boyfriend as she swatted at his hand. Looking around she saw several people that she knew and waved at them when she spotted one person that she'd missed very much...Andy. It was sad that even though they shared a room the two barely ever saw each other. Kat was just about to walk over when Chace said that he wanted to go and get something to eat. Laughing and rolling her eyes she said, "You are such a guy. Always with that ferocious appetite." Tip toe-ing slightly she lightly brushed her lips across his and said in a tone only he could hear, "Just make sure you save room for dessert." Quirking her eybrow at him she grinned slyly before kissing him once more and saying, "Go...I'll be right over here. And leave that tie alone." After he was on his way to the food the seventh year crept up behind her best friend and poked her sides with her fingers and said, "They said that there was a redhead in a hot little white number that looked just as good as me and I just had to check it out for myself."
"Hey Andy" he grinned when she walked over to them, "no Santa's little helper out fit this year then? major shame that" he chuckled taking a swig from his glass and putting it back down, turning around in time to have a deliciously gorgeous girlfriend appear by his side.
"Wow, you look" he scratched his head to find the right words but they alluded him for now, so instead he placed an arm about her waist and not caring who was around, kissed her swiftly on the lips, breaking apart only to grin down at her.

"Hot.. you look damn hot" he winked, turning about at the sound of another voice he ducked his head slightly thinking that keeping his mouth shut around Katalina Vanderhol was now his safest option.
Andy only winked at Fenton leaning against Aries a little as Trista came over. She looked stunning in her silver dress and Andy told her as much, chuckling when her surragate brother told his girlfriend how 'hot' she looked. He certainly wouldn't win any glowing prizes for his vocabulary that was for sure. Turning around she saw Kat and beamed brightly at her.

"Well now you see, I heard the same thing but I'm still looking for the other red head" she laughed going over to hug her, "you look amazing. Chace gone to get his grub huh?"
Kat hugged Andy back tightly and whispered, "You look absolutely beautiful." When they released each other she nodded and replied, "Yeah...I swear for once I'd love to have a date that doesn't head straight for the refreshments." She had to laughed as she saw Fenton duck out of the corner of her eye. Holding up her hands she said, "Easy boy...I'm weapon free. I come in peace...for tonight anyways." Turning her attention to Trista, the Gryffindor grinned and said, "And you, look absolutely stunning. I love that dress."
When Kat joined the party Trista gave her a small wave "Hey Kat." she said before turning her attention who was concentrating quite hard on something, seeming to give up as she felt an arm snake around her waist and she returned his kiss gladly. Apparently he had been trying to think of the right word to describe her as he had decided to settle on hot. "Why thank you" she started with a giggle, "If were ditching the traditional formal event compliments tonight then I must say you look quite hot too." she replied with a small grin, giving him a small kiss on the lips and ruffling his hair just a bit in the front. When he ducked his head at Kat Trista couldn't help but laugh a bit, she loved Fenton to death but her nailing him in the back of the head with that book had been kind of funny. Trista turned to Katalina and beamed, "Thanks! You look amazing... I love that dress too. I especially love what you did with your hair." she replied
((Oh my God! I'm so sorry, I couldn't get on between leaving Heraklion and arriving in Istanbul (or rather, the morning after arriving in Istanbul), and I completely missed the start of the feast! D:!))

Having spent an age getting ready, Violet finally applied the final touches of makeup - she had to look good to be the date of the Head Boy, after all - before finally checking the time. Swearing, she tore downstairs to the Great Hall, knowing that she would have kept Aries waiting for ages. Way to be late on a night like this, really, she groaned, straightening her dress and making sure that she looked okay, before entering.

Her face burning in shame, Violet made her way over to a group of people - Aries, Fenton, Trista, Andy and Kat - stammering apologies as she walked. "I'm so sorry I'm late," she mumbled, moving to stand next to Aries with an apologetic smile. "I...er...I really hope you weren't waiting too long."

