A newbie

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Kate Archer

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Knotted 16 1/2 Inch Sturdy Cherry Wand with Billywig Stinger Core
Hey there!

I have just made a new character so heres all the info:</FONT>

Johanna Murray is a sixth year Beaxbaton.She is from France and when not at school she lives with her mother.Her dad died when she was a baby and he never told her mother if he was a wizard or not so she is not sure of her blood status.She is part-veela.She is quite shy and quiet to strangers but once you get to know her she opens up and gets more confident.She loves music and it is her ambition to be a singer or violinist or to have a job in the music industry.She is a playful,kind girl who loves to have fun.​
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So I would like:
Best Friend
Boyfriend or

Hope to have a few rps!
Hi! I have some characters to offer though, both are from Durmstrang... :r

Chantal Himmelreich (6th year)
Chantal is a part-veela. In terms of personality, she is good-natured and caring towards her friends, but she is very clumsy. Her clumsiness may lead her to trouble most of the time, but she has a very determined spirit. She is incredibly a brave and compassionate person. She is very caring and somewhat stubborn, but she mostly appears happy and smiling.

Alois Eisler
5th year Durmstrang. Alois is a part-veela as well, being Chantal's cousin. He is candid and confident. He is well aware of his good looks and on the surface he could be seen as arrogant by some. Alois is kind by nature, yet he can be very childish at times. He is also unafraid almost to the point of recklessness. He rarely gets angry or out of control.
I can offer Tuska Wolf, 18, beauxbatons
Chantal and Johanna

Yup she sounds good!Would you like her as a friend or best friend.Do want to start the topic or will I?

Alois and Johanna

Yup he sounds good too.Would you like to start the topic or will I?

Tuska and Johanna

Sounds good as well.Would you like to start the topic or will I?
I have Sierra Marie here who was born in America but studies in France, she a bit spontaneous and a little out of it.
Overall she fun to be with and her parents are a bit anal so she has her good girl side :) Let me know what you think.
I can offer you Brad Kuang (16, Beauxbaton) who is a class clown and is very fun. He's very goofy and he never care about what other people think of him.
He loves muggles and their inventions...
Sierra and Johanna

Yup she sounds great.Would you like to start the topic or will I?

Brad and Johanna

Sounds good too.Would you like to start the topic or will I?

When people post could like they say what they want the character to be (eg.friend,best friend etc) thanks.
Johanna & Chantal
Best friends perhaps??? Can you start it??

I'll start one for Alois and Johanna then.. :r :D
Chantal and Johanna

Sure. I'll start when I get home.

Alois and Johanna

I also have Jake here, I'm not sure if you ever seen the fanfic about these two pb :wub: He could be a potential boyfriend if you like? As of now I'm like rpless with him. He is older than her, but anyways let me know :)
Sierra and Johanna


Jake and Johanna

Sure that sounds good.Would you like to start the topic or will I?
Johanna Murray said:
Sierra and Johanna


Jake and Johanna

Sure that sounds good.Would you like to start the topic or will I?
I play Sierra so I'll post when you start it

and I'll start one for Jake and Johanna :)
Charlie and Johanna

Yup sounds good.Could you start the topic?

Sierra and Johanna

Okey dokely

Jake and Johanna

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