A New Friendly Face..?

Rapunzel Frost

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Yew Wand 14" Essence of Fairy Dust
The air was cool; the breeze was perfect. Her hair whipped about graciously in the wind. Rapunzel took in the wonderful feeling of the day. Nothing was there to bug her. Just her and the streets of Obsidian Harbour, a place where she often met people, although not always in the best of cases. Her feet tapped lightly against the stones, creating a beat that Rapunzel hummed along to. She swayed in different directions, avoiding the masses of people crowding the cobblestone roads.

Shimmering brown eyes stood out among all the wizards gathering most likely for school supplies for the new year. A face that seemed to be popping up everywhere recently. Rapunzel turned her gaze downward and frowned. I know that man from SOMEWHERE! She pondered about this for several minutes before walking straight into a girl her age. Gosh... I've been really clumsy lately... Rapunzel thought, shaking her head. "Oh goodness, I'm really sorry!"
Ella was out in Obsidian Harbour, one of the few places outside Hogwarts that she liked to be. She should have been getting her new school books and other pieces of school equipment that she hoped she would never use, but she honestly didn't want to face shopping at that exact moment. Instead, Ella was walking around Obsidian doing her favourite hobby: people-watching. She watched all the different people wandering around and doing their shopping. Ella studied their faces and clothing, desperately wishing that she had bought her sketchpad. Neither her sketchpad or notebook had come with Ella to Obsidian, both rare things for the pale girl to be without.

Ella stopped walking for a moment to stare at a particularly interesting outfit that someone was wearing. It was obviously an attempt to look like a muggle, though for what purpose, Ella wasn't sure. Muggles liked to wear some strange things, Ella though to herself. Being bought up by muggles herself, Ella found it entertaining to watch wizards attempt to copy their style. Out of nowhere, something bumped into Ella, knocking the slight girl off her feet. Her purple eyes looked around, trying to see what had made her fall. Seeing another girl apologizing, Ella just smiled gently at her. "No harm, no foul." she said as she got up and brushed herself off.
"Right, uh..." Rapunzel found this to be an opportunity to make a friend, "I'm Rapunzel Frost." She extended her hand and smiled. The other day she had made a possible enemy. Today that wasn't going to happen, Rapunzel was positive of this. Maybe this girl wouldn't be as close as Val, then again no one ever could be, but who knows? They could turn out to be absolute best friends!
Ella's eyes scanned the girl to make sure she would remember what Rapunzel looked like if the two met again. Rapunzel was a lovely name in Ella's opinion. It was so much nicer than her own name. Frost? Ella found that quite funny. Frost was quite a common surname, nevertheless, it entertained Ella to no end that people shared her name. Almost like an enormous extended family, not that Ella really needed another one of those. "Ella Frost." Ella introduced herself. She stared at Rapunzel's hand in faint amusement. "Nuh-uh, we don't do those." Ella grinned, pulling Rapunzel into a hug. Maybe Rapunzel wasn't a huggy type of person? Ella really didn't like handshakes. They seemed to grown up and old fashioned to her. So Ella usually hugged people instead.
Rapunzel was a little suprised when she heard Ella's last name. She smiled and put her hand down after Ella's comment on her attempted handshake. Ella gave Rapunzel a hug, which startled her but once she realized the welcoming gesture she hugged her back. Rapunzel allowed another smile, brighter this time by this girl's personality.

Ella was a potential best friend already. Rapunzel decided to get to know her a bit more, so she bombarded her with questions, "What's your family like? Are you going to Hogwarts? Favorite color? Animal? Any pets? How bout favorite type of music?" Some people got irritated by so many questions but Rapunzel had a feeling Ella wasn't like other people.
Ella was pleased that Rapunzel hugged her back. She was sure that the two of them would become friends. She didn't have many friends, so was always happy to make new ones. Ella's face positively lit up when Rapunzel began to ask her lots of questions. Most people took forever to get to know the basic things about her, and Ella found that quite annoying. The obvious questions took forever to be answered usually. Ella liked straightforward people, and Rapunzel seemed to be one of such people. "My family's complicated. I live with my adopted parents, and they foster kids who have no home and stuff. I've got one brother who I haven't actually met, a sister, a half-sister and a bunch of foster siblings." Ella attempted to explain her family in as little detail as possible, as it was pretty confusing for someone to hear her full family situation.

Are you going to Hogwarts? Ella smiled at the question. "I'm in Ravenclaw." Wit beyond measure is man's greatest treasure, and all that. Ella thought happily. "My favourite colour is either purple or blue Red's a pretty awesome colour too. Animal... Um, probably a cat or a bird. I have three pet mice, so I like mice too." Ella answered the questions off the top of her head. She hadn't really thought about her favourite animal before. She had a cat mask that she liked to wear, so she supposed that cats were her favourite animal. "Hm... Music," Ella paused, having to think about it. "Indie rock or electronica." she decided. "What about you?" Ella asked Rapunzel, wondering if they had any favourite things in common.
Rapunzel listened intently to the description; it seemed quite complicated. Rapunzel's family was large but pretty easy to follow. She's in Ravenclaw! "Oh! I'm in Ravenclaw too! How exciting!" Rapunzel smiled joyfully at the thought of knowing another student in her house. She nodded at everything Ella said, storing all the information in her head.

"Well... I guess I'd have to say my favorite colour is purple and my second would probably be blue! A cat would definately have to be my favorite and I would love to have one for Hogwarts! Unfortunately my mother doesn't like pets because they're just more work for her, even though I once tried to convince her that I would take good care of it." Rapunzel bit her lip thinking about the music she listened to, "Well I'm not really the type to listen to music but when I do it's my older sister's pop/hiphop music."

Rapunzel took a deep breath to make sure she had answered everything. "Oh! And my family... I have a mom and step-dad, a biological dad that I haven't seen since I was two," Rapunzel frowned then continued, "I have an older sister, Cinderella, also known as Ella," She laughed, "and an older brother, Alexzander, or Alex, but they both have the last name Crane. Then there's me and Valentine, or Val, and we both have a different dad from the rest. Ummm... Rhettland, called Rhett, Maddox, Brinley/Brin, Beckett, and Berlinna/Linna. Those last three were twins. Then we have Kaden/Kade, Luna Lark/Lark, Akayla/Kay." Rapunzel took another lung-filling breath then finished with, "it's quite a big family but it doesn't extend more than intermediate family as far as I'm concerned."

"Do you have a favorite food? Drink? Movie? Flower?" Rapunzel always had plenty of questions ready for asking!

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