A Night Of Firsts

Roo Vader

Aspiring Reporter // World Traveler // Debutante
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Looking)
Sexual Orientation
Curly 8 1/2 Inch Swishy Larch Wand with Vampire Blood Core
October 3rd, 2038
Set Feb 2060

Roo had probably swept over her apartment seven or eight times now just making sure everything was perfect. She'd made sure that her plants were neat and tidy in her living area and had shuffled some of those that ere pretty but shouldn't be touched out of the way. She had dinner cooking in the oven. After their run in about the package she had taken to learning more about the culture and food of the country those packages came from - that way she could make a meal he enjoyed maybe. She was an excellent cook after all, her skills in cooking were actually probably why she did well in potions when she was being taught.

A rapping came at her door and Roo took a breath. Perhaps it was the day that made her so anxious. February 14th. Valentines day. This was a valentine's day dinner. She needed it to live up to whatever standards someone like Daemyn would have - after all she imagined he'd had a hundred Valentine's dinner offers. With a small smile on her face she answered the door. "Hey." She said trying not to sound nearly as excited as she was.
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Daemyn Knight was slow to court someone. He knew that, everyone knew that. He was dealing with a fair bit when Dante was bitten by a werewolf, and he was forced to handle the wolfsbane without his family's detection. Hades was not one to notice something like that, but Hades' father? Screw it. Daemyn had to figure out a way to help Dante and keep him safe. He did not know what lengths he would have to do. But for now, he had to finish getting ready for the day. Valentine's Day. He never was big on the event, but he did not have siblings, he closed down his shop, and he was ready for his second date with Roo Vader. She was patient with him - perhaps naiive, but that was likely to his advantage.

The shopkeeper locked up his apartment and went next door. He knocked, and it barely took but a few seconds as Roo answered. She looked absolutely gorgeous - but when did she not in his eyes? His only regret was taking so long to seek her out. "You look stunning, Roo." He shoved his hands in his pockets, and wondered if he should have invited her over to his home. Then again, not having control over the turf would be interesting.
When Daemyn was revealed behind the door Roo smiled a wide smile. She had stopped hiding her teeth in her smile a month or two ago, smiling when she saw him in the hall of their shared building. She blushed at his compliment and moved, ushering him into the house. "You look quite dashing yourself. Dinner is almost done, I made Moussaka." She said, though her southern accent sounded strange on the Bulgarian word. "As far as all the plants just do your best not to touch them, some are sensitive to oils on the hand and some might cause a bit of pain." She said, knowing that as he made his way into her apartment it would be evident there were plants everywhere.

