A Night of Firsts

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Lucinda Dalton

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Eucalyptus Wand 13 1/2" Essence of Mermaid Scale
Lucinda Buckley had never been to a dance before. The thirteen year old was far too shy and lonely to have been to any dances back home - and at any rate, there weren't really any dances at primary school. A couple of school wide social nights, but Lucy had been careful to avoid the social aspect of that. Of course she'd gone, but she'd stuck to jeans and t-shirts, and assisting the school staff, of which her mother was a part.
So, she'd never had occaision to dress up like she did now. And of course, she had no idea what to do with herself. She quite liked the dress, it was dressy but still quite casual and almost a little...well, cool. Lucy usually was extremely daggy in her choice of outfits.
Having been far too excited for tonight, Lucy had fallen asleep over a book, and by the time she woke up, the ball was about to start. So she'd simply run a brush through her hair - not knowing what else to do with it, she'd applied the most basic make up for she didn't even have anything else, and hurried to put her dress and shoes on. Sighing she'd looked at herself in the mirror with a little disdain. "Well, Lucy, you'll never be a beauty...but I suppose this will have to do. At least the shoes make you look taller." Groaning, she sped downstairs as fast as the shoes would allow her, although she nearly had a dangerous accident or two climbing down from Ravenclaw tower.
Entering the Great Hall, Lucy took a deep breath, hoping to see Landon as soon as possible. She wondered how he'd be dressed tonight, or if he'd like how she'd look. Lucy bit her lip - please let him like me, please. She knew, now, just how much he really meant to her, and she'd decided that she had to prove it to him sooner rather than later. But what if he hates me because of it? Shaking her head, she admonished herself out loud. "Courage, Lucinda. You could've been a Gryffindor. Time to show yourself why." Making for the wall, Lucy stood wringing her hands in anxiety, waiting for Landon to come and find her.
Landon had spent some time perfecting his look, wanting to impress Lucy.
As he re-arranged his hair for the fifth time, he stared hard at himself in the mirror for a moment before sighing.
"Landon, you fool," he told himself, wanting to redo his hair again, "You can't get anything right.."
He stood back from the mirror and to his full height, dusting off his clothes although they did not need it.
He was slipping on his posh black shoes when he heard music.
"Merlin!" Landon swore loudly, racing from his dorm room but smacking his foot on the way out as he tried to tug his other shoe on.
He raced down the stairs towards the empty common room, stumbling over himself and tripping down the stairs with a thud.
But he sprang up fast, swept a hand over his hair and continued to race towards the Great Hall.

The ballroom music which had been playing to fancily was just ending as Landon reached the doors of the Great Hall.
As his eyes swept the room for Lucy, the music came to an end.
He hoped he looked alright.
Some more music started up.
A moment later his eyes found Lucy standing by the wall.
His heart swooned.

Landon walked briskly towards her, heart racing.
His smile had abandoned him for a moment and he stared at Lucy.
She was beautiful. She looked so grown-up and so fantastic.
Gryffindor Landon whispered to himself inside his head and his smile came back.
A genuine smile. He had never seen anyone this beautiful.
Landon was standing in front of her now.
"You look.. wow.. Would you like to.." He mimed dancing, words failing him.
His ears went a little red.
Lucy's heart skipped a beat or six when she saw Landon enter the Great Hall. Deep breaths, deep breaths. Don't go fainting and looking like an idiot, please, for the love of God, she told herself, fighting to stay calm. He looked...he looked so very handsome, and it was taking all of Lucy's self control not to swoon. Or blurt something completely stupid out. She merely blushed, quite profusely, as Landon stammered out a compliment.
"Uh-um, you r-really think s-so?" she stuttered, her face the colour of a tomato. "Y-you look r-really...uh...nice, really...ah-great," she added, and if it was even possible, she only started blushing more. "Um, sh-shall we dance? I, uh...I don't really know how, bu-but I can try!" she added, trying desperately to be courageous and not a shy, nervous wreck.
Landon had a secret he never revealed to anyone; His family- being Purebloods- were often invited to fancy balls and dances. Therefore, Landon's mother and father have given him lessons.
He was not as good as his parents were but nonetheless, Landon knew how to dance.
The only problem now was how nervous he was around Lucy.