((edit: actually, just pretend she's wearing the dress in her normal signature. xD ))
Andy turned to see Violet arriving and smiled warmly at her.
"Beautiful as ever" she winked slowly beginning to move to the music. The temptation to dance was strong so with out further a do she turned chuckling to the others.
"Don't know about you lot, but even in this dress I want to boogie it up a bit" sashaying her way to the dance floor she called over to Kat to join her if she dared then chuckling the rest of the way began to dance along to the riotous tones blaring about the hall.
Aries placed his arm around Andy's shoulder whispering how lovely she looked at to take no notice of Fenton when a few of the others began to show up. He chuckled at Kat's handling of his best friend and was just glad that those two never got together. Then eventually she came in and his arm slipped from Andy's shoulders as she moved forward to hug Kat and he was then free to embrace Violet as she stood beside him.
"You're never late love, you arrive exactly when you mean too" he kissed the top of her head, "you look as beautiful as ever, even better".

Andy took off to the dancefloor and in a state of panic he glanced at Violet.
"We don't have to go yet do we?"
Fenton should have just laughed it off but instead he continued to look sheepish and rubbed his head as if still feeling the book hit him there. Well at least he had the consolation of knowing his girlfriend thought he looked hot, that had to be worth something right? Andromeda went off to dance and Violet arrived but there was no way he was ready to hit the dancefloor just yet. He looked to Trista and smiled.
"You hungry yet?" his gaze went from checking her out to the food table and back again.
Trista followed Fentons gaze over to the food table and her jaw nearly dropped. They had really outdone themselves this year! A large table was laid out with a spread of just about every food she could think of all over a beautiful pale blue and silver trimmed table cloth. One thing Trista had learned in her year and a half as a Hogwarts student is that they certainly didn't do anything halfway here, though she reasoned the same could be said for Beauxbatons. When Fenton asked if she was hungry she nodded, "Definitely, slept through lunch to try to get an earlier start this year. Though that didn't work too well, Kailey had to about whack me over the head with a mallet to wake me up." she admitted, her face turning a small shade of pink. As much energy as she had during the day once she was asleep she did not want to be woken up for anything. "Shall we head over that way then?" she offered.
Violet instantly relaxed in Aries' embrace, smiling brightly. How happy this man made her - how much was she going to miss him next year, after he graduated and she was left at Hogwarts as a seventh year? At least it was only one year. And she knew he loved her as much as she loved him, so hopefully that time would fly. "You're looking quite wonderful tonight," she said quietly, meaning every word.

She returned his worried gaze with one of her own. "I don't know, do we? I certainly hope not, I'd rather wait just a little longer," she admitted, her eyes wandering about before settling back on her love.
Fenton chuckled walking around her and coming to stand just behind her so he could wrap his arms about her waist and rest his head on her shoulder as he beamed over to the others.
"There you go, the reason I love this girl. Well one of" he grinned sticking his tongue out playfully at her, "to the food table madame".
He winked moving beside her and offering her his arm and then looking at Kat he couldn't help but give some witty remark, how was he to know after all that the girl had suffered with an eating disorder before.
"We better get there before Kat joins that boyfriend of hers and there's nothing left for anyone".

As Trista became as enamored with the whole food idea as Fenton, Violet was equally as unenamored as he was about dancing.
"That's my girl" he chuckled then wanted to do nothing more than face palm himself when Fenton spoke up about Kat and Chace. The boy seriously did not know when to stop did he? On and on he went and Aries knew that Fenton's smart mouth would land him in serious trouble one of these days, he just hoped it was not today.