"Are you thirsty?" She asked sweetly.
Daemyn doubted that he actually looked good. What was good with a leather jacket and a simple button up short sleeved shirt? Everything he wore was black. But she made Moussaka. The way she said it made him chuckle, covering his mouth to hide his smile out of a reflex that he had. One of his flaws unfortunately. "Moussaka? You did not have to go that far to make a dish from where my family came from." He was actually born in New Zealand, but he would not bring up his travels. Australia was a good place to live. He looked over the plants, and made sure to keep his hands to himself. Some did look like they might do him some harm from his knowledge of potion ingredients. His grandfather did teach him about plants. "Yes I am, Roo." He was thirsty though he was not sure what he wanted.
Roo wished he wouldn't cover his mouth, his smile and laugh made her feel butterflies so she was always seemingly fiending to see it again. "Well I wanted to do something special. I've never been on a second date after al!" She said, though that was probably obvious since she had never been on a first date either. "i have options for wine if you'd like, sweet or dry. Red only unfortunately." She said getting glasses down. "Would you like some? It's from my father's vineyard, they were moving out gifts." She remarked, getting herself a glass. "But i also have soda-pops and other options." She said so he knew there was no obligation to try the wine.
Daemyn wondered why she had not been on a second date, but then again, if she had, he might not feel too great about that. The idea that someone might have wanted to court her other than him, well, he was not too pleased at the sheer idea. “I’m glad that I am your first then.” And, if things go well, the last. “Red wine, sweet or dry, does not matter. Just a little bit since I don’t like to hinder my mental state.” Daemyn would want to spend the entire evening without feeling even a little bit out of control. “So, if your wine comes from your family’s vineyard, I’d love to try it over any other option.” Daemyn had tried fancy wine before, so he wondered how different the states were compared to Italy.
Roo wondered if he realized he was her first for nearly everything at this point, She'd had a crush before but never had she pursued someone. He said yes to the wine and she got it out, along with a second glass for him. The cups seemed quite decorative, probably something she only used on special occasions. Roo poured a little in each glass and set the wine on the counter in case they decided they wanted any more. She then offered him a glass, a smile on her peachy colored lips. "For you, cheers." She said. "Oh let me get the food out and ready to be served." She said as if remembering now. She moved around the house, not using magic. It was no secret that her magic was less than skilled - she did most things the muggle way because of it, though she rarely talked about it. "I hope it turned out, I followed a recipe that i found in a book, but I've never cooked such an exotic dish."
Daemyn really would love to spend more time with Roo, and wondered how he could after the dinner. He was aware a bit of her past, and how naive she was. He could really take advantage of that, but should he? Daemyn was born a Styx after all, so it was very tempting. He would just take things by ear now. He took the wine glass, and sipped it, and savored the flavor. It was very good, probably among the top wines that he ever had in his life - not that he had sampled much. He did not like the idea of losing his mentality because he liked having control. Daemyn raised an eyebrow as she used her hands to get everything out, and not magic. He would have taken out one of his wands to have done so, but he did not want to make her feel inadequate. Or try to make this meaningless. Maybe she just wanted to really show him how much effort she put in this meal. “Just from the looks of it, you nailed it. You’d give our family elf a run for his money.” Daemyn felt awkward just standing around and not doing anything. “Do you mind if I help put the dishes on the table?” He already set his wine glass where he decided to sit down.
Roo watched him with hope that he would like the wine. She craved praise, she couldn't help herself. Ever since Roo was young she had wanted to be told she was doing a good job and it carried over into friendships and relationships. He complimented her about her hard work and she blushed. She then nodded as he offered to help. Together the two of them got things set up and she smiled as he helped. He was such a gentleman, she was so lucky to have someone who was so willing to help. Often she had, in her teens, helped out as well on the plantation where the workers set her table and made her food. Once it was done she took a seat across from him and smiled gently. "Thank you for coming over tonight. I'm always glad to spend more time with you. How is dueling going?"
Roo’s blush made Daemyn highly attracted to her. She did seem a little naive about things, but that just meant that she could be molded into someone that he could really get into - though that really sounded creepier than intended which was why he would never voice it out. Daemyn would not jeopardize a potentially good thing, no matter what her blood status was. “Dueling has slowed down because of my shop. I am thinking about selling it and focusing more on it. That would mean that I would be spending more time away from home.” Daemyn honestly did not like leaving for an extended amount of time, but he had to do what he had to do in order to succeed. “Do you have any long term plans? What does your future hold, your ideal future? Marriage, kids, or a plant mother?” Daemyn looked around the apartment but smirked tauntingly.
Roo was happy to listen to Daemyn talk about his dueling, slow or not. It fascinated her because it was something she herself could never do. Roo wasn't skilled with magic other than herbology. Even potions were difficult for her as her natural talents were lacking. He told her his plans with his shop and she smiled. "Oh but imagine the things you could see! Traveling could be so much fun!" She was clearly a glass half full kind of person. He asked about her future and mentioned marriage or children - which was enough to fluster her a bit. "Oh me? i never pictured myself doing anything special honestly. I enjoy tending my plants and making friends and if anything else came along from the universe I wouldn't mind it." She hadn't even thought herself marriage material - though she was from high society she was clumsy and less eloquent. "Was marriage something you value?" She asked, curious on his thoughts.
Daemyn heard how she was supportive of his decision, and that would be what he would do. He would put the store up for sale, and travel. "You'd see less of me though. I really hope that this is not some ploy to get rid of me," Daemyn smirked, clearly taunting her a bit. She did not seem the type to be manipulative like that. Especially when the talk of marriage and children seemed to fluster her. However, she did not seem to have much of an idea for her future, which could mean that he could mold her into something more suitable for him - or was that too much of a red flag to do? He could keep it turned down a notch anyway. "If something came along, would you even recognize it?" Daemyn asked, clearly curious. "I do because when I find a partner, I wouldn't want the chance to share. A ring on the finger will keep others away, for the most part.".
Despite the fact that Roo knew he was joking, a light heat still fell over her cheeks when he mentioned her trying to get rid of him. She chuckled. "No never!" She implored, a smile still on her lips. She actually liked Daemyn quite a bit. She sipped her glass of wine but nearly choked when he asked if she would even realize if something romantic came along. "Oh I... I mean I guess I would have to be put in that situation." As if that wasn't literally the situation she was in now. Daemyn was interested in her and Roo had a hard time seeing that - even though she really liked him as a suitor.

