A new 'friend'

(Sorry double posted xD )
It was cold, very cold, but trying to look like a 'man' he said "Nah its not" and laughed, splashing her back, but gently because she was a girl after all. Caleb couldn't remember the last time he had been swimming, it was probably when he still lived in London with his parents and siblings. But that was a long times ago.
Caleb ducked under the water and tugged at Faith's ankles, not to try to pull her under, just to tease. Them he came went back to the surface and giggled at her.
Faith gasped when he pulled her under. She stayed under when he went back up and she tackled him then got herself to the surface. " Cheeky little boy." She laughed. " This has to be the most fun i have had since i came here. Its all so dull around here isnt it. I think that if everyone was more like tis then it would never be boring." She smiled then held her breath and went under water to do a hand stand before coming back up again
Caleb gazed at her for a few seconds, before blinking himself back to reality. He understood that people at Hogwartscould be boring at times, but if every one was like this, then it would be boring, because it would all be the same, oh stop thinking too much into it! the voice in his head told him, shes trying to give you a compliment! He shook the voice away, and saw that Faith was upside down! He took hold of her ankles and knocked her donw gently, giggling as he did it. Flirt! the voice mocked him, "Oh shut up!" he told it back not realising he had said this out loud. And hoping that Faith hadn't heard it!

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