Landon shyly took Lucy's hands and placed one them on his shoulder, the other he took in his hand, he then placed his other hand on her waist- Although upon doing this, he felt his heart race and wondered if Lucy could feel the enormous thuds through his shoulder blades.
He then began with a slow rock. He began counting the steps in his head but soon realized he was muttering them.
"1, 2, 3.. 1, 2, 3.."
He held his head high and the music changed into a ballroom song once more, making dancing much more easier.
Landon took the lead, feet moving well timed, he also shifted his body which gave the feel of floating around the Great Hall.
They were moving swiftly and Landon was desperately trying to remember all the steps his mother had taught him..
"And twirl.." he muttered, suddenly removing his hand move Lucy's waist and gently turning the other hand and outwards in the hope that Lucy would twirl out.
Dancing was not something the shy Ravenclaw girl was used to. The closest she had come to ever dancing before was a couple of ballet lessons when she was four. After 8 weeks her mother couldn't be bothered taking her back, and Lucy didn't want to keep up with it anyway. She danced around with her mum to music at home occaisionally, but ballroom dancing? Now that was something completely out of the ordinary.

Nevertheless, after watching enough romance movies with her mum, she knew basically what to do. Let the boy lead and step in time with the music. Looking down, Lucy watched her feet as she awkwardly stepped around, although that simply made her dizzy, so she managed to hold her head up and look at Landon, her heart pounding. The fact that he was muttering the steps made it easier for Lucy, who, while she liked music, had absolutely no sense of it whatsoever. Moving to the beat wasn't too hard, admittedly, but having it counted made it a lot simpler. "Ahh," she began, attempting to twirl but making a total fool of herself. "Ack," she muttered, biting her lip and blushing in embarassment. "Y-you're a very good dancer," she said, truthfully. "I am sorry you're partnered with a gumby like me," she added, looking down at her feet in abject humiliation.
Landon saw no trouble with the way Lucy was dancing and so he decided to reveal his secret to Lucy.
"In truth- My mother taught me to dance.. 2, 3.." It would have been amusing for anyone watching Landon to see that he was upholding a conversation while counting dance steps. "It was something I had to learn.. For social occasions." He rolled his eyes, losing count and stopping.
"Besides, I think you're a good dancer.. Have you done this before? ..I've never danced with anyone except my mum.. Never wanted to before.." His eyes had been on his feet for a few moments but now he looked directly at Lucy with his green eyes.
There was a moment of silence all around.
Then some more music began to play.. Music that could only make the situation more awkward..

His eyes could not be removed from Lucy's. She was so incredibly beautiful.
To Landon she was the world..
And though Landon's cheeks turned a little pink, he did not break eye contact.

It was a moment before he felt he mind be scaring her and immediately dropped eye contact.
There was a sudden 'whooping' as an older couple kissed in the center of the dance floor.
Landon watched for a moment. He then remembered Lucy was present and turned back to speak to her.
"They're old enough to know better," he said, jokingly as some more lively music started up.

Lucy looked up, with a smile, as Landon informed her that he had been taught. "Ah, I see. I've never done this before, ever," Lucy explained, a little embarassed. "The closest I've got is mum whirling me around the lounge room when she's put on some old music from when she was little and even stuff grandma played to her," she explained with a shrug, as she looked up at Landon. "I...I've never actually wanted to dance with anyone u-until I...uh...yeah." Blushing furiously, she bit her lip and looked away, before looking back to meet his green eyes with her own blue ones. For a moment, it was like they were the only people on the dance floor. And it was in that moment that she was tempted to pour her heart out...but no, maybe it wasn't the time. Especially when Landon turned away and looked at the older couple - as did Lucy, for that matter. "Heh, yeah, probably," she agreed, though she felt a pang of guilt in her chest as she did so - for in that moment, she'd been very tempted to kiss him.
When it came to lively music, Landon was no expert and so, smiling at Lucy, he asked "Would you like a drink?"
Landon pointed to a table of nibbles and some punch.
His mind was on many things now.
Perhaps he should engage in proper conversation with Lucy? They were friends after all..
And that's all will ever be Landon thought to himself sadly.

So many times had Landon considered declaring his love for Lucy, so many timed had he considered sweeping her off her feet and flying her to some fantastic sunset country where they would lay together on a beach.. or in a field.. or on a bed...
Landon actually slapped himself at that point, fully on the cheek.
To anyone not living in Landon's head, this may have seemed like a random and weird thing to do.
He felt eyes on him and felt the need to say to Lucy- loud enough so those watching could hear- "There was a bug.."
Landon almost slapped himself again for this pathetic excuse.
"Yes please," Lucy said with a nod, as she started to move towards the refreshment table. Although she was small, the refreshment table had been her natural habitat at parties - not that she'd been invited to many. She usually picked at cupcakes, fruit, and party pies and sausage rolls. Considering she didn't have any close friends, Lucy merely stood to the side, engaging in friendly, albiet awkward conversation with the parents.
But birthday parties were a different matter. This was a Christmas dance.
Lucy was jolted from her reverie as she heard Landon slap himself. She heard his response, but it didn't stop herself - almost instinctively - putting her hand to his cheek. "You okay?" she asked, tenderly, before she realised what she'd done and dropped her hand, a little embarassed. "Uh, um, so...are you having a good night so far? I mean this is kinda fun, isn't it? I didn't think I'd enjoy dancing, but wh-with you I...I...I am." She trailed off a little on this last note, looking down at her feet so she wouldn't have to meet his eyes. Please, stop saying such humiliating things, Lucy. You're going to scare him away.
He felt Lucy's hand on his cheek for a moment.
I'll never wash that cheek again.. Landon thought to himself as Lucy dropped her hand and began talking.
Don't fool yourself, Landon, of course you will. You wash every night.. You're at the peak of hygiene..
He grumbled to himself in his head for a moment.
"I-I'm fine," Landon said, beginning to walk to the refreshment table, "I really like being around you.." Again, Landon turned pink.
"We have fun.. And.. You're a great dancer for someone who has never done this before.."
And once more his eyes met hers.
Landon grabbed two goblets and filled them with punch, handing one to Lucy.
The tension was building.
"Y-you really think so?" Lucy asked. "Wh-well I guess it all comes from having such a great partner," she giggled, looking straight in to Landon's eyes. She loved him, plain and simple, and in her eyes he was just so completely perfect. She was probably getting a somewhat dreamy expression on her face as she imagined a variety of romantic scenarios in her head, for example a kiss under the mistletoe tonight.
I really need to stop watching romantic movies with mum.
She gratefully accepted the punch, before smirking and raising her glass. "Here's to...our first Yule Ball," she joked. "May we go to many more...together." As she realised what she said, she hastily began to drink her punch, hiding her embarassment behind her goblet.
Landon noticed Lucy's facial expression change a little but thought nothing of it- After all, he was forever living in his head, falling over and.. Well, being generally embarrassing.
He too raised his glass and touched it lightly against hers.
"To our first Yule Ball," he repeated, then taking a sip of his punch and noticing Lucy looked a little embarrassed.
You're embarrassing her, Landon thought to himself, Stop it.
"Yuw-a-mimble.." Landon said, forgetting he still had the punch flowing into his mouth.
Even Landon was a little amused by this and he forgot what he was saying.
He removed the glass from his mouth and tried again.
"It's going to feel weird going home.." Landon said genuinely.
He was going to miss Lucy very much.
"It will," Lucy agreed. "But it won't be for long, we'll be back here before we know it, and I mean normally I love going home but now I'm kinda looking forward to coming back...and i-if you wanted to come visit me, you're more than welcome to, mum would be delighted for me to have someone over and I...I may have mentioned you to her and she'd love to meet you an...and...oh! I need to give you your Christmas present, too." Realising she'd been rambling, Lucy quickly shut up and drained her glass of punch. "Um...ah...yeah." Lucy wasn't sure what to say, she knew whatever would come out would be completely stupid and embarassing, and besides, she might end up saying something that she, of course, meant to say, but it would scare Landon away and he would never talk to her, ever again. Lucy couldn't bear the thought of being without him, even if they were only friends.
Landon couldn't help but grin.
"I would love to me your mother.. And of course I will visit if I can persuade mum give me a lift.. The same goes for you- You could even stay a few days if you liked." He was smiling until his mind moved onto bed arrangements and he narrowly avoided slapping himself.
"..A.. A present?" Landon said raising his eyebrows.
He too had bought a present for her.. A magical camera.. But he had asked for it to be sent to the common room via owl.. He felt it would be more.. special.
"Wow.. Thanks, Lucy." And before Landon knew it, he was hugging Lucy.
Their embrace was only brief but it had been nice.
"I got you something too.. It'll be in the Common Room when you get back.."
He had enjoyed the excuse for hugging Lucy and he wished he had another.

The music had been changing while they talked and now a slow dance began to play.
Many couples had stopped dancing to sit down and kiss. Landon automatically turned to Lucy and then realized this might seem weird as though he was suggesting something.. Which he would have loved to have done but he was a gentleman.
"If.. if you want to we can.. dance.. or.. you know." Landon stuttered a little, placing a hand on the back of neck as his face became pink.
"No problem," Lucy replied, happily, glad of the opportunity to embrace Landon, even if it was only for a moment. "Y-you did, really?" she asked. "Ah, wow, th-thank you!" she grinned. She gave Landon another hug, just a small squeeze, as a means of showing her appreciating, for having such an amazing friend. Even if she hoped for him to be something more, someday. "Uh, I don't re-really mind...I mean, I don't mind dancing again...shall we?" she asked, offering her hand to him, a gentle smile on her face.

((ack, sorry for it being short and lame))
((Short and lame are the words I would not use to describe your previous post. -_- ))

Landon enjoyed a second brief embrace before realizing Lucy had said yes to dancing.
He took her by the hand and led her back onto the dance floor, this time placing both her hands on his shoulders and both of his on her waist.
Yes, this style of dancing was a little intimate but Landon hoped it wouldn't scare off Lucy.. It seemed to go with the music.
They were simply just rocking gently as they turned.
Landon was beginning to feel tired. The night had simply flown by.. Several students were already leaving for their Dorms.
Almost all the couples remaining were close now, dancing slow with heads resting on one another's shoulders..
When she finally looked away from Landon, she noticed that students were beginning to leave. The night had gone by far too quickly - though Lucy would have spent the whole night dancing with Landon if that was possible. "I...I guess it's getting late," she muttered, a little sadly, as she met Landon's eyes again. "I've...I've had such a wonderful time," she added, a shy, honest smile illuminating her delicate features. "Thank you," she whispered, leaning a little closer to him. It's now or never, Lucinda. Gryffindor courage.
Looking up, she saw mistletoe above them. Swallowing, she leaned closer still. "Say, is...is that mistletoe?" she asked, bridging the gap between the two of them and gently placing her lips to his.
"I had a great time." Landon smiled though he was sad they'd have to part ways.
He heard her question, looked up for a moment and then back to Lucy.
"I believe it is," He said, trying to be interesting, "It's a member of the Misod-"
He was silenced as he found Lucy's lips on his.
Many things would go through Landon's mind later about this moment.. like why he hadn't done this himself and sooner.
They were kissing under the mistletoe. Landon's heart was beating out a samba.
When they parted, Landon was still in shock. "-endraceae family."
He finished his sentence, licking his lips nervously.
"Lucy," he said, his expression still surprised but now a lot more alive.
"Will you marry me?"
((ooh, two hearts? i'm beating out a samba!))

Later, Lucy would be surprised that she had the intuition to do such an action, but she supposed it was a combination of the Gryffindor courage, the Ravenclaw intelligence, and women's intuition. Or something like that. It didn't matter, she simply enjoyed the moment. Drawing apart, she wondered if it had been the right thing to do, Landon looked quite astonished and she wasn't sure whether it was for good reason or not. Although his reply made her feel better. Much better. Beaming, she wrapped her arms around him and chuckled. It was certainly an interesting response. "I don't know if that's too soon or not," she began, "but of course," she giggled. "I...um, I should've realised this sooner but...I love you, Landon."
((Somebody knows their Dr. Who :r: ))

Landon almost died when he heard Lucy say those words.
He had wanted to hear them for so long. "I love you too, Lucy." Landon said, his eyes twinkling as he moved forwards and kissed her full on the lips, his hand at the side of her head.
He stepped back a moment later. "How rude of me," Landon said, grinning, "I really should have asked first.."
Good old Landon. Apologizing for doing the one thing he had dreamed of for months.
The Great Hall was empty apart from one Professor in the corner who appeared to be asleep.
The music was still playing. Punch was spilt over the table, the floor had great marks from shoes across it, glasses lay around idly, food was streamed over the place. To Landon, it couldn't be more romantic.
"One last dance?" He asked, holding out his hands so they could dance the night away.

Lucy's heart was soaring, she felt as though she could fly as Landon kissed her. She shook her head as Landon said he should have asked. "I don't mind at all," she said with a grin. "I liked it. I like you." She couldn't stop beaming and grinning. This was the happiest moment of her life. I was wrong when I thought Hogwarts would be bad. I've never been happier to be wrong in my life. She took his hands and began to dance with him, the next five and a half years suddenly looking much, much better.

((yaaaay ^_^ ))
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