A Night in Bordeaux

Clemence Cade

Active Member
Straight 9 1/2 Inch Sturdy Rosewood Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
It was the time of the year where Clemence had to get out of the Beauxbaton castle. Being around ridiculous teenagers drove her crazy, perhaps this explained why she never really had any friend. Clemence's parents would take her to their business meetings and workshop just because they wanted her to continue their business and have the attitude to be a professional business woman. But Clemence couldn't really relate to the younger ones, not even to her other siblings or her sister who was also in Beauxbaton. And because of this, her parents decided to enroll her to Beauxbaton instead of homeschooled her. And all these thoughts pushed the urge for Clemence to calm herself down, away from the castle. Clemence decided to go to the restaurant where she usually meet her sister at. The lower part of her grey evening gown floated when the butler opened the door for her. She was a regular at the restaurant hence the waiters knew who she was and served her a sparkling water, the very first drink that the seventeen years old normally ordered. She took the menu off the waiter's hand and had a huge dilemma on which to order.
Ezra was glad to get out of the house. After spending anytime amount of time at his grandfathers, and soon his, house the Cade house felt small, and crowded. Having both James and Jess home at the same time was a nightmare. Even when James went away and pretended to have a life, his little sister still followed him around, clearly too stupid to pick up his disdain for her. Using the flu network Ezra made his way to Paris to meet a friend of his. He knew when he stepped into the restaurant he would have to look out for one of the most overdressed, and the most beautiful girl in the entire place. He spotted her, sat at a table for two and made his way over. "Clemence," He greeted her with a strong and lingering kiss before taking a seat opposite her. "You put the entire restaurant to shaas ever," Ezra removed his blazer and hung it over the back of his chair. It was nice to be in the company of a person in a rare group for him. Someone he didn't despise.
Unexpectedly someone called for Clemence, she placed her glass on the table almost slamming it in irritation. She glanced to the owner of the voice and spotted no one but Ezra Cade. A smile quickly appeared on her face, the irritation soon left the girl's heart. "Well if it isn't the devil himself" she gave him a quick kiss and saw him taking a seat. Ezra was one of those who could connect well to Clemence. If it wasn't Ezra who called for her, Clemence would probably cast them away. "What brings you here?" A footman came and asked Ezra in his menu as well as delivering Clemence's beverage while greeting her. Being a regular, most of the staff knew Clemence and most of her siblings. "You have to try the white truffles" she said before sipping on her drink. Ezra and Clemence have all the money in the world to spoil themselves hence the price of the restaurant wont be a problem to them both.
Ezra was glad to see that Clemence was as predictable as he thought she was. It made tracking her down when he wanted to see her that much easier. Taking a glance at the menu he was handed he heard the recommendation from Clemence and followed her lead. "What she said, and one of whatever she's drinking," He handed back menu not bothering to check the price. Money was no object for Ezra Cade, even when his inheritance was on semi lock down until he turned seventeen. "What am I doing in Paris? How many beautiful Beauxbaton students do you think I know? I came to see you, I had a feeling you'd be here,"
"For me?" he eyebrow rose, hiding her feelings of being flattered by the Slytherin in front of her. Clemence had always hide her feelings and she was an expert at it. But to Ezra, it wasn't as easy as concealing her feelings toward other men. Ezra was special though she would never admit it to him. He had all the girls that he wanted and she didn't want to fall for an easy bait, her pride was too high for that. "You should know the hypnotizing beautiful veelas around, seeking for me is just part of your game to make me feel flattered" she fiddled on her diamond charms that was given by one of the young Scitoraris that she met a few days ago.
Ezra shrugged his shoulders at the mention of beautiful veelas. "I made out with a Veela at a wedding once, I don't see what all the fus is about personally," He laughed as his drink came and he took a sip. "Human girls are flawed and their flaws are what make them interesting," He smirked at Clemence, though to his knowledge she didn't have a single flaw, not that he would tell her such a thing. He noticed her playing with a charm and grew curious where she got it as he hadn't seen it before. "From an admirer?" He asked.
Clemence rolled her eyes and sipped on her drink when Ezra mentioned about making out with a veela. She wasn't interested in whatever he was doing with the girls, perhaps she was a bit... Jealous. Ezra and Clemence played their games differently, Clemence was more like a hard to get woman who wanted to have everyone in her hand while Ezra was a great charmer. "Human or veelas as long as they've got class, money, and area beautiful, nothing else really matters" Most of Clemence's flings were prejudiced people though not all of them were pureblood, she couldn't really understand why her parents would only accept pureblood in the family. The dark lord himself was a half blood yet he tempted to get rid of the disgusting filthy traitors. "Oh, this? a smile appeared on her lips that had been smeared with dark red lipstick. "A Sci... she was told not to mention the word Scitorari in public and she had forgotten. "A charming young man in his middle 20s gave it a few days ago, do you like it?' she fiddled on it and eyed on one of the charms which was carved with Clemence's name on it. "My mother is begging me to marry one of these men, perhaps this gentleman can be the one" her eyes slowly met Ezra's, waiting for his reaction. She didn't mean what she said but she had to know how Ezra would feel after saying that.
Ezra remain cold and expressionless as she told him about the origin of her charm. A suitor it seemed was trying to woo her. Not that ezra could hope be one himself, thanks to his father's life choices he was doomed to live life as a half blood, all he could do was sit and stew as Clemence told him all about the pure blood boys who were lining up to marry her. "How nice for him, lets hope he doesn't have an accident before asking for your hand," He smirked thinking about such ways he could prevent an engagement, he was sure he could manage it. Ezra hadn't realised during the conversation his hand had clenched into a tight fist on the table in full view of Clemence. He relaxed his hand and sighed.
As Clemence noticed Ezra's fist, a cunning smile appeared on her mind as she rested her chin on her hand of hers. "Tell me, what kind of accidents may happen?" oh was she interested in digging for all those secretive thoughts that Ezra had in mind. Clemence had never been in love before nor does she believe that such thing exists but there sure is something in the air between the two of them. "So Cade, tell me... What kind of little girls are you seeing right now?" she said teasing him to get on his nerves. Her left hand slowly moved toward Ezra's hand as she traced her fingers on his hand, biting her lower lips while locking her eyes at his. She wanted him, him, and him only. If she can't have him then no one can.
Ezra didn't think about what Clemence would think if she saw his reaction to comment about marrying some pure blood idiot. He didn't think much of her asking about the kind of accidents that could occur. "Just the kind of accident that would prevent anyone from actually proposing," He shrugged his shlulders. Ezra was interested in losing Clemence to a pure blood suitor just yet. He knew he would have to eventually, but not just yet. Ezra laughed when Clemence asked him how many girls he was seeing at the moment, "None, I mean, if I see a girl a like the look of I'll put the charm on and making take her somewhere and have my fun with her but I don't want to see anyone...else,"
The footman came and served the food, Clemence smiled at him and thanked him kindly. "Shall we?" Clemence slowly cut her medium wagyu and eyed the slight of red color in the inside meet and smiled. "There are so many beautiful girls in France and not to mention Beauxbaton. You must come and meet some of them" you must really not see any of the, because then Clemence would have to conceal her jealousy. "Just don't touch my sister, oh is she beautiful" her French accent dominated the whole conversation. "Anyone else, you say? Do tell me who in particular would you like to see?" she rose her eyebrow before taking a bite of her steak. How could... How could an Ezra want to meet anyone? The Ezra that Clemence knew never never seek for any specific woman.

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