She grabbed a fork full of the food she'd made to munch happily on. It was pretty tasty. She didn't know if it tasted how it was supposed to but even if it didn't it was delicious. He mentions putting a ring on a partner's finger and she could have swooned. "It's nice that you believe in monogamy so strongly. I've met people who don't and while I have no room to judge I just know it couldn't be for me. I don't even know what I'll do with one guy wanting to date me, let alone if two did."
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Daemyn knew better than to think that she would be trying to get rid of him. He doubted that would be the case. At least she was honest with him too. His question made her choke a bit on the wine, which, in turn, made him smirk. Daemyn wondered what she would do if she were put in that situation. He nodded along with how she felt about monogamy. "Everyone has their preferences, and I suppose I am old school compared to nowadays." Plus, his life was busy enough as is. He had his family to worry about, his career, and then finding a bride. His father would prefer a pureblood, but he did not care. He decided that now would be a good time to see if he could put her in the situation that she mentioned before. He approached her and smiled charmingly down at her. "So, you need to be put in that situation? How about I put you in that right now. I would love to take you out. More than friends." That was blunt enough for her to understand, right?
Roo admired that Daemyn also felt that people could have their own choices. Where she had come from there was a lot of hateful rhetoric. She hadn't noticed it so much since coming to New Zealand, but that could have easily been because she now got to choose who she was speaking with. Before most associations she had built surrounded her father, and her late mother. And while she loved them dearly she was not the same as them in a lot of ways. Roo looked up with her big hazel eyes as he moved from his side of the tabled over to her. He spoke and she felt her face flush, knowing she was as red as a gala apple.

"You take me out?" She parroted back as if she couldn't quite understand why. But she wasn't about to look a gift horse in the mouth. "Yes, I would... like that a lot. If you don't mind that I've never really dated." Roo had a small part of her that wondered about her abilities to be a good partner. She supposed as long as he was alright with teaching her beyond what she knew from watching her parents, then she might be okay. But she understood it might be a frustrating undertaking.
Daemyn watched as Roo's face turned as red as the color of Gryffindor. He nodded as she asked if he meant to take her out. He truly meant it, and was not the type to joke around. She ultimately said yes though, and then added how she never dated. He cocked his head to the side, and raised an eyebrow, "Never really dated?" Wait, did that mean that she had never kissed? Never did anything else? Daemyn had a lot of questions, but did not want to make her face explode with blushing, no matter how entertaining that it might be. So, he could start with a couple of questions then, but one at a time. "Does that mean that you have never been kissed?" Daemyn might not have much experience, but no one had complained about it before.
When he verified her words about having not dated she nodded. Roo wasn't particularly ashamed that she hadn't dated, her life had been dedicated to things other than romance - at least that's what she liked to tell herself. It totally wasn't because she was so awkward around guys and didn't know the first thing about romance. He asked if she'd kissed and she shook her head no. "No, I mean, I wasn't really allowed around boys when I was raised. Even most of my tutors were female." She spoke candidly.

"Are you asking because you want to kiss me? Because if so I should brush my teeth first, I don't know if the garlic in this would be bad..." As always she was considerate.
So, this might have been her first official date. Daemyn was honored, and he could not help but feel proud. He would love it if he was the only one that she dated. She was sheltered which he could understand. Some families were like that. He was in a certain way. Pureblood supremacy and all. He would not understand families like hers because they came from completely different backgrounds. "I would love to kiss you, Roo. And you don't need to brush your teeth first. After all, couples don't do that every time they kiss." Daemyn reached out to gently stroke her cheek. "I would like permission to do so. I don't want you to feel obligated. Only say yes if you want to kiss me back."

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