"Didn't you learn from the book smack mate?" he grinned, holding Violet a bit closer. He had of course let her in on the hilarious charms class when Fenton thinking he was all that had side swiped Kat's head only for Kat to toss a book and whack the back of his head.
Trista couldn't help but smile as she felt Fentons strong arms wrap themselves around her waist. She shifted her weight back the slightest bit, leaning into him as he rested his head on her shoulder. She turned her head and planted a small kiss on his cheek. "You love me because I'm lazier than hell?" she questioned jokingly before saying "I love you too Fenton, now lets eat!" she chirped happily as he moved from her to offer his arm which she quickly took. Her stomach chose that moment to give a small growl in anticipation of the tasty food that would soon rest within it's depths. At his next comment however the happy mood was broken. Fenton had put his foot in it with Kat who was proclaiming peace for the night, you just didn't say that to a girl, especially not at something like this where they needed all the confidence they could get! She looked over to the fellow Seventh year, "I'm so sorry about him Kat." she started, before looking back at Fenton "But I believe we'll be going now." she ended before releasing his arm and instead yanking him over to the food table by his ear .
Kat was just about to turn and go dance with Andy when she heard Fenton's smart ass remark. Swallowing hard to fight back tears she turned to the boy and glared saying, "Cow's gotta get her grub on I guess. Hope my huge ass isn't a distraction to anyone." With that she simply nodded and headed over to where Chace was standing talking to a few people, looking down at herself and thinking I haven't put on that much weight have I? Shaking off the pissed off feeling she had, the seventh year grabbed her boyfriends hand and dragged him out onto the dance floor just as a slow song was put on. She let Chace envelope her in his strong embrace, simply enjoying the very last holiday feast that they'd ever have together at HNZ.
Violet could see Kat looking pretty tense, so she silently willed Fenton to shut up, while biting her lip to prevent her from saying anything out loud. It wasn't her place to interfere. But Violet honestly thought Kat looked quite lovely. She'd been pretty thin in the past, but she never looked healthier and prettier than she did now. Violet suspected her boyfriend, Chace, had something to do with it.

She couldn't help but chuckle to herself, though, as Trista dragged Fenton over to the food table by his ear. "At least she knows how to handle him," she laughed. "He's pretty lucky." She rested her head against Aries's chest, before whispering, "so am I. I'm going to miss you terribly next year, you know."
Fenton had no chance to say anything else when he felt the tug on his ear.
"Boggarts Trista" he winced as her sharp nails dug into the tender skin of his ear, "ouch babes. I'm sorry, come on you know Chace.. there won't be an ounce of food lef... ouch, ok .. ok" he continued to wince as she marched him across the room, passed students who could not conceal their mirth at his predicament. He was seriously losing face here, any 'cool guy' rep he had built for himself was shattering about his feet at that very moment.

They reached the table and finally released from her grip he rubbed his ear, turning his head slightly he rubbed it.
"Have you left a mark? that really hurt Tris" he told her feeling a tad sorry for himself, what had he said that was so bad she had to inflict that much pain on him?
"Don't think I'm hungry any more now" he looked sullenly at the food laid out before him, all looked delicious and mouth watering and of course he was tempted but he also wanted Trista to say she was sorry for hurting his ear.
Aries smiled at Violet, she was beautiful and intelligent and everything he had ever hoped for in any girl. He had never imagined for one moment that when he had transferred to the school he would end up meeting the woman of his dreams. He had watched her grow more beautiful with each year and was constantly amazed by her.
"I'm going to miss you too but I'll be back for your breaks, remember that. You'll be so fed up with me and I'll write to you from wherever I am".

Himself, Fenton and Harrison had decided that they were going to go travel the globe together. Experience everything first hand and hopefully finally decide on what career path he wanted to go on. He held her close to him and sighed. She was the only reason he had for staying and had only agreed on the trip, providing they would not give him a hard time about returning to New Zealand when he needed to see her.
Trista got less and less forceful with her tugging as they neared the food table. Though after seeing Kats reaction he did deserve it she didn't have the heart to keep it up all the way there. Once they got to the food table she look at him as he spoke, complaining about his ear. "Well at the beginning it was kind of supposed to." she responded before saying, "I know you were just joking around love, But didn't you think about her possibly taking it the wrong way? Which she did I might add." she told him softly, shaking her head a bit. She turned his head over a bit so she could inspect it. He was being a bit of a baby about it but she did have pretty sharp nails. "No there's no mark, it's just a bit red." she added before letting him go. "I am sorry about that you know." she said, a silent Maybe next time you'll think a bit more before you try to jab at her. hanging in the air. When Fenton started sayng her wasn't hungry she picked up a plate. "Well I am, If you don't want to make a plate of your own you can eat a bit of mine when you do get hungry again." she said before putting food on it. What she had done was a bit harsh but she wasn't going to let his sulking ruin her evening